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DarwiN ::
Fak, rabil bi prevod za naslednji stavek:
Se najde kak gozdar, ki bi znal tole? :D
Richard heads out to try out the dangle head processor, the feller buncher and the log loader in a bid to become a lumberjack.
Se najde kak gozdar, ki bi znal tole? :D
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
DarwiN ::
Ok, sem že rešil po domače..
Richard v nameri, da bi postal gozdni delavec, preizkusi kopico gozdarskih strojev in vozil.
Če pa komu šine boljši oz. bolj natančen prevod, pa bom appreciejtal very much. ;)
Richard v nameri, da bi postal gozdni delavec, preizkusi kopico gozdarskih strojev in vozil.
Če pa komu šine boljši oz. bolj natančen prevod, pa bom appreciejtal very much. ;)
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
DarwiN ::
Mipe, thanks, bo verjetno tako brez vejic bolje..
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
urosz ::
Da ne bom odpiral teme, se kar tu vrinem. Prosil bi, če bi mi kdo prevedel v angleščino tole:
Mipe ::
Hm, nekako takole: "Comparision of successful objects recognition in visible and infrared digital images"
Ramon dekers ::
Prosim za pomoč pri uporabi določnika the?
Vem da se jih uporablja pri določenih predmetih, državah:
Specific things - The book I bought is interesting. - Pass me the sugar please.
Hotels, Monuments, Buildings, Museums, Cinemas, Theatres - The Ritz - The Tower of London - The Empire State Building - The Louvre - The Odeon Cinema - The Royal Theatre
Mountain Ranges, Rivers, Seas, Oceans - The Alps - The Mississippi - The Black Sea - -
The Pacific Ocean Groups of States or Islands - The United States of America - The Bahamas No article is used in the following cases :
Generalisations - Sugar is sweet. - Caviar is expensive.
Streets, Squares, etc. - Oxford Street - Time Square
Names of mountains and lakes - Mount Everest - Lake Ontario
Countries (except groups as above) - England - France Continents - Europe
Kljub temu me mede sledeči stavek:
I would like to ask you, to authorize the institution NAME XX, to send my results of the exam NAMEXXX to the following address...
Ali je določnik the institution pravilno vstavljen?
Hvala za pomoč.
Vem da se jih uporablja pri določenih predmetih, državah:
Specific things - The book I bought is interesting. - Pass me the sugar please.
Hotels, Monuments, Buildings, Museums, Cinemas, Theatres - The Ritz - The Tower of London - The Empire State Building - The Louvre - The Odeon Cinema - The Royal Theatre
Mountain Ranges, Rivers, Seas, Oceans - The Alps - The Mississippi - The Black Sea - -
The Pacific Ocean Groups of States or Islands - The United States of America - The Bahamas No article is used in the following cases :
Generalisations - Sugar is sweet. - Caviar is expensive.
Streets, Squares, etc. - Oxford Street - Time Square
Names of mountains and lakes - Mount Everest - Lake Ontario
Countries (except groups as above) - England - France Continents - Europe
Kljub temu me mede sledeči stavek:
I would like to ask you, to authorize the institution NAME XX, to send my results of the exam NAMEXXX to the following address...
Ali je določnik the institution pravilno vstavljen?
Hvala za pomoč.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ramon dekers ()
DarwiN ::
Ko je govora o specifični instituciji, potem je prav "the", če pa govoriš o instituciji nasplošno, potem pa je prav "an"... V tem primeru bo torej prav "the"..
Je pa stavek malo sumljiv.. Sploh tisti dve vejici sta obe povsem narobe postavljeni oziroma odveč.
Je pa stavek malo sumljiv.. Sploh tisti dve vejici sta obe povsem narobe postavljeni oziroma odveč.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
DarwiN ::
Saj to je ravno narobe... da ga obravnavaš kot vrinjenega.
No, vsaj meni se zdi tako.
No, vsaj meni se zdi tako.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Okapi ::
V angleščini je precej manj vejic kot v slovenščini, imajo drugačna pravila za njihovo postavljanje.
Janac ::
Prosim za prevod:
Speeds the growth of yeast by providing nourishment.
Serves as a whipping aid to stabilize beaten egg foams.
Delays coagulation of egg proteins in custards.
Regulates the gelling of fruit jellies and preserves.
Helps to prevent spoilage of jellies and preserves.
Improves the appearance and tenderness of canned fruits.
Speeds the growth of yeast by providing nourishment.
Serves as a whipping aid to stabilize beaten egg foams.
Delays coagulation of egg proteins in custards.
Regulates the gelling of fruit jellies and preserves.
Helps to prevent spoilage of jellies and preserves.
Improves the appearance and tenderness of canned fruits.
