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Star Trek: Elite Force II

Star Trek: Elite Force II

BaRtMaN ::

Tukaj je intervju na Gamespyju!
V igri je zgodba taka:
The game begins aboard the Borg Sphere as seen in the final episode of Voyager and showcases a more detailed account of how the Voyager escaped/destroyed the Borg Sphere...
The real story begins after Voyager returns home to the Alpha Quadrant. Like most of the Voyager crew, Munro and the rest of the Hazard Team have taken up new assignments in Starfleet. Through a series of events, Munro and the members of the Hazard Team find themselves transferred aboard the prestigious Enterprise-E serving under Picard. After answering a distress call of a derelict Federation vessel, the Enterprise-E and crew find themselves caught up in the upheaval of tension and conflict between warring species and find out who is behind it all. You will come across many familiar races in Star Trek including the Klingons, Borg, Andorians, and Romulans along with two new races and a horrific new alien race of monsters. Your actions will determine the ultimate outcome of these events.

Dami ::

NORO. Kdaj pride, kdaj pride??!!:D
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.

Predator ::

kot kaže bojo počasi celo kaj naredili iz star trek licenc ... ker igre do sedaj niso bile nikoli ravno na kakšnem superiornem grafičnem in igralnem nivoju ( mogoče star trek armada 1, 2 še nisem igral); tudi zadnja pogruntavščina Bridge Commander je povsem povprečna, igralnost nizka ker imaš omejene komande, striktno linearna in na koncu vsake misije je en "šef" :'(

BaRtMaN ::

V intervjuju piše da pride v 1. četrtletju 2003. :\\
Res, nad Bridge Commanderjem sem razpčaran, ampak Quick Battle je v demotu blo zabavno nažigat. Me je pa kr ven vrglo iz igre večkat. ;(

Predator ::

mah ladje so totalno nerealne, loadanje orožij traja 10 let, umetna inteligneca se lahko primerja z mojimi zlatimi ribicami, tarčo mam pa freezneno z tractor beamom pa miruje pred mano pa jo torpedi ne zadanejo ... še kar pa čakam kdaj bom lahko upravljal z defiantom ker ima kot edina st ladja licenco za vojno ;(( pismo licencarjem ;(( ;((

BigFoot ::

yep, če bi dal Defianta noter bi pa še z veseljem špilal BC.
LG 77CX OLED TV; Marantz SR6010 7.2: 5x Focal Sib, 2x Focal Cub, 2x Focal
Little Bird; PS5, Xbox Series X, PS4 Pro, Xbox One, PS3, Vero 4K, Samsung
UBD K8500 4K UHD, Philips BDP2180/12

boha ::

Go Ritual Go!

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