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DirectX 11

DirectX 11

Tr0n ::

Na Microsoftovi GameFest konferenci so najavili DirectX 11.

The company calls DirectX 11 a "big step forward for gaming, adding features onto existing DirectX 10".

Key components of DirectX 11, will include:

o Full support (including all DX11 hardware features) on Windows Vista as well as future versions of Windows

o Compatibility with DirectX 10 and 10.1 hardware, as well as support for new DirectX 11 hardware

o New compute shader technology that lays the groundwork for the GPU to be used for more than just 3D graphics, so that developers can take advantage of the graphics card as a parallel processor

o Multi-threaded resource handling that will allow games to better take advantage of multi-core machines

o Support for tessellation, which blurs the line between super high quality pre-rendered scenes and scenes rendered in real-time, allowing game developers to refine models to be smoother and more attractive when seen up close

Med drugim bo sedaj zastonj tudi Games for Windows Live Gold account (sedaj $7.99 na mesec ali $49.99 na leto).

Tr0n ::

OChack ::

bullshit, vsak DX je za nazaj kompatibiln sploh pa ta bo lepo podpirov dx10 in 10.1
DX11 konc koncev en priunaša nič novega, še vedno ni ray tracinga recimo
Int€l inside, IDIOT Outside

Senitel ::

Ne zastopiš kaj je ta discontinuity med DX9 in DX10... GeForce 2 komot kerira DX9 device, GeForce 7 pa ne more kreirat DX10 devicea. Rezultat je da moraš imet dva povsem ločena code patha za DX9 in DX10, če hočeš podpirat star hardware (in WinXP), medtem ko imaš lahko v DX9 samo ločene shaderje.
In kako naj bi ta ray tracing izgledal? DrawPrimitiveRaytrace? So zelo spodobni raytracerji že v D3D9 implementirani, še boljši v D3D10. DX11 ima pa compute shaderje tako da si lahko sam naprogramiraš glih kar ti paše.

Tr0n ::

Malo bolj podroben opis DirectX 11 novosti.

Introducing DirectX 11

* Down-level hardware and operating system support
* Improved multithreaded device
* New hardware stages for tessellation
* Improved texture compression
* Shader Model 5.0
* Compute shader
* Additional features

Tilen ::

To vrjetno spet pomeni hitrejše delovanje iger ne? Tako kot DX10 napram 9? >:D

BigWhale ::

Me zanima, ce bo za DX11 vsaj toliko iger, kot jih je trenutno za DX10! ;>

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