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StarTrek fan?

undefined ::
> tale Enterprise je pa ze tak, da me pocasi postaja sram, da predstavlja clovesko raso. Kot kak lokalni bully, cisto nasprotje Picarda.
Enterprise mi daje občutek ravnanja same Amerike in njihovih diplomatskih sposobnosti. ;)
Enterprise mi daje občutek ravnanja same Amerike in njihovih diplomatskih sposobnosti. ;)

gkovac ::
TNG mi je bla FUL FUL všeč ampak nikol nisem gledal vseh epizod. Gledal sem pa tudi risano serijo in to še na Sky One
ni kej star sem. NOve zadeve pa ne poznam, DS9 pa nisem nikoli gledal.
moja želja je, da bi imel celotno zbirko Star Trek TNG in Voyager, se zabubil za en teden v stanovanje in cele dneve gledal serije, dokler jih nebi vseh pogledal
psiho a?
Za filme je pa tako... starejši mi niso preveč všeč, ker je pač tehnologija prestara, novi filmi z Piccardom in druščino so pa super! Z veseljem čakam na naslednji film.
Bi pa z veseljem enkrat šel na konferenco, da vidim kako to izgleda.

moja želja je, da bi imel celotno zbirko Star Trek TNG in Voyager, se zabubil za en teden v stanovanje in cele dneve gledal serije, dokler jih nebi vseh pogledal


Za filme je pa tako... starejši mi niso preveč všeč, ker je pač tehnologija prestara, novi filmi z Piccardom in druščino so pa super! Z veseljem čakam na naslednji film.
Bi pa z veseljem enkrat šel na konferenco, da vidim kako to izgleda.
"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."

BigWhale ::
TNG je bil prevec dolgocasen... ;)
Deep Space Nine je IMO najboljsa serija izmed vseh, PRecej stvari se je dogajalo in vojna je v bistvu resila serijo. Voyager je bil bolj tako tako... Particle of the day solution.
Enterprise, mnjah... Tale zgodba je zanimiv koncept... Kot je ze nekdo pred mano rekel, ce se war scenario ne bo obnesel, potem lahko se probajo s celo sezono kjer bo T'Pol v decon... ;>
Mi je pa vsec serija ker imajo namesto ladje eno kanto, ki vsakic sproti crkne in vsi imajo boljso tehnologijo od njih... Ali pa vsaj vecina... :P
Deep Space Nine je IMO najboljsa serija izmed vseh, PRecej stvari se je dogajalo in vojna je v bistvu resila serijo. Voyager je bil bolj tako tako... Particle of the day solution.
Enterprise, mnjah... Tale zgodba je zanimiv koncept... Kot je ze nekdo pred mano rekel, ce se war scenario ne bo obnesel, potem lahko se probajo s celo sezono kjer bo T'Pol v decon... ;>
Mi je pa vsec serija ker imajo namesto ladje eno kanto, ki vsakic sproti crkne in vsi imajo boljso tehnologijo od njih... Ali pa vsaj vecina... :P

Sulc- zadnji ST film Nemesis je baje šel zelo slabo v promet ( ne vem ali je pridelal izgubo ali ne- se ne spomnim) in nekaj so razmišljali v tej smeri, da naj bi bil to zanji film. Vsaj z temi igralci ali celo nasploh. Kako bo bomo pa videli.
Čeprav meni je bil nemesis zlo dober. Lahko da se je folk naveličal ST.
Čeprav meni je bil nemesis zlo dober. Lahko da se je folk naveličal ST.
Go with the flow.

Aspirinix ::
Meni je bil Nemesis zelo dober. SIcer sem ga pa itaq včeraj zopet gledal.
Mogoče je tudi to, da je konec tistih nadaljevank ob katerih smo mi gor rasli. Te novejše pa se ne morejo več tako kosati z vsemi ostalimi, ki so na trgu. Ljudje so enostavno izgubili zanimanje za njih, ker imajo preveč alternativ. Takrat jih ni bilo toliko.
Zdaj pa tv prklopiš, pa vidiš mali miljon špoanskih žajfnc, pa mali miljon Buffyjk, pa mali miljon nekih x tehnoloških...
Dobrega SciFi več ni.
Mogoče je tudi to, da je konec tistih nadaljevank ob katerih smo mi gor rasli. Te novejše pa se ne morejo več tako kosati z vsemi ostalimi, ki so na trgu. Ljudje so enostavno izgubili zanimanje za njih, ker imajo preveč alternativ. Takrat jih ni bilo toliko.
Zdaj pa tv prklopiš, pa vidiš mali miljon špoanskih žajfnc, pa mali miljon Buffyjk, pa mali miljon nekih x tehnoloških...
Dobrega SciFi več ni.

