Technology Review - Pri nadzoru nad podatki, ki jih puščamo naokoli po spletu, mnogokrat pozabimo na kratek enoličen identifikator, ki ga potrebujemo za prijavo na različne strani - na uporabniško ime. Toda ne smemo ga pozabiti, saj so raziskovalci s francoskega Nacionalnega inštituta za računalniške znanosti (INRIA) v članku How Unique and Traceable are Usernames? pokazali, da lahko preveč unikatna uporabniška imena, ki jih uporabimo na več straneh, omogočajo profiliranje uporabnikov.
Kot vzorec so vzeli deset milijonov uporabniških imen, ki so jih pobrali z Googlovih profilov, računov za eBay in drugih strani. Ugotovili so, da lahko polovico teh uporabniških imen povežejo z računi na več straneh in učinkovito izdelajo profil uporabnika. Bolj kot je uporabniško ime unikatno, nižjo entropijo ima in laže ga je križno povezati med različnimi stranmi, kjer je bilo uporabljeno. To utegnejo izkoristiti oglaševalci za ponujanje bolj ciljanih oglasov ali prevarantje pri postavljanju prepričljivih ribarskih strani. Raziskovalci so izdelali tudi stran, kjer lahko preverimo unikatnost svojega uporabniškega imena.
ampak unikatnost je včasih tisto kar si želimo, nekaterim je všeč, da dobimo samo oglase ki nas zanimajo, ne pa da gledamo oglase za povečanje prsi. spet drugič nam paše, da nas ljudje poznajo na vseh spletnih straneh, ne pa da si moramo identiteto vedno znova ustvarjati.
"Figures don't lie, but liars figure."
Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 41.89 bits Based on our estimations, your username appears to uniquely identify you on the Internet.
spet drugič nam paše, da nas ljudje poznajo na vseh spletnih straneh, ne pa da si moramo identiteto vedno znova ustvarjati.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 25.47 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears non identifying on the Internet. However, it is identifying in a population of 46476561 people. Ce se namnozimo do 46mil potencialnih antonij se zacnejo problemi... milsim da mam se mal fore.
Statistically 3 out of 4 involved usually enjoy gang-bang experience.
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 30.42 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears non identifying on the Internet.
Če bom kdaj kriminalc objsta 529479652 ljudi, ki bo nafukalo zaradi mene. nice.
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 28.98 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears non identifying on the Internet. However, it is identifying in a population of 529479652 people.
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 29.99 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears non identifying on the Internet. However, it is identifying in a population of 1066324947 people.
spet drugič nam paše, da nas ljudje poznajo na vseh spletnih straneh, ne pa da si moramo identiteto vedno znova ustvarjati.
Sicer je to res, ampak če želiš to doseči, moraš imeti hkrati preprosto in unikatno ime, če je 10 random črk, bo to sicer unikatno, ampak zapomnu se te nebo nihče.
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 33.8 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears non identifying on the Internet.
moj username
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 16.2 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears non identifying on the Internet. However, it is identifying in a population of 75281 people.
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 44.58 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears to uniquely identify you on the Internet.
Ne tale, ki ga uporabljam na Slo-Techu.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 14.51 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears non identifying on the Internet. However, it is identifying in a population of 23332 people.
če pa vpišem po dva svoja uporabniška imena, pa napiše, da ju ne uporablja ista oseba - zaenkrat sem na varnem (pred oglaševalskim profiliranjem)
Mislim da to ni neka pogruntavščina. Če bi hotli med na vsaki strani drugo uporabniško ime da mamo drugo identiteto potem bi si jo dali. Večji problem je tracking in profiliranje s pomočjo unikatnosti brskalnika.
Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 1,430,801 tested so far.
Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys at least 20.45 bits of identifying information.
Everyone started out as a newbie.
Sadly only a handful ever progress past that point.
gruntfürmich: Please enter one username or alternatively two usernames separated by a space. The usernames may also contain a period. malo za foro
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 51.31 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears to uniquely identify you on the Internet.
Še kdaj naj mi kje napiše, da je to uporabniško ime že uporabljeno Ali kdo dobi več kot 51?
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 29.87 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears non identifying on the Internet. However, it is identifying in a population of 981219048 people.
The similarity of the usernames provided is 1.23739678515981e-10. Based on our estimations, the two usernames "username1" "username2" you provided likely do not belong to a single person.
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 89.88 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears to uniquely identify you on the Internet.
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 29.01 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears non identifying on the Internet. However, it is identifying in a population of 540605145 people.
Google search sem naredil iz 'frisnega' brskalnika.
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 29.01 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears non identifying on the Internet. However, it is identifying in a population of 540605145 people.
Google search sem naredil iz 'frisnega' brskalnika.
Mogoce ne bi blo slabo ce bi si prebral omenjen dokument pa potem trollal. Pise kaksen dataset majo.
eh na internetu si itak šizofren. najlepš se je sam s seboj kregat na forumu.
tega še nism probov :P
ej check that: Username: fuckoff Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 31.48 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears non identifying on the Internet. However, it is identifying in a population of 2995189217 people.
zanimiv nism mislu da tolk ljudi uporablja tko trapast username
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 31.04 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears non identifying on the Internet. However, it is identifying in a population of 2207857631 people.
Hmm ... sem bil prepričan, da je raufnk malenkost bolj unikaten username :)
Preporosto povedano -- unidentifiable pomeni, da je vaše uporabniško ime dovolj pogosto rabljeno, da ne morejo zagotovo trdit, da je Bigwhale@google == Bigwhale@ebay.
Based on language models and Markov Chain techniques, our model validates an intuitive observation: usernames with low "entropy" (or to be precise Information Surprisal) will have higher probabilities of being picked by multiple persons, whereas higher entropy usernames will be very unlikely picked by multiple users and refer in the vast majority of the cases to unique users.
Zanimivo je pa tudi tole
Third, we extend this model to cases when usernames are di erent across many online services. In essence, given two usernames our technique returns the probability that these usernames refer to the same user, and allows then to e ectively trace users identities across multiple web services using their usernames only. While we acknowledge that our technique cannot trace users that choose unrelated usernames on purpose, experimental data shows that users tend to choose closely related usernames on di erent services.
"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'. "
- Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')
Your username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of -1 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears non identifying on the Internet. However, it is identifying in a population of 1 people.
Connection fail: 111 Connection refusedYour username has an "entropy" (specifically, Information Surprisal) of 0 bits. Based on our estimations, your username appears non identifying on the Internet. However, it is identifying in a population of 1 people.
In pol jim nej zaupam, da znajo računat entropijo?