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podpora za proxy

podpora za proxy

karafeka ::


Ali obstaja kakšen opensource program za windows xp, ki bi omogočal, da bi celoten promet preko interneta za neko aplikacijo, ki drugače nima možnosti za nastavitev proxyia, šel skozi proxy ?

Problem je, ker na firmi ves internet promet gre skozi proxy (ki je nastavljen v IE), ta aplikacija pa zaradi tega ne dela oz. ne more sprejeti in pošiljati prometa.
  • spremenil: karafeka ()

ABX ::

Definiraj global enviroment variable za proxy.

Windows XP

1. Open the Control Panel and click the System icon.
The System Properties dialog is displayed.
2. On the Advanced tab, click on Environment Variables.
The Environment Variables dialog is displayed.
3. Click New in the System variables panel.
The New Sytem Variable dialog is displayed.
4. Add http_proxy with the appropriate proxy information (see examples above).

Windows 200x

1. Right click on My Computer.
2. Click on Properties and select the Advanced tab.
3. Click "Environment Variables".
The "System Variables" dialog appears.
4. Click New and add http_proxy, with the appropriate proxy information (see examples above).

Windows NT

1. Right click on My Computer.
2. Click on Properties, select the Environment tab.
3. Add http_proxy with the appropriate proxy information (see examples above).

Windows 95/98/ME

1. Open the C:\autoexec.bat file for editing (e.g. in Notepad).
2. Add a "SET" line like the following (see examples above):

SET http_proxy=http://username:password@hostname:port

3. Restart your computer for the change to take effect.
Vaša inštalacija je uspešno spodletela!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: ABX ()

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