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Izginil standardni zagon? !!

Izginil standardni zagon? !!

SaS ::

Ko sem si konfiguriral mrežo v XP se mi je namesto klasičnega zagonskega ekrana (dobrodošli) pojavilo okno podobno kot v NT (uporabnik in geslo). Sedaj moram vedno klikniti vredu-enter, in vpisati uporabnika, gesla pa si nisem določil in pustim prazno, moti me to da moram klikati "vredu". 8-O

Kako si nastavimna osnovni način, saj comp uporabljam le jaz!!!:D

......F*** THE SYSTEM

ToniT ::

Help pokaže tole:
To turn the Welcome screen on or off
You must have a computer administrator account on a computer that is a member of a workgroup or is a stand-alone computer to turn on or turn off the Use the Welcome screen feature. Logging on at the Welcome screen is not available on computers that are members of a network domain.

Open User Accounts in Control Panel.
Click Change the way users log on or off.
Do one of the following:
To specify that users log on to the computer using the Welcome screen, select the Use the Welcome screen check box.
A user logs on to the computer by clicking his or her user account name on the Welcome screen. If a password is assigned to the account, the user is prompted to type it.

To specify that users log on to the computer without using the Welcome screen, clear the Use the Welcome screen check box.
The Welcome screen will no longer appear when you start the computer. To log on to the computer, type your user name (and password, if you have one) in the standard Log On to Windows dialog box.


To open User Accounts, click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click User Accounts.
Fast User Switching is available only when the Welcome screen is turned on. For more information, click Related Topics.

SaS ::

Ja to je to !!:D


......F*** THE SYSTEM

CaqKa ::

kak pogledam če je kter user del kake domene?
namreč isto problem je pri kolegu.. klukici pri obeh postavkah.. tudi ce klukice restartam pa na novo nastavim klukice pa spet restartam še vedno noče bit welcome skrin in pa ob pritisku winkey+l se pojavi 'unlock computer' okno?!?! moje vprašanje je kak pogledam če je tretji user za katerega nisem mel passworda v kteri domeni? ker mi namreč niti najmanj ni jasno zakaj ga comp tak 'serje'

ToniT ::

Tukaj ne gre za userja v domeni, ampak za računalnik v domeni.
A ma tvoj prijatelj mogoče PCAnywhere? Kajti, če ga ima, potem ne bo mogel dobiti welcome screena.

CaqKa ::

ne tega pa ziher ni instaliral prvič zato ker je bajdlek kot drugo pa zato ker je na dial up

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