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Kateri sata driver je pravi za TOSHIBA SATELLITE L40-Q17???

Kateri sata driver je pravi za TOSHIBA SATELLITE L40-Q17???

Andy21 ::

Dva dni že iščem sata driver za TOSHIBA SATELLITE L40-17Q, pa ne morem najti primernega, da bi potem lahko postopek nalaganja WinXP normalno tekel naprej.

kje bi ta sata drajver lahko našel ???;(
Prosim za pomoč!

amigo_no1 ::

Ni v biosu opcije "SATA native ide" ali kaj podobnega ?

Installation Instructions za win xp


driverje lahko tudi integriraš z nliteom, potreboval pa boš en prazen cd.

Andy21 ::

Problem je glih to, da te opcije v BIOS-u nimam, nLite mi pa tudi nič ne pomaga, ker ne najdem pravega drajverja, tako da sem že štiri prazne CD-je uničo, s tem ko nisem pravih drajverjev gor dal.

Poleg tega pa sem kasneje ugotovo, da je brezveze drajvere v XP-je integrirat, če mi usb ključ prepozna kot Fflopy, tako da bi si lahko pomago z F6.
Tako da problem je v drajverju, KATERI JE PRAVI???? IN KJE GA NAJDEM?????:|

amigo_no1 ::

"Chip Set Utility" je pravi, preberi si readme.txt ki je znotraj (poglavje 8).
Lahko pa uporabljaš tudi cd/dvd rw medije če si že 4 uničil...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: amigo_no1 ()

Andy21 ::

To pomeni, da moram ta Utlity integrirati v windowse ali pa se da posebej na CD?

MTB ::

Slučajno danes naletel na problem s tem prenosnikom, pa zrihtal, tko da iz prve roke.
1. Potegneš si dol AHCI HDD drivers ICH8M_32bit, inštaliraš n-lite.
2. V n-liteu izbereš opcijo Integrate-Drivers, potem Instert - Multiple driver folder, pokažeš folder z omenjenimi gonilniki, izbereš gonilnik in potem mislim da moraš text driver. Jaz sem za ziher to naredil dvakrat, enkrat kot text driver, drugič kot regular PNP driver, za ziher, da nisem 2x pekel CD-ja.
3. Skreiraš sliko (image).
4. Zapečeš CD.

Pyr0Beast ::

RW-jke se še vedno splača met za nLite :D
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

dkepic ::

kako lahko inštaliraš BIOS driverje? V teh rečeh sem nov, pa me zanima kaj naredim z njimi ko jih potegnem z interneta. Kupil sem namreč novega prenosnika in mi noče naložit Windowsov XP, ker baje ni hard disk driverjev...so sploh potrebni BIOS driverji?

igaiga ::

Evo jaz sem ravno usposobil mojo L40-18W ki dela kot urca.
Rabiš WinXPSP2, intelove gonilnike za SATA in nLite.
Intel matrix storage drivers
Navodilo za nlite in WinXP z SATAgonilniki

Najdu sem na enemu forumu zelo podrobno napisano instalacijo Toshibinih gonilnikov.

Installing Windows XP on Toshiba L40-14B PSL4CE No-OS
Done on 07.02.2008... It works!
During the entire process DO NOT try other "solutions" to solve the YELLOW SIGNS that you could see if you open Device Manager!

a) You need a functional system to download all drivers in the list bellow (you will need broadband but the connection speed is awful - my max. was 15.4 KBps and I have an "industrial" line!).
b) Make a custom, bootable, .iso image of WinXP (+SP2) by using a WinXP Kit, the SATA drivers, the programm called "nLite" and Nero Burning ROM (see links bellow). "nLite" will guide you step-by-step through the process of making this image (it's really simple and you don't need any scrips, etc.!).

drivers - http://eu.computers.toshiba-europe.com/...
nLite - http://www.nliteos.com/download.html.

