Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Priklop PSP na PS3 (wireless) Kako o.O?
Priklop PSP na PS3 (wireless) Kako o.O?

Shadow666 ::
imam eno vprašanje in sicer sledeče.
Tisti ki imate PSP dobro veste kaj pomeni DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT pri psp igrah,
in ker nimam wireless interneta sem nekje zasledil informacijo
da se lahko PSP ppoveže na PS3 (sem lastnik obeh),ampak ne vem ali je to opcija le REMOTE PLAY,
ali je možno dobiti tudi internet preko PS3,
potem iti v igro na PSP in downloadati dodatke za to igro v meniju.
Kolikor sem jaz videl je remote play le opcija za kontrolo PS3 preko PSP
in ne access point za PSP in internet na le temu.
Pač kar bi rad je,
da se npr povežem na internet preko PS3
in potem grem v igro na mojem PSP-ju
in lahko v meniju igre downloadam stvari.
Upam da kdo ve kaj mislim in kaj hočem :P
Hvala za odgovorež e vnaprej in lp,
imam eno vprašanje in sicer sledeče.
Tisti ki imate PSP dobro veste kaj pomeni DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT pri psp igrah,
in ker nimam wireless interneta sem nekje zasledil informacijo
da se lahko PSP ppoveže na PS3 (sem lastnik obeh),ampak ne vem ali je to opcija le REMOTE PLAY,
ali je možno dobiti tudi internet preko PS3,
potem iti v igro na PSP in downloadati dodatke za to igro v meniju.
Kolikor sem jaz videl je remote play le opcija za kontrolo PS3 preko PSP
in ne access point za PSP in internet na le temu.
Pač kar bi rad je,
da se npr povežem na internet preko PS3
in potem grem v igro na mojem PSP-ju
in lahko v meniju igre downloadam stvari.
Upam da kdo ve kaj mislim in kaj hočem :P
Hvala za odgovorež e vnaprej in lp,
IntelXeon1241v3 3.5Ghz|GTX 1060 Strix 6GB| 16Gb 1600Mhz CrucialBallistics|
|1TbWDBlue|Crucial M500 SSD 240GB|Samsung EVO 256GB|ThermalRightRev.A
|1TbWDBlue|Crucial M500 SSD 240GB|Samsung EVO 256GB|ThermalRightRev.A

Shadow666 ::
tole preveru preden sem poslal post
in tudi preizkusu....
zmer pregooglam če se le da...
očitno nisi točno prebral mojega vprašanja,
ampak to je vbistvu skor k uporablanje PSP-ja kot dalinc za PS3 in to je to.
In ta video,
je točno to.
Mene pa zanima če lahko PS3 pripravim do tega,
da se za PSP obnaša kot wireless router in mi omogoča povezavo na internet tudi v igri
ne samo preko PS3 vmesnika....
Sem sicer prebral da nekaterim ni ratalo,
je pa še zmeraj nekaj ljudi ki trdijo da je to mogoče,
zato iščem koga z izkušnjami =)
tole preveru preden sem poslal post
in tudi preizkusu....
zmer pregooglam če se le da...
očitno nisi točno prebral mojega vprašanja,
ampak to je vbistvu skor k uporablanje PSP-ja kot dalinc za PS3 in to je to.
In ta video,
je točno to.
Mene pa zanima če lahko PS3 pripravim do tega,
da se za PSP obnaša kot wireless router in mi omogoča povezavo na internet tudi v igri
ne samo preko PS3 vmesnika....
Sem sicer prebral da nekaterim ni ratalo,
je pa še zmeraj nekaj ljudi ki trdijo da je to mogoče,
zato iščem koga z izkušnjami =)
IntelXeon1241v3 3.5Ghz|GTX 1060 Strix 6GB| 16Gb 1600Mhz CrucialBallistics|
|1TbWDBlue|Crucial M500 SSD 240GB|Samsung EVO 256GB|ThermalRightRev.A
|1TbWDBlue|Crucial M500 SSD 240GB|Samsung EVO 256GB|ThermalRightRev.A
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Shadow666 ()

St235 ::
Aha, ti bi rad da se PS3 obnaša kot access point? To mislim, da ne bo šlo, oziroma vsaj meni ni ratalo, ko smo se igrali z prenosnikom. Če rabiš pa samo dostop do store potem bi pa zadeva morala delat preko remote play. Bom popoldan preizkusil pa ti javim. Ker vem, da se da preko ps3 kupit stvari za PSP in jih potem prenest na PSP. Sploh ker PSP do 5.0 FW sploh ni mogel prit na PS store drugače kot preko PS3. Aja, pa vse dodatke, ki jih lahko kupiš neposredno iz igre (downloadable content) lahko kupiš direktno prek Psn Store brez da bi prej zagnal igro.
PSP Connectivity
PlayStation Store on PSP (Remote Play). (PS3)
Some cross-platform store content such as emulated PlayStation games and demos can be transferred from the PlayStation 3 HDD to the PSP Memory Stick using a USB connection.
PSP games and demos need a USB linked PSP in order to start the download from the store to the PSP through the PlayStation 3 internet connection.
Download from the PlayStation Store to the PSP can be performed later using the "Download List" log available in both the PS3 and PC PlayStation Stores.
Since April 15, 2008 the PlayStation Store can be accessed on PSP handheld console through Remote Play function.
After the installation of firmware version 5.00 released on October 15, 2008, the PlayStation Store can be accessed directly from the PSP without the need to use a PC or PS3 as an intermediary[15]. It will be accessible under the PlayStation Network category on the Portable's XMB. However users who do not have any method for connecting wirelessly can still use the Playstation Store on the PC using a downloadable program from Sony called Media Manager for PSP 3.0. As long as you have a working Store account you can use the program to download the software from the Store using the PC whilst connected to the PSP via a USB Cable.
PSP Connectivity
PlayStation Store on PSP (Remote Play). (PS3)
Some cross-platform store content such as emulated PlayStation games and demos can be transferred from the PlayStation 3 HDD to the PSP Memory Stick using a USB connection.
PSP games and demos need a USB linked PSP in order to start the download from the store to the PSP through the PlayStation 3 internet connection.
Download from the PlayStation Store to the PSP can be performed later using the "Download List" log available in both the PS3 and PC PlayStation Stores.
Since April 15, 2008 the PlayStation Store can be accessed on PSP handheld console through Remote Play function.
After the installation of firmware version 5.00 released on October 15, 2008, the PlayStation Store can be accessed directly from the PSP without the need to use a PC or PS3 as an intermediary[15]. It will be accessible under the PlayStation Network category on the Portable's XMB. However users who do not have any method for connecting wirelessly can still use the Playstation Store on the PC using a downloadable program from Sony called Media Manager for PSP 3.0. As long as you have a working Store account you can use the program to download the software from the Store using the PC whilst connected to the PSP via a USB Cable.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: St235 ()
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