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Google Chrome pwned
denial ::
If you can't prove that it's exploitable, always assume it is. Otherwise, someone will find a way to exploit it just to embarrass you: KLIK
Welcome to the club, Chrome.
Po neuradnih informacijah naj bi šlo za bug v Flash plug-inu.
Welcome to the club, Chrome.
Po neuradnih informacijah naj bi šlo za bug v Flash plug-inu.
This code and the technical details of the underlying vulnerabilities will not be publicly disclosed. They are shared exclusively with our Government customers as part of our vulnerability research services.Prevod: bug smo prodali (Kitajski?) vladni instituciji. GOOG in Chrome uporabniki se lahko za informacije obrišejo pod nosom.
SELECT finger FROM hand WHERE id=3;
- spremenil: denial ()
BlueRunner ::
Eni že vemo zakaj smo skenslali Chrome v trenutku, ko je Flash vtičnik postal integralen in neizogiben del namestitve. Lahko sicer vtičnik onemogočiš, ampak mnogo bolje spim, če vem, da ga na računalniku sploh ni.
Vredno ogleda ...
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» | Chrome 14 beta na voljo (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Novice / Brskalniki | 22515 (20007) | Bistri007 |
» | Flash prihodnost spleta? (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Novice / --Nerazporejeno-- | 19276 (17615) | root987 |
» | Google izdal lasten brskalnik (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 )Oddelek: Novice / Brskalniki | 40740 (22800) | Tr0n |