Needed drivers list:
1. Chip Set Utility;
2. Display Driver;
3. Hotkey Utilities for Display Devices;
4. LAN Driver;
5. Modem Driver (UK);
6. Sound Driver;
7. Storage Manager;
8. Touch Pad Driver;
9. Wireless Lan Driver (Realtek).

a) Turn-on the wireless hardware (switch on the down-front side of the notebook, right under the LED's - I'm sure it does nothing (the LED next to the switch does not light and the wireless NIC appears to be on all the time) but it's better to prevent...). If you don't, the driver for wireless card could be incorrectly installed (see step 4, point 6 bellow).
b) Power on your Toshiba and put the new burned WinXP CD in the notebook DVD-unit, then:
Restart -> F12 -> select the DVD-unit as the first boot device.

Install WinXP from your CD.
The good news is that the Ethernet NIC will be recognized by-default (it's a Realtek 8139!). Transfer drivers from the first computer into your notebook.

Install XP Drivers, following this sequence:
1. ChipSet Utility - Intel Mobile Chipset (20-11-2007)

2. Display Driver - Mobile Intel 965 Expres (20-11-2007)
DO NOT click in the "Found new hardware wizard" window that appears for a short time!!!

3. MS WinXP Patches - KB888111xpsp2 from the C:\...\Sound\MSHDQFE\Win2K_XP\us folder (you don't need the other one KB235...!).

4. Sound Driver - Realtek HD Audio (20-11-2007)
You will still have no sound, BUT:
• go to Device Manager;
• "System devices" should be expanded and you will find there a "PCI Device ..." with a YELLOW SIGN;
• right-click on it -> "Update driver..." -> answer the Wizard prompts:
• - No, not this time
• - Install from a list or specific location ...
• - Include this location in the search -> Browse -> C:\...\Sound\WDM (the path to your sound driver folder);
• a new device will be installed, then a "Found new hardware wizard" window will appear again and ...
• you will have to answer the wizard prompts like above BUT the path will be: C:\...\Modem (the path to your modem driver folder)!
• a new device wil be installed.
Now you will hear the first sound from your notebook and, ofcourse, the...
5. Modem Driver (UK) - Toshiba software modem (20-11-2007) will be installed!!!

6. Wireless LAN Driver - Realtek RTL8187B (20-11-2007)

7. ATK0100 ACPI Utility (Hotkey Utilities for Display Devices) - driver + utility - ASUSTeK Computer Inc. (20-11-2007).
At this point you should see NO YELLOW SIGNS if you open the Device Manager!!!

8. Touch Pad Driver - Synaptics (20-11-2007).

LP Upam, da ti bo uspelo in ti bo comp dobro služil.

Derbi ::

Imam isti problem z satellite L40-18W. Kupil sem usb floppy in naložil driverje za sata, ampak še zmeraj mi vrže bluescreen zazna mi driverje ampak katerega koli kliknem je isto. Povlekel sem dol intel matrix storage pa še vseeno ni nič drugače. Mi lahko prosim poveš tvoj postopek inštalacije in katere driverje si uporabil da je bila inštalacija uspešna.

igaiga ::

Rabiš samo ta driver
RAID/AHCI Software - Intel® Matrix Storage Manager (5615KB) 11/9/2007

Link kako narediš nov cd z XP in teli draverji imaš pa 2 posta višje.

Lahko pa probaš nove WindowsXPSP3 mogoče ima te intelove draverje že not.


Derbi ::

Hvala sem uštimal in sedaj kooončnooo dela :)


roli ::

Heh s temi toshibami so očitno sami problemi glede SATA. Ravno pred kratkim mi je prijatelj prinesel eno Toshibo L40 za porihtat. Sem najprej gledal BIOS in, ker ni bilo nobene opcije za kaki "SATA native mode" sem šel na toshibin forum in našel navete naj potegnem dol Intel Matrix storage driver ter vse skupaj integriram v WIN XP CD. Stvar je delala kot mora.

volcjak ::

Pozdravljeni, jaz imam pa isto težavo, vendar mi nikakor ne uspe najti pravih driverjev za Toshibo Satellite A530D da bi jih dodal z nLite programom.

Leoon ::

toshiba satellite l300
mi lahko kdo prosim pove katere drivere rabim za visto?????

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