BigWhale ::
Nehajte piratizirat... ;)
Nimesis je bil predvsem polom zato, ker je bil released med Matrico in Gospodarjem prstanov. Vsebina je bila kar ok... Skoda je le to, da jim v vsakem filmu uspe sesut Enterprise.. ;)
Jaz bi rad videl eno serijo, ki se dogaja v Star Trek universe ampak ni v ospredju federacija. Kak privateer ship, ki potuje okrog in se trudi ziveti po svoje. Recimo.
Nimesis je bil predvsem polom zato, ker je bil released med Matrico in Gospodarjem prstanov. Vsebina je bila kar ok... Skoda je le to, da jim v vsakem filmu uspe sesut Enterprise.. ;)
Jaz bi rad videl eno serijo, ki se dogaja v Star Trek universe ampak ni v ospredju federacija. Kak privateer ship, ki potuje okrog in se trudi ziveti po svoje. Recimo.

DarkSite ::
Ja jest zdele gledam Enterprise nx01 :) Do zdej pogledu vse dele z "Impulse" vred.
Morm pa rec, da sm pogledu tud vse dele od Picarda in Kirka(tud filme)...Deep space shit sm pa spustu...aja pa voyager sm tud vse pogledu...:)
Kar se pa Picarda in Kirka tice...Kirk neb nikol spustu enga Klingona na bridge...prej bi ga ubov...:))
Tole vse pove:The Klingons didn't have a word for surrender - until they met Kirk.
Se vec tega dobite tle.
Iceman: > tale Enterprise je pa ze tak, da me pocasi postaja sram, da predstavlja clovesko raso. Kot kak lokalni bully, cisto nasprotje Picarda.
Enterprise mi daje občutek ravnanja same Amerike in njihovih diplomatskih sposobnosti. ;)
Sam Iceman...sej je logicno da predstavljajo samo clovesko raso...sej federacije se je ne bo vse dokler ne bo vojna z Romulani(cez 5 let od enterprise nx-01)....k se pol zdruzijo 4 rase...(humansi, vulkanci, andrians, pa se eni). Tko da mislim da bodo tega enterprisa prifural vse do te vojne in do ustanovitve federacije...medtem bodo se razbil ene xindije :))...
Morm pa rec, da sm pogledu tud vse dele od Picarda in Kirka(tud filme)...Deep space shit sm pa spustu...aja pa voyager sm tud vse pogledu...:)
Kar se pa Picarda in Kirka tice...Kirk neb nikol spustu enga Klingona na bridge...prej bi ga ubov...:))
Tole vse pove:The Klingons didn't have a word for surrender - until they met Kirk.
Se vec tega dobite tle.
Iceman: > tale Enterprise je pa ze tak, da me pocasi postaja sram, da predstavlja clovesko raso. Kot kak lokalni bully, cisto nasprotje Picarda.
Enterprise mi daje občutek ravnanja same Amerike in njihovih diplomatskih sposobnosti. ;)
Sam Iceman...sej je logicno da predstavljajo samo clovesko raso...sej federacije se je ne bo vse dokler ne bo vojna z Romulani(cez 5 let od enterprise nx-01)....k se pol zdruzijo 4 rase...(humansi, vulkanci, andrians, pa se eni). Tko da mislim da bodo tega enterprisa prifural vse do te vojne in do ustanovitve federacije...medtem bodo se razbil ene xindije :))...

