Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » IOQD?? Kaj je to?
IOQD?? Kaj je to?
motorc ::
Imam eno težavo in bi vas prosil če mi pomagate. Sandrin Performance Tun-up Wizard mi pokaže napako na matični plošči. Piše: "Warning W231: IOQD is set too low. Performance will suffer." Pogledam v pomoč in piše da se to v BIOSu odpravi. Problem je v tem da te opcije ni oz. je ne najdem? Ali je možno da moja matična ne podpira tega? Prosim pomagajte!
- spremenil: motorc ()
motorc ::
Sem probal pa ne dela. Še vedno mi isto pokaže. V helpu sem našel tole: "Warning W231 - The IOQD (Host Bus In-Order Queue Depth) is set too low, most likely 1, i.e. no queue. This indicates the depth of the host bus pipelining; thus 1 indicates that no pipelining is to be done on the bus. This reduces the performance of the host bus which is crucial to performance. P6 (Pentium Pro, II, III, Celeron) has an IOQD depth of 8 while the P4 has an IOQD of 12. Most chipsets have an IOQD of 4 or more.
Fix: Check that BIOS settings were not reset or set to Fail-Safe defaults. Reset them to Optimised or Normal settings."
Piše, da naj to v BIOSu naštelam a kot sem že rekel te opcije nimam oz. je ne najdem.
Fix: Check that BIOS settings were not reset or set to Fail-Safe defaults. Reset them to Optimised or Normal settings."
Piše, da naj to v BIOSu naštelam a kot sem že rekel te opcije nimam oz. je ne najdem.
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