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Težave s nameščanjem Windowsow xp

Težave s nameščanjem Windowsow xp

DefSigma ::

Hočem formatirat disk inna novo naložit windows xp. Pri tem naletim na težavo. Windowsi se zaženejo iz cdja ampak potem ko izberem novo namestitev xpjev mi napiše, da setup ni našel HDD v računalniku. Probal sem več različnih Xpjev ampak vedno isto. Probal sem tudi z Linux Ubunto, s katerimi sem formatiral in namestil ta sistem. Ko pa probam zopet xpje jeproblem isti.

Prosim za nasvet!


5er--> ::

Pojdi v bios in najdi nekaj v smislu:
SATA: AHCI (to spremeni na IDE)
 Izberi IDE

Izberi IDE

Za več informacij se posvetuj z navodili računalnika/matične plošče.

DefSigma ::

BIOS sploh nima te možnosti, je pa nekaj narobe v tej smeri. Bom še probal navodila pogledat. hvala

Spc ::

Če bios nima te možnosti potem pa je plata delana exclusive za visto.

DefSigma ::

če so do zdaj bli xpji gore

c00L3r ::

Večina plošč ima to možnost. Ni pa nujno, da piše čisto isto kot je na zgornji slikici. Če pa tudi nima IDE načina delovanja, lahko še vedno z nLite vstaviš SATA gonilnike na inštalacijski CD.

DefSigma ::

nlite sem namestil zdaj pa pametnih gonilnikov ne najdem ker ne vem točno kakšen disk je. vem samo da je Fujitsu

misek ::

yamahafazer, katero ploščo imaš? Ker gonilnike rabiš za ploščo, ne za disk.
Sicer pa skoraj 100% lahko v BIOSu nastaviš IDE delovanje.

DefSigma ::

to sem tud ja mislo da gre v biosi nastavit na IDE ampak te možnosti ni. Sicer pa se gre za laptop toshiba sattelite A200 PSAE3

amigo_no1 ::

driverji za win xp:

oziroma zadnji

tole je vse kar potrebuješ poleg nlite-a:
32-bit Floppy Configuration Utility

nisi edini, ki sprašuje:



Some Vaios (including the AR71ZU) have an Intel RAID controller, i.e. 2 physical hard disks joined together as an array, where the array is seen as one big hard drive by the operating system. The original Windows installation discs do not include the Intel driver for this RAID controller, so you'll need to build a new XP install disc and integrate the driver into the new build. This process is called 'Slipstreaming' and also allows you to integrate the two XP Service Packs into the build, so that you don't need to install them separately afterwards. The 'nLite' application (linked to above) makes all this dead easy:

1) Extract the files from the Intel 'f6flpy3288.zip' file into a new folder.
2) Install nLite and start the application.
3) Stick your original XP disc in the DVD drive and point nLite to the disc when prompted to locate the 'Windows Installation', then tell it to extract the XP install files to a new folder.
4) Click 'Next' through to the 'Task Selection' screen, tick 'Service Pack', 'Drivers', and 'Bootable ISO', then click 'Next'.
5) On the 'Service Pack' screen, point nLite to the 'XP Service Pack 2' EXE file and let it extract the install files.
6) On the 'Service Pack' screen again, point nLite to the 'XP Service Pack 3' EXE file and let it extract the install files, then click 'Next'.
7) On the 'Drivers' screen, click 'Insert', select 'Single Driver', and point nLite to the 'iaStor.inf' file in the 'f6flpy3288' folder you created in Step 1.
8) Tick 'Textmode Driver' and select 'Intel ICH8M-E/ICH9M-E SATA RAID Controller' then click 'OK', then click 'Next'.
9) Click 'Yes' to start the build process when prompted, and let it finalize the build.
10) Click 'Next' through to the 'Bootable ISO' screen and choose whether to create an ISO file, or burn directly to a blank CD, and you're done.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: amigo_no1 ()

DefSigma ::

deluje! hvala lepa!

Vredno ogleda ...

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