DarkSite ::
Kirk vs. Picard
100. Kirk is a leader, not a follower.
99. Kirk never really got into that kinky "Jumpsuit" look.
98. Kirk has sex more than once a season.
97. One Word: Hair
96. Another Word: Pretty-good-looking-can't-see-the-weave-WIG.
95. Kirk can beat up a Klingon bare-handed.
94. Picard is a French man with an English accent.
93. Kirk would date Beverly Crusher - and damn the consequences!!
92. Kirk never drinks tea. Ever
91. Diplomacy for Kirk is a phaser and a smirk.
90. Kirk would personally throw Wesley off his bridge.
89. Two words: Shoulder Roll
88. Kirk doesn't wear dresses when admirals arrive for lunch.
87. Kirk once said: "I've got a belly-ache - and it's a beauty."
86. Kirk would never sing to children in a crisis.
85. Kirk can almost drive a stick shift.
84. Kirk, almost single-handedly, re-populated the Earth's whale population.
83. Kirk says, "Prime Directive? What Prime Directive?"
82. Kirk knows 20th Century curses.
81. Kirk was NEVER infiltrated by the Borg and used against the Federation.
80. Kirk ate little coloured cubes and still remained relatively healthy.
79. Kirk made do with obviously low performance technology.
78. Kirk never pretends to be a barber in order to gain a tactical advantage.
77. Kirk wasn't shy about taking his shirt off; even around those pesky Yeoman.
76. Kirk would never waste a holodeck on something stupid like Dixon Hill.
75. Kirk never once stood up and had to straighten his shirt.
74. One Word: Velour.
73. Kirk can beat a Vulcan at Chess.
72. When Kirk was Picard's age, he retired from Admiral and took to climbing rocks.
71. When Picard was 37, he was only Captain of the lowly Stargazer. When Kirk was 37, he was Captain of the flagship Enterprise.
70. Kirk liked a good belt of liquor every now and again.
69. One Word: Iman
68. Kirk looks good with a ripped shirt.
67. If Kirk ever met a Ferengi, he would rip off its head and s**t down its neck.
66. Kirk says, "Shoot first and wait for retaliation."
65. Kirk's first officer NEVER tells him to stay on the bridge.
64. Kirk never leaves the room to bawl somebody out.
63. Kirk doesn't rely on the wisdom of some dumb old janitor to get him out of intergalactic scrapes.
62. Two Words: Funky Sideburns
61. Kirk never asks his bartender for advice.
60. Kirk never once said, "Abandon ship! All hands abandon ship!"
59. Kirk is not politically correct.
58. Kirk never got "dumped" by a woman for an intergalactic busy body named after a letter of the alphabet.
57. Kirk never wore green tights and frolicked about in Sherwood Forest.
56. If there was ever a Klingon on Kirk's bridge, Kirk would likely be dead.
55. Ever hear of a bar shooter called "Make it so?" No? How about a "Beam me up Scotty" then? See the difference?
54. One Word: Miniskirts
53. Kirk's girlfriends always look good in soft light.
52. Kirk never went anywhere without a whole bunch of guys in red shirts.
51. Kirk's first officer didn't play some wimpy instrument like the trombone.
50. Kirk had more dates than his first officer.
49. The extent of Kirk's knowledge of Klingon vocabulary can be roughly translated as "GO F*CK YOURSELF."
48. If something doesn't speak English - it's toast.
47. Kirk wasn't some prissy archaeology fan.
46. Picard's middle name isn't tough or awe-inspiring like Tiberius is.
45. If Kirk finds a strange spinning probe, he blows it up.
44. Picard never met Joan Collins.
43. Picard flunked his entrance exams to Starfleet.
42 Picard hasn't fathered any children; Kirk - probably millions.
41. Kirk has a cool phaser - not some pansy Braun mix-master.
40. Two Words: Line Delivery
39. Picard grew up on a quaint little French vineyard, squishing grapes with his toes, while Kirk slung bails of wheat and hay in Iowa to put himself through school.
38. Kirk emphasizes his orations with pertinent hand gestures.
37. Kirk once made a cannon out of bamboo, sulphur, potassium nitrate, charcoal and then fired diamonds into the hearts of his enemies. (Need we say more?)
36. Kirk is not put off by green skin.
35. Kirk knows how to deal with peace loving hippy goofs.
34. Kirk once fought a Greek god. And won.
33. Kirk barely asks for suggestions. And if he does, he only asks Spock.
32. Kirk doesn't let the doctor tell him what to do.
31. One Word: Fisticuffs
30. Kirk's name is hated throughout the galaxy.
29. Kirk appreciates Shakespeare, but he doesn't let it show.
28. You can never lock up Kirk for very long.
27. Kirk's eulogies can actually make you cry.
26. Kirk plays god with lesser cultures, and then exploits them for resources.
25. Kirk's son would never drop out to become a musician.
24. Kirk can climb up a Jeffries Tube and fix anything.
23. Kirk never hired an engineer with punk glasses.
22. The Klingons didn't have a word for surrender - until they met Kirk.
21. Kirk's bridge is not beige.
20. Two Words: Crane Shots
19. Picard likes wimpy violin music -- and coerces Data into playing it.
18. Picard allows cats on board, while Kirk beams away even really cute things, like Tribbles.
17. Kirk is a cultural icon - Picard is just some guy who's really nice.
16. Kirk specifically ordered a swivel LA-Z-BOY for the bridge.
15. Kirk would never touch SYNTHAHOL.
14. Kirk looks distinguished in reading glasses - and nobody dares to call him "four eyes."
13. Kirk can infiltrate Gangsters, Nazis, and even the Pentagon; easily.
12. Picard likes painting nudes, for art's sake.
11. When Kirk doesn't trust the Romulans, he fires at them. When Picard doesn't trust the Romulans, he gets fired at.
10. Kirk never once, ever, wore a wiener wrapping Speedo banana hammock on shore leave.
9. Kirk never gets his command codes locked out by some pimply acting ensign.
8. Kirk doesn't test the engines -- he just fires them up.
7. When Kirk says, "Boldly Go," he MEANS it.
6. Three Words: Flying Leg Kick
5. Picard's crew would never ever think of him as a sexual object.
4. Kirk traveled through The Great Barrier, met God, and wasn't even impressed.
3. Kirk's bedroom is a passion pit with electric sheets.
2. Kirk would never let his Chief of Security wear a ponytail.
