Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ameriški nacisti s svojim lobistom
Ameriški nacisti s svojim lobistom

Timurlenk ::
Ameriška nacistična stranka je v Washingtonu registrirala svojega prvega lobista
kdo potrebuje old fashioned prevzem oblasti, če samo politikom razdeliš nekaj penezov, pa so tvoji
John Bowles registered Tuesday with House and Senate offices to represent the “ANP,” which stands for the American Nazi Party. He plans to lobby on “political rights and ballot access laws,” according to the documents.
kdo potrebuje old fashioned prevzem oblasti, če samo politikom razdeliš nekaj penezov, pa so tvoji
John Bowles registered Tuesday with House and Senate offices to represent the “ANP,” which stands for the American Nazi Party. He plans to lobby on “political rights and ballot access laws,” according to the documents.
Demokracija je zdej v drugem planu, to je vendar jasno.

donfilipo ::
American nazi Party?
E to me pa zanima
Ali bodo arijci in podrase....ali bodo američani nacija in potem padejo v vodo vse rase in nastane en tak trd socialistični konglomerat?
Tkole se mi zdi, da hudič že suče drugi krog, in se vse nekako smešno v aleli ponavlja, zombiji pa nekako ne spadamo več sem
E to me pa zanima

Ali bodo arijci in podrase....ali bodo američani nacija in potem padejo v vodo vse rase in nastane en tak trd socialistični konglomerat?
Tkole se mi zdi, da hudič že suče drugi krog, in se vse nekako smešno v aleli ponavlja, zombiji pa nekako ne spadamo več sem

In times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth
becomes revolutionary act. Orwell
becomes revolutionary act. Orwell

Timurlenk ::
glede na to, da zagovarjajo white supremacy ideale, bodo verjetno arijci ter podrase
pozdravni napisi na pozdravni strani ameriške nazi stranke:
Today, according to the latest U.S. Census - only 23% of the American population under the age of 18 is WHITE. Already, four U.S. states are MAJORITY NON-WHITE, and 10% of all counties in America are MAJORITY NON-WHITE. World-wide, White women of child-bearing age comprise only 3% of the earth's population. Do these FACTS disturb you? They should.
Currently, America has an estimated 20 MILLION brown, mestizo ILLEGAL ALIENS who have INVADED OUR NATION - this evil, corrupt Judeo-Capitalist system - where basically 3% of the population, control 85% of the nation's wealth, are demanding and will eventually grant "amnesty" to these foreigners. Why?

pozdravni napisi na pozdravni strani ameriške nazi stranke:
Today, according to the latest U.S. Census - only 23% of the American population under the age of 18 is WHITE. Already, four U.S. states are MAJORITY NON-WHITE, and 10% of all counties in America are MAJORITY NON-WHITE. World-wide, White women of child-bearing age comprise only 3% of the earth's population. Do these FACTS disturb you? They should.
Currently, America has an estimated 20 MILLION brown, mestizo ILLEGAL ALIENS who have INVADED OUR NATION - this evil, corrupt Judeo-Capitalist system - where basically 3% of the population, control 85% of the nation's wealth, are demanding and will eventually grant "amnesty" to these foreigners. Why?
Demokracija je zdej v drugem planu, to je vendar jasno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Timurlenk ()
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