Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Računalnik se ne ugasne oz. Windows se ne zaustavi
Računalnik se ne ugasne oz. Windows se ne zaustavi

Ryker ::
OK, imam problem z zaustavljanjem Windowsov XP. Ko zvečer ugašam računalnik, mi ga zdaj že par dni ne gre prav zaustaviti. Ustavi se namreč pri "program Windows se zaustavlja", naprej pa ne gre. Tudi če počakam še kakih 5 minut, je še vedno le tisti modri zaslon s tem tekstom in pa miškin kurzor in moram računalnik resetirati in potem ročno z gumbom ugasniti. Je pa zanimivo, da če imam računalnik prižgan krajši čas, npr. pol ure, se zaustavi brez problemov.
Ma kdo kako rešitev? Sem že iskal po internetu, pa nič konkretnega ne najdem.
edit: No ja, tudi zdaj, ko sem probal ugasniti po dobri uri prižganega računalnika, ni šlo.
Ma kdo kako rešitev? Sem že iskal po internetu, pa nič konkretnega ne najdem.
edit: No ja, tudi zdaj, ko sem probal ugasniti po dobri uri prižganega računalnika, ni šlo.
- spremenil: Ryker ()

The_hammer ::
Povej vse kar si probal do zdaj naredit,... A dobiš kak Error?? Ker OS maš? Kak računalnik maš? Virusi, spyware etc.... V glavnem povej nam več, da ti lahko pomagamo sicer pa stric google tudi najde zadeve morš pisat v ANG če že ni v SLO...
Edit: Spregledal da maš XP.
Edit: Spregledal da maš XP.
Intel E6420@2950, 7900 gto, 2gb,seagate baracuda 160,Keyboard G11,
Mouse mx518,Mouse surface Razer eXactMat, Speed link Medusa 5.1,
Enermax liberty 500W
Mouse mx518,Mouse surface Razer eXactMat, Speed link Medusa 5.1,
Enermax liberty 500W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: The_hammer ()

The_hammer ::
During shutdown or reboot, Win XP may hang (stop responding) at the “saving your settings” screen. During such a hang, there is no response to Ctrl+Alt+Del; the mouse may or may not work. The problem may be intermittent.
This is a known bug in Windows XP, for which Microsoft has a supported fix. To learn how to get this patch, see MSKB 307274, “Windows XP Stops Responding (Hangs) During Windows Shutdown.” The necessary patch is included in Windows XP Service Pack 1, and also is now available on the Windows Update site under “Recommended Updates” for Win XP Professional, titled “Restarting Windows XP.” However, to find it, you may need to reconfigure how Windows Update appears for you, by enabling the Windows Update Catalog as follows: At the Windows Update page, click Personalize Windows Update at the left, and then Enable the Windows Update Catalog. Save your settings. This adds the Windows Update Catalog link in the left box. Click this link, then click Find updates for Microsoft Windows systems. Pick Windows XP in the drop-down list, click Search, take Recommended Updates, and find the “Restarting Windows XP” patch which references Q307274.
As a workaround, newsgroup correspondent “lou” resolved this problem by dismantling the Windows XP logon Welcome screen. In the Control Panel, click User Accounts, then click “Change the way users log on or off.” Uncheck the box that says “Use the Welcome screen.” This removes the initial logon screen with individual icons for each user and, instead, pops up the classic logon prompt that requires each user to type a user name and password.
During shutdown or reboot, Win XP may hang (stop responding) at the “saving your settings” screen. During such a hang, there is no response to Ctrl+Alt+Del; the mouse may or may not work. The problem may be intermittent.
This is a known bug in Windows XP, for which Microsoft has a supported fix. To learn how to get this patch, see MSKB 307274, “Windows XP Stops Responding (Hangs) During Windows Shutdown.” The necessary patch is included in Windows XP Service Pack 1, and also is now available on the Windows Update site under “Recommended Updates” for Win XP Professional, titled “Restarting Windows XP.” However, to find it, you may need to reconfigure how Windows Update appears for you, by enabling the Windows Update Catalog as follows: At the Windows Update page, click Personalize Windows Update at the left, and then Enable the Windows Update Catalog. Save your settings. This adds the Windows Update Catalog link in the left box. Click this link, then click Find updates for Microsoft Windows systems. Pick Windows XP in the drop-down list, click Search, take Recommended Updates, and find the “Restarting Windows XP” patch which references Q307274.
As a workaround, newsgroup correspondent “lou” resolved this problem by dismantling the Windows XP logon Welcome screen. In the Control Panel, click User Accounts, then click “Change the way users log on or off.” Uncheck the box that says “Use the Welcome screen.” This removes the initial logon screen with individual icons for each user and, instead, pops up the classic logon prompt that requires each user to type a user name and password.
Intel E6420@2950, 7900 gto, 2gb,seagate baracuda 160,Keyboard G11,
Mouse mx518,Mouse surface Razer eXactMat, Speed link Medusa 5.1,
Enermax liberty 500W
Mouse mx518,Mouse surface Razer eXactMat, Speed link Medusa 5.1,
Enermax liberty 500W

The_hammer ::
Intel E6420@2950, 7900 gto, 2gb,seagate baracuda 160,Keyboard G11,
Mouse mx518,Mouse surface Razer eXactMat, Speed link Medusa 5.1,
Enermax liberty 500W
Mouse mx518,Mouse surface Razer eXactMat, Speed link Medusa 5.1,
Enermax liberty 500W

Ryker ::
Meni se ne zaustavi pri "saving your settings", ampak pri "program Windows se zaustavlja", tako da tista rešitev na žalost ne pride v poštev, poleg tega mam pa itak SP2. Drugače mi pa nobenega errorja ne pokaže, za viruse in spyware pa tudi večkrat skeniram in ves spyware (itak ponavadi samo tracking cookies) sproti zbrišem. Pa, kot sem rekel, Windowsi so bli pred kratkim na novo inštalirani.

The_hammer ::
am.....jA probi v task manegerju izklopit programe vsakega posebej, da boš vidu s katerim maš probleme, recimo mogoče so kaki driverji za mrežno kartico (da niso vredo instalirani) je mel en tak problem samo to ti govorim na pamet probaj mogoče ti reši problem. Kaj vse si instaliral preden se ti je to začelo dogajati, lahko da tiči v tem nekje problem (recimo, da si instaliral nek antivirusni program, disablaj in probaj, lahko je bilokaj,...).Lahko sprazneš event loge v Administrative toolsah, spremeni tvoje "WaitToKill" nastavitve v registru (nastavlene so na defaul 20000), moj je 4000. (samo če znaš z registrom delat!!)
Have fun
smart men solve problems, wise men avoid them.
Have fun

smart men solve problems, wise men avoid them.
Intel E6420@2950, 7900 gto, 2gb,seagate baracuda 160,Keyboard G11,
Mouse mx518,Mouse surface Razer eXactMat, Speed link Medusa 5.1,
Enermax liberty 500W
Mouse mx518,Mouse surface Razer eXactMat, Speed link Medusa 5.1,
Enermax liberty 500W
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