1. One Word: Gonads!
100. Kirk is a leader, not a follower.
99. Kirk never really got into that kinky "Jumpsuit" look.
98. Kirk has sex more than once a season.
97. One Word: Hair
96. Another Word: Pretty-good-looking-can't-see-the-weave-WIG.
95. Kirk can beat up a Klingon bare-handed.
94. Picard is a French man with an English accent.
93. Kirk would date Beverly Crusher - and damn the consequences!!
92. Kirk never drinks tea. Ever
91. Diplomacy for Kirk is a phaser and a smirk.
90. Kirk would personally throw Wesley off his bridge.
89. Two words: Shoulder Roll
88. Kirk doesn't wear dresses when admirals arrive for lunch.
87. Kirk once said: "I've got a belly-ache - and it's a beauty."
86. Kirk would never sing to children in a crisis.
85. Kirk can almost drive a stick shift.
84. Kirk, almost single-handedly, re-populated the Earth's whale population.
83. Kirk says, "Prime Directive? What Prime Directive?"
82. Kirk knows 20th Century curses.
81. Kirk was NEVER infiltrated by the Borg and used against the Federation.
80. Kirk ate little coloured cubes and still remained relatively healthy.
79. Kirk made do with obviously low performance technology.
78. Kirk never pretends to be a barber in order to gain a tactical advantage.
77. Kirk wasn't shy about taking his shirt off; even around those pesky Yeoman.
76. Kirk would never waste a holodeck on something stupid like Dixon Hill.
75. Kirk never once stood up and had to straighten his shirt.
74. One Word: Velour.
73. Kirk can beat a Vulcan at Chess.
72. When Kirk was Picard's age, he retired from Admiral and took to climbing rocks.
71. When Picard was 37, he was only Captain of the lowly Stargazer. When Kirk was 37, he was Captain of the flagship Enterprise.
70. Kirk liked a good belt of liquor every now and again.
69. One Word: Iman
68. Kirk looks good with a ripped shirt.
67. If Kirk ever met a Ferengi, he would rip off its head and s**t down its neck.
66. Kirk says, "Shoot first and wait for retaliation."
65. Kirk's first officer NEVER tells him to stay on the bridge.
64. Kirk never leaves the room to bawl somebody out.
63. Kirk doesn't rely on the wisdom of some dumb old janitor to get him out of intergalactic scrapes.
62. Two Words: Funky Sideburns
61. Kirk never asks his bartender for advice.
60. Kirk never once said, "Abandon ship! All hands abandon ship!"
59. Kirk is not politically correct.
58. Kirk never got "dumped" by a woman for an intergalactic busy body named after a letter of the alphabet.
57. Kirk never wore green tights and frolicked about in Sherwood Forest.
56. If there was ever a Klingon on Kirk's bridge, Kirk would likely be dead.
55. Ever hear of a bar shooter called "Make it so?" No? How about a "Beam me up Scotty" then? See the difference?
54. One Word: Miniskirts
53. Kirk's girlfriends always look good in soft light.
52. Kirk never went anywhere without a whole bunch of guys in red shirts.
51. Kirk's first officer didn't play some wimpy instrument like the trombone.
50. Kirk had more dates than his first officer.
49. The extent of Kirk's knowledge of Klingon vocabulary can be roughly translated as "GO F*CK YOURSELF."
48. If something doesn't speak English - it's toast.
47. Kirk wasn't some prissy archaeology fan.
46. Picard's middle name isn't tough or awe-inspiring like Tiberius is.
45. If Kirk finds a strange spinning probe, he blows it up.
44. Picard never met Joan Collins.
43. Picard flunked his entrance exams to Starfleet.
42 Picard hasn't fathered any children; Kirk - probably millions.
41. Kirk has a cool phaser - not some pansy Braun mix-master.
40. Two Words: Line Delivery
39. Picard grew up on a quaint little French vineyard, squishing grapes with his toes, while Kirk slung bails of wheat and hay in Iowa to put himself through school.
38. Kirk emphasizes his orations with pertinent hand gestures.
37. Kirk once made a cannon out of bamboo, sulphur, potassium nitrate, charcoal and then fired diamonds into the hearts of his enemies. (Need we say more?)
36. Kirk is not put off by green skin.
35. Kirk knows how to deal with peace loving hippy goofs.
34. Kirk once fought a Greek god. And won.
33. Kirk barely asks for suggestions. And if he does, he only asks Spock.
32. Kirk doesn't let the doctor tell him what to do.
31. One Word: Fisticuffs
30. Kirk's name is hated throughout the galaxy.
29. Kirk appreciates Shakespeare, but he doesn't let it show.
28. You can never lock up Kirk for very long.
27. Kirk's eulogies can actually make you cry.
26. Kirk plays god with lesser cultures, and then exploits them for resources.
25. Kirk's son would never drop out to become a musician.
24. Kirk can climb up a Jeffries Tube and fix anything.
23. Kirk never hired an engineer with punk glasses.
22. The Klingons didn't have a word for surrender - until they met Kirk.
21. Kirk's bridge is not beige.
20. Two Words: Crane Shots
19. Picard likes wimpy violin music -- and coerces Data into playing it.
18. Picard allows cats on board, while Kirk beams away even really cute things, like Tribbles.
17. Kirk is a cultural icon - Picard is just some guy who's really nice.
16. Kirk specifically ordered a swivel LA-Z-BOY for the bridge.
15. Kirk would never touch SYNTHAHOL.
14. Kirk looks distinguished in reading glasses - and nobody dares to call him "four eyes."
13. Kirk can infiltrate Gangsters, Nazis, and even the Pentagon; easily.
12. Picard likes painting nudes, for art's sake.
11. When Kirk doesn't trust the Romulans, he fires at them. When Picard doesn't trust the Romulans, he gets fired at.
10. Kirk never once, ever, wore a wiener wrapping Speedo banana hammock on shore leave.
9. Kirk never gets his command codes locked out by some pimply acting ensign.
8. Kirk doesn't test the engines -- he just fires them up.
7. When Kirk says, "Boldly Go," he MEANS it.
6. Three Words: Flying Leg Kick
5. Picard's crew would never ever think of him as a sexual object.
4. Kirk traveled through The Great Barrier, met God, and wasn't even impressed.
3. Kirk's bedroom is a passion pit with electric sheets.
2. Kirk would never let his Chief of Security wear a ponytail.
1. One Word: Gonads!

