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Android - deljenje internetne povezave preko USB (pc -> telefon)

Android - deljenje internetne povezave preko USB (pc -> telefon)

c0dehunter ::

Enako vprašanje sem že postavil na xda-developers, pa bom vseeno vprašal tukaj, pa bom kar prilepil vprašanje:


I would like to use my PC internet connection on Magic (CyanogenMod, 2.1) via USB. I have found a good program to do this (PdaNet) and it works good.
But (), at the same time I would like to disable any other source of internet (3g, grps) on my phone so the only possible connection is through PC internet.

For this I have found another widget (Toggle Data), but after I activate it the PC connection doesn't work too.

Can anyone suggest me how to fix this?

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