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Upgrade računalnika ?

Upgrade računalnika ?

s1m0n ::

A se mi splača posodobit celoten sistem, ki je v podpisu ?
Ne vem, če bi sploh potreboval kakšno posodobitev razen SSD.

V mislih imam i7 ivy bridge in 16GB ramčka ter kak SSD.

Samo SSDja ne bi daval v obstoječ sistem saj bi bil bolje izkoriščen na SATA3.
Kakšen predlog ? Ja ali ne :) Če potrebujem pa kaj vem, ta sistem je trenutno kar počasen, DDR2 je drag...

Assass1n ::

Če rabiš/imaš denar zakaj pa ne.... to sam najbolje veš :8)
še ko je na tv-ju moder ekran me `pr src stisne

mtosev ::

počakaj na Haswell
coming soon
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

s1m0n ::

mtosev je izjavil:

počakaj na Haswell
coming soon

Vemo, a če se čaka na naslednje generacije se vedno čaka :)

trnvpeti ::

mtosev je izjavil:

počakaj na Haswell
coming soon

kdaj? q3/13? potem pa se kaksen q zaostanka

mtosev ::

Intel to Begin Core "Haswell" Production in Q4
Despite a modest outlook for the PC industry looking into 2013, Intel plans to begin production of its 4th generation Core processors, codenamed "Haswell," on schedule, in Q4-2012. In the run up to Q4, Intel has taken stepped down production to prevent swelling of inventories. A little earlier this week, the company declared good Q3 results, turning $13.5 billion in gross revenue, and $3 billion in net income. In its press-release, CEO Paul Otellini acknowledged a increasingly tough environment was taking shape for the industry. "Our third-quarter results reflected a continuing tough economic environment," he said.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

trnvpeti ::

mtosev je izjavil:

Intel to Begin Core "Haswell" Production in Q4
Despite a modest outlook for the PC industry looking into 2013, Intel plans to begin production of its 4th generation Core processors, codenamed "Haswell," on schedule, in Q4-2012. In the run up to Q4, Intel has taken stepped down production to prevent swelling of inventories. A little earlier this week, the company declared good Q3 results, turning $13.5 billion in gross revenue, and $3 billion in net income. In its press-release, CEO Paul Otellini acknowledged a increasingly tough environment was taking shape for the industry. "Our third-quarter results reflected a continuing tough economic environment," he said.


fr4nc ::

To so sami plani... čeprav bi bil srečen če se jih bodo držali, saj to lahko pomeni samo dobro za nas potrošnike IMO.

"Rad pomagam, če je le možno" by Fr4nc; blog(2): http://cpuwars.wordpress.com/
"I just love to share the truth!!" by Fr4nc; http://intelvsamd.wordpress.com/

trnvpeti ::

mtosev je izjavil:

Intel to Begin Core "Haswell" Production in Q4
Despite a modest outlook for the PC industry looking into 2013, Intel plans to begin production of its 4th generation Core processors, codenamed "Haswell," on schedule, in Q4-2012. In the run up to Q4, Intel has taken stepped down production to prevent swelling of inventories. A little earlier this week, the company declared good Q3 results, turning $13.5 billion in gross revenue, and $3 billion in net income. In its press-release, CEO Paul Otellini acknowledged a increasingly tough environment was taking shape for the industry. "Our third-quarter results reflected a continuing tough economic environment," he said.

Tukaj pravi sef intela drugace.

amigo_no1 ::

Samsunga 830 120 Gb not za 100E in bo boost sistema precejšji.

Imaš sata II priklop, tako da zadeva ne bo cokla, random read/write itak nima nobeden ssd 500 MB/s :P.
Edino če vsak dan kopiraš/prestavljaš par Gb velike fajle sem ter tja se zna poznati, samo moraš to početi že res kar nekaj ur, da se bo poznala razlika sata2 vs 3 priklopa.

Ne pozabi alignati particij ko/če boš kloniral hdd.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: amigo_no1 ()

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