BigWhale ::
> Deep space shit sm pa spustu...aja pa voyager sm tud vse pogledu...:)
Deep space 'shit' je v bistvu edina serija, kjer se dejansko kaj pametnega dogaja. V sezonah 3+ :)
Hec pa je, da v startreku nikoli:
Ne dobijo klica v sili in ugotovijo, da je enterprise v bistvu blazno dalec in da ne morejo it tja pomagat... Mulac Wesley se bolj pokvari motorje in mora LaForge resevati njihovo rit. :P Riker se poroci z eno nezemljanko. Picard, ki naj bi bil francoz, pije vino namesto EarlGrety in dejansko govori s francoskim naglasom. ;) Nikoli ne srecajo ene cist nove zivljenske oblike za katero potem ugotovijo, da je v bistvu ena stara zivljenska oblika, ki jo poznajo ze vrsto let, samo da praznuje halloween...
Hja, tko je to...
Deep space 'shit' je v bistvu edina serija, kjer se dejansko kaj pametnega dogaja. V sezonah 3+ :)
Hec pa je, da v startreku nikoli:
Ne dobijo klica v sili in ugotovijo, da je enterprise v bistvu blazno dalec in da ne morejo it tja pomagat... Mulac Wesley se bolj pokvari motorje in mora LaForge resevati njihovo rit. :P Riker se poroci z eno nezemljanko. Picard, ki naj bi bil francoz, pije vino namesto EarlGrety in dejansko govori s francoskim naglasom. ;) Nikoli ne srecajo ene cist nove zivljenske oblike za katero potem ugotovijo, da je v bistvu ena stara zivljenska oblika, ki jo poznajo ze vrsto let, samo da praznuje halloween...
Hja, tko je to...

