Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Kupujem shuffle pa me zanima če je res da moram prenašati musko preko itunes ali je še kaka druga varianta?
Kupujem shuffle pa me zanima če je res da moram prenašati musko preko itunes ali je še kaka druga varianta?

detroit ::
Kupujem shuffle pa me zanima če je res da moram prenašati musko preko itunes ali je še kaka druga varianta? Ker itq ne bom plačvou za musko k jo mam že doma na originalih in itak tud erm....z jablane padle zadeve. Upam sicer da mi je to kolega natvezil drugače itak ne grem kupit tega plastic fantastica (itak pa ni zame:)
Hvala za odgovore
Hvala za odgovore

WarpedGone ::
Na netu se najde proggy, ki odstrani potrebo po iTunes. iTunes moraš najprej našvasat na mašino, da na iPodu nastaviš ves prostor za datoteke in nič za glasbo. Nato pa lahko mp3je nanj snemaš z navadnim FileManagerjem, proggy pa poskrbi, da iPod najde musko.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

Matek ::
Drugace pa najbrz nisi razumel - iTunes je samo program za urejanje/poslusanje glasbe (kot recimo Windows Media Player ali Winamp), s pomocjo katerega si nalozis glasbo na iPoda. Ta glasba so lahko vsi tvoji ze obstojeci MP3ji, lahko ti avtomatsko zripa tvoje CDje, itd, ne rabis svoje glasbe kupit preko iTunes trgovine.
Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona.

WarpedGone ::
Potrebuješ tole Shuffle Database Builder
Je res, da glasbe ni nujno kupovat prek iTunes, je pa zato iTunes takšen kup gnoja, da je pravi užitek se mu izognit, če se le da.
Je res, da glasbe ni nujno kupovat prek iTunes, je pa zato iTunes takšen kup gnoja, da je pravi užitek se mu izognit, če se le da.
This little program enables iPod shuffle users to finally get rid of all that iTunes or other complicated playlist management stuff. Due to the simple structure of the shuffle (compared to the »big« iPods), it is possible to use the player almost like any other USB flash MP3 player: You simply copy MP3 files onto it. You only need to run the Database Builder program after you added or removed files from the iPod. This approach hasnumerous benefits:
* You don't need iTunes, ml_ipod or GNUpod anymore. Simply copy some MP3 files into the iPod volume and start this teensy 8k program.
* You aren't restricted to store your music in the /iPod_Control/Music subdirectory. Build your own directory and filename structure. Your iPod, your rules!
* You may use the iPod on as many computers as you want.
* The actual iTunes database is left untouched, your iPod should still work with iTunes, if you like. (Note that this wasn't true for me; my iTunes installation now refuses any co-operation with my iPod. But I'm pretty sure that this is due to my experimentation with the iTunes database, and not a side-effect of using the Database Builder.)
* If you do not use the iPod_Control folder for your music, iTunes will not delete your files again without asking.
* The Database Builder uses a quite sophisticated shuffle algorithm (smart shuffle) that arranges your tracks in a more uniform way.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe
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