Enron x86 ::
Mogoče "pogon zvočne tuljave"?
Core i5-4690K@4.7| ASUS MAXIMUS VII HERO| 16 GB Corsair LP DDR3 1866 MHz|
ASUS 970 STRIX| SB Z OEM| Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB|
Seagate 2 TB| EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750 W| Fractal Define R4
ASUS 970 STRIX| SB Z OEM| Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB|
Seagate 2 TB| EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750 W| Fractal Define R4
DarwiN ::
Pozna kdo kak boljši predlog za "revival meeting" kot je "versko srečanje" ?
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
DarwiN ::
Revival meeting... Še kako versko, ampak najbrž Slovenci nismo dovolj "extremni" za kaj takšnega, ker to je najbrž tisto ko se folk po tleh zvija in z glavami v zid tolče. :)
Stuff like that:
Stuff like that:
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Enron x86 ::
Homebody, couch potato ...
Core i5-4690K@4.7| ASUS MAXIMUS VII HERO| 16 GB Corsair LP DDR3 1866 MHz|
ASUS 970 STRIX| SB Z OEM| Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB|
Seagate 2 TB| EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750 W| Fractal Define R4
ASUS 970 STRIX| SB Z OEM| Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB|
Seagate 2 TB| EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750 W| Fractal Define R4
Enron x86 ::
@Mipe, izraz shut-in se uporablja za bolne ljudi/invalide, ki ne morejo iz hiše.
Core i5-4690K@4.7| ASUS MAXIMUS VII HERO| 16 GB Corsair LP DDR3 1866 MHz|
ASUS 970 STRIX| SB Z OEM| Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB|
Seagate 2 TB| EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750 W| Fractal Define R4
ASUS 970 STRIX| SB Z OEM| Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB|
Seagate 2 TB| EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750 W| Fractal Define R4
Mipe ::
Ne. Uporablja se za zaplankance, NEET-e.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mipe ()
Enron x86 ::
Ne vem, če je tako prav. Na linku, ki si ga podal, je takole: 1. pomen je za osebno, ki zaradi bolezni ne more zapustiti doma, 2. pomen pa nima nobene zveze s tem, da nekdo ostaja doma, ampak gre za oznako značaja - torej oznako za nekoga, ki je na splošno pretirano introvertiran.
Core i5-4690K@4.7| ASUS MAXIMUS VII HERO| 16 GB Corsair LP DDR3 1866 MHz|
ASUS 970 STRIX| SB Z OEM| Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB|
Seagate 2 TB| EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750 W| Fractal Define R4
ASUS 970 STRIX| SB Z OEM| Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB|
Seagate 2 TB| EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750 W| Fractal Define R4
Enron x86 ::
No, se strinjava, da se ne strinjava. Ko zaslišim besedo "zapečkar", nikakor ne pomislim na kakšnega pretiranega negativca; ravno nasprotno - predstavljam si kmečko dobričino, ki je zelo navezana na svoj dom/stanovanje. Na koncu bo pač izbral Ramon dekers tisti izraz, ki se bo lepo prilegal sobesedilu.
Core i5-4690K@4.7| ASUS MAXIMUS VII HERO| 16 GB Corsair LP DDR3 1866 MHz|
ASUS 970 STRIX| SB Z OEM| Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB|
Seagate 2 TB| EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750 W| Fractal Define R4
ASUS 970 STRIX| SB Z OEM| Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB|
Seagate 2 TB| EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750 W| Fractal Define R4
Ramon dekers ::
Mislim, da bolj ustreza kak couch - potato pa tudi to ni ravno primeren izraz, ker zapečkar pri nas je bolj v smislu mamin sinko, ki noče od doma, kar pa še ne pomeni da je to introvertirana oseba ali da bi preživel cele dneve doma.
Mipe ::
Couch potato je bolj copata.
Ta mamin sinko pa je hotel mama.
Ta mamin sinko pa je hotel mama.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mipe ()
bluefish ::
Saj ne bi škodilo, če bi si dejansko ogledali definicije:
Enron x86 ::
Saj smo jih, v Websterju in Longmanu. Pomoje je prevod "couch potato" -> "zapečkar" upravičen, če gledaš TV s peči :)
Core i5-4690K@4.7| ASUS MAXIMUS VII HERO| 16 GB Corsair LP DDR3 1866 MHz|
ASUS 970 STRIX| SB Z OEM| Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB|
Seagate 2 TB| EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750 W| Fractal Define R4
ASUS 970 STRIX| SB Z OEM| Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB|
Seagate 2 TB| EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750 W| Fractal Define R4
Okapi ::
Zapečkar ni samo tisti, ki je stalno doma (v smislu hiše ali stanovanja), ampak tudi tisti, ki nikoli ne gre iz domačega kraja (in njegove okolice). Tako da tudi nekdo, ki vsak dan preteče 10 km, je lahko hud zapečkar, pa nikakor ni couche potato.