Predator ::
sodit DS9 po prvih serijah je tako kot, da bi vas nekdo po tem kakšni ste bili kot 6 mescev star dojenček, pač serija je rabila čas da dozori... poglejte si tako kot je bigwhale rekel, ker serija rox

undefined ::
> Jaz bi rad videl eno serijo, ki se dogaja v Star Trek universe ampak ni v ospredju federacija. Kak privateer ship, ki potuje okrog in se trudi ziveti po svoje. Recimo.
Hmm. Farscape? Too bad it's dead. Še edina serija RES vredna ogleda, prekaša vse Star Trek serije po dolgem in počez.
Hmm. Farscape? Too bad it's dead. Še edina serija RES vredna ogleda, prekaša vse Star Trek serije po dolgem in počez.


undefined ::
> Po tvojem mnenju seveda. Farscape mi osebno ni bil vsec.
Premalo Star Trek umetne nesnage? Too real for ya?
Premalo Star Trek umetne nesnage? Too real for ya?


BigWhale ::
> Se bom zdej spravu gledat DS9 4 sezono.Ker prva sezona je bila
> zanič.
V drugi sezoni se predstavijo Dominion... Potem se founderji v tretji... V cetrti pa Krisko rece: "We have 5000 thousand photon torpedoes loaded and ready..."
> zanič.
V drugi sezoni se predstavijo Dominion... Potem se founderji v tretji... V cetrti pa Krisko rece: "We have 5000 thousand photon torpedoes loaded and ready..."

Predator ::
ta del ( uvod v 4 serijo, the way of the warrior, 2 "dela" po ~45minut oz 1krat ~90, če bo kdo iskal ) lepo nakaže kaj se bliža 
in ko smo že pri serijah z bazami, any b5 fans here?
kar pa se farscapa tiče, je meni deloval čudno in sem ga nehal gledat;

in ko smo že pri serijah z bazami, any b5 fans here?
kar pa se farscapa tiče, je meni deloval čudno in sem ga nehal gledat;

SasoS ::
Farscape rula in (ja, po mojem mnenju
) krepko prekaša (je prekašala
) sedanji Star Trek. Poglejte eno epizodo 4. sezone FS-ja in pa sploh ni za primerjat! Pa sem zelo velik fan ST-ja (predvsem TNG, tudi Ds9). Btw: David Kemper je na začetku delal kot pisec pri TNG-ju! Nekaj zelo dobrih epizod TNGja je spisal prav on!! Ja, Farscape je včasih malce drugačen, odtrgan, ampak vsaj domišljija jim dela 100 na uro. Ne pa Enterprise ko je vsak teden praktično isto...In pa kot so povedali že zgoraj, serija rabi nekaj časa da se razvije (poglejte prvo sezono TNG), a kljub temu je prva sezona Fs-ja zelo dobra (par klasik...DNA Mad Scientist, A Human Reaction...)...Na svojo srečo imam zadosti samo kontrole da mi je ostalo še skoraj 10 epizod 4. Sezone in vsem ki niso gledal še nič sem kr fovš :)



undefined ::
Mah, jest ko sm vidu pilota (prvo epizodo 1x01) Farscapea, me je tolk not potegnilo kot še nobena serija poprej. Farscape je bil 'bomba' od prve do zadnje epizode, medtem ko bi za Star Trek težko trdil enako. Zame najboljša ST epizoda ni primerljiva za najslabšo epizodo FS.


nicjasno ::
Farscape ni mel ene dolgocajtne epizode, vse skupaj pa je bilo povezano v en velik story arc. Definitivno ena najboljsih serij kaj jih je. Po mojem skromnem mnenju tudi bolsa od vseh star trekov skup.
Vredno ogleda ...
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