Aja, da ne boste tople vode odkrivali - po angleško je zapečkar homebody (ameriško) ali home bird (britansko).
home bird
Usage: Brit (N. Amer: homebody)
A person who seldom goes anywhere; one not given to wandering or travel
home?bod?y (hmbd)
n. pl. home?bod?ies
One whose interests center on the home.
Aja, da ne boste tople vode odkrivali - po angleško je zapečkar homebody (ameriško) ali home bird (britansko).
home bird
Usage: Brit (N. Amer: homebody)
A person who seldom goes anywhere; one not given to wandering or travel
home?bod?y (hmbd)
n. pl. home?bod?ies
One whose interests center on the home.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Okapi ()
Enron x86 ::
No, tukaj bi moral Ramon dekers malo bolj obširno predstaviti, kakšen je kontekst, da mu lahko bolje svetujemo. Kot je zgoraj napisal, pravzaprav išče izraz za "mamin sinko".
Core i5-4690K@4.7| ASUS MAXIMUS VII HERO| 16 GB Corsair LP DDR3 1866 MHz|
ASUS 970 STRIX| SB Z OEM| Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB|
Seagate 2 TB| EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750 W| Fractal Define R4
ASUS 970 STRIX| SB Z OEM| Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB|
Seagate 2 TB| EVGA SuperNOVA G2 750 W| Fractal Define R4
DarwiN ::
Brain scans of psychopaths suggest that they suffer from 'defective moral hard-wiring'
edit: Torej ne defekten moralni kompas, ali kaj podobnega.. "hard-wiring" se namreč nanaša na fizičen del, na možgane.
edit: Torej ne defekten moralni kompas, ali kaj podobnega.. "hard-wiring" se namreč nanaša na fizičen del, na možgane.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DarwiN ()
Okapi ::
defektno moralno trdo ožičenje?Saj po eni strani je lepo, da se trudiš, po drugi pa nikar ne pametuj o stvareh, na katere se čisto nič ne spoznaš. V možganih ni žic, niti ni tam nič vgrajeno. V tem primeru je recimo oživčenje, živčne povezave za ... ali nekaj v tem smislu.
Mavrik ::
Brain scans of psychopaths suggest that they suffer from 'defective moral hard-wiring'
edit: Torej ne defekten moralni kompas, ali kaj podobnega.. "hard-wiring" se namreč nanaša na fizičen del, na možgane.
Take stvari se pač prevaja pomensko - saj razumeš kaj tekst govori a ne?
Npr. "Slike možganov psihopatov kažejo, da je njihov moralni center drugače sestavljen." Stilsko pobarvaj po želji.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
DarwiN ::
Mavrik, že že, pomensko ja, ampak vsakič ti ne pade v glavo a ne.. 10x ti znese in si zadovoljen sam s seboj, pol pa pride en primer, ki te najeda do konca in je pol takšna nitka ravno pravšnja, ker bo lahko nekdo v sekundi rešil zagato..
Anyway...hvala vsem.
Anyway...hvala vsem.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
DarwiN ::
...da trpijo za 'okrnjenim moralnim centrom'..
Going once...
going twice...
Going once...
going twice...
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Okapi ::
Kvečjemu okvarjenim, pa jaz ne bi rekel center, ker nič ne piše, da bi res bil kakšen center.
DarwiN ::
Kaj pa bi ti rekel Okapi?
Give it your best shot.. Brez ovinkarjenja..
Give it your best shot.. Brez ovinkarjenja..
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
celada ::
Kvečjemu okvarjenim, pa jaz ne bi rekel center, ker nič ne piše, da bi res bil kakšen center.
Ponavadi je to mišljeno v povezavi s čelnim režnjem (mislim, da je to slovenski izraz). Pač del možganov, ki je tesno povezan s tem kako mi vidimo posledice naših dejanj. Nazadnje kar sem bral na to temo je bilo ravno s tega področja, da imajo psihopati drugačno strukturo tega dela možganov.
amacar ::
Kako bi prevedli Straight walk, Visibility walk in stochastic walk. Je pa v kontekstu sprehoda oz korakanja po triangulaciji. Več informacij na:
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Slovenski prevod pregovora.Oddelek: Sedem umetnosti | 5997 (5151) | The Player |
» | Angleške ustreznice slovenskim frazemomOddelek: Loža | 2834 (2273) | Timurlenk |
» | AngleščinaOddelek: Šola | 4109 (3002) | CMpunk |
» | Težave z turistično agencijoOddelek: Loža | 5011 (3666) | St235 |
» | programerska paradigma - WTF? (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Programiranje | 6382 (4900) | slitkx |