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Pomoč: Asp upload

Pomoč: Asp upload

tejcek ::

torej, že nekaj časa googlam in ne najdem PURE Asp skripte, kjer bi lahko uploadu slike na strežnik. Gre za to, da se na sami strani logiraš, nato pa bi želel prenesti sliko na strežnik v točno določeno mapo.


mile ::

tole jaz uporabljam...nisem našel na netu, zato ti kar pejstam

' FileSystemObject

'Upload Script Version 1.2
'Copyright &#169; 2004, Yusuf Wiryonoputro. All rights reserved.
Server.ScriptTimeout = 7000

Class Upload

	Private nFileCount
	Private dictRequest
	'Private dictRequestFiles(5,6)
	Private dictRequestFiles()
	Private sAllowedTypes
	Private sBannedTypes
	Private nMaxFileSize
	Private nErrNum
	Private sErrMsg
	Public Sub Recieve()
		nErrNum = 0
		sContentType = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE")	
		if InStr(sContentType,"multipart/form-data")=0 Then	
			nErrNum = 1
			sErrMsg = "Form enctype is not multipart/form-data"
			Exit Sub
		End If	
		binData = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes) '1
		if Request.Totalbytes > nMaxFileSize then
			nErrNum = 2
			sErrMsg = "The posted data exceeds the maximum size allowed."
'			Exit Sub
		End If	
		'binData = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes) '2
		'Kalau 1 enable => tdk error
		'Kalau 1 disable, 2 enable => error		
		lenBinData = lenB(binData)
		set adoRs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		If lenBinData>0 Then
			adoRs.Fields.Append "UploadData", 201, lenBinData
			adoRs("UploadData").AppendChunk binData
			sData = adoRs("UploadData")'Char
		End If	
		arrTemp = split(sContentType,";")
		sBoundary = Split(Trim(arrTemp(1)), "=")(1)
		arrFieldValue = Split(sData,sBoundary)
		set dictRequest = server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
		sBrowser = UCase(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"))
		For i=0 To UBound(arrFieldValue)
			fieldSeparate = InStr(arrFieldValue(i), Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
			If fieldSeparate>0 Then
				fieldEnd	= fieldSeparate-3
				valueStart	= fieldSeparate+4
				valueEnd	= Len(arrFieldValue(i)) - fieldSeparate - 4 - 3
				sFieldRaw	= Mid(arrFieldValue(i), 3 , fieldEnd)
				sValue		= Mid(arrFieldValue(i), valueStart , valueEnd)

				If InStr(sFieldRaw,"filename=")>0 Then

					sLocal = getLocal(sFieldRaw)
					If InStr(sBrowser,"WIN")>0 Then
						posStart = InStrRev(sLocal, "\") + 1
						sFileName = Mid(sLocal, posStart)
					End If					
					If InStr(sBrowser,"MAC")>0 Then
						sFileName = sLocal
					End If					
					ReDim dictRequestFiles(5,6)
					dictRequestFiles(nFileCount,0) = getFieldName(sFieldRaw)
					dictRequestFiles(nFileCount,1) = sFileName
					dictRequestFiles(nFileCount,2) = sValue 'or File Data
					dictRequestFiles(nFileCount,3) = sLocal
					dictRequestFiles(nFileCount,4) = getFileType(sFieldRaw)
					dictRequestFiles(nFileCount,5) = IsAllowed(sFileName)
					dictRequest.Add getFieldName(sFieldRaw),sValue		
				End If
			End If
	End Sub

	Private Function getFieldName(s)
		posStart = InStr(s, "name=") + 6 '6 krn ada tambahan "
		if InStr(s,Chr(34) & ";")>0 Then 'Chr(34) = "		
			's => Content-Disposition: form-data; name="File1";  
                                 filename="C:\Documents and Settings\Ys\My Documents\mytext.txt"
			'	  Content-Type: text/plain
			posEnd = InStr( posStart , s, Chr(34) & ";" )
			's => Content-Disposition: form-data; name="inpNewFileName"
			posEnd = inStr( posStart , s, Chr(34))		
		End If	
		getFieldName = Mid(s, posStart , posEnd - posStart)
	End Function

	Private Function getLocal(s)
		posStart = InStr(s, "filename=") + 10
		posEnd = InStr(s, Chr(34) & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
		getLocal = Mid(s, posStart, posEnd-posStart)
	End Function

	Private Function getFileType(s)
		posStart = InStr(s, "Content-Type: ")
		GetFileType = Mid(s, posStart + 14)
	End Function
	Private Function IsAllowed(sFileName)
		For Each Item In Split(sFileName,".")
			sExtention = Item

		IsAllowed = false
		For Each Item In Split(sAllowedTypes,"|")
			If LCase(Item) = LCase(sExtention) or LCase(Item) = "*"  Then
				IsAllowed = true
			End If
		For Each Item In Split(sBannedTypes,"|")
			If LCase(Item) = LCase(sExtention) Then
				IsAllowed = false
			End If
	End Function	
	Public Property Let AllowedTypes(sVal)
		sAllowedTypes = sVal
	End Property

	Public Property Let BannedTypes(sVal)
		sBannedTypes = sVal
	End Property

	Public Property Let MaxFileSize(nVal)
		nMaxFileSize = nVal
	End Property

	Public Property Get ErrNum
		ErrNum = nErrNum
	End Property
	Public Property Get ErrMsg
		ErrMsg = sErrMsg
	End Property		
	Public Function RequestValue(s)
		For i=0 To nFileCount 'untuk file
			if dictRequestFiles(i,0) = s Then			
				RequestValue = dictRequestFiles(i,1)
				exit function
			End If
		RequestValue = dictRequest(s) 'utk selain file
	End Function

	Public Function RequestFileContent(s)
		if Len(CStr(nFileCount)) = 0 then 
			RequestFileContent = null
			exit function
		End If
		For i=0 To nFileCount
			if dictRequestFiles(i,0) = s Then
				RequestFileContent = dictRequestFiles(i,2)
				exit function
			End If
		RequestFileContent = null
	End Function
	Public Function RequestFileStatus(s)
		if Len(CStr(nFileCount)) = 0 then
			RequestFileStatus = null
			exit function
		End If
		For i=0 To nFileCount
			if dictRequestFiles(i,0) = s Then
				RequestFileStatus = dictRequestFiles(i,5)
				exit function
			End If
	End Function

	Public Function RequestFileType(s)
		if Len(CStr(nFileCount)) = 0 then 
			RequestFileType = null
			exit function
		End If
		For i=0 To nFileCount
			if dictRequestFiles(i,0) = s Then
				RequestFileType = dictRequestFiles(i,4)
				exit function
			End If
		RequestFileType = null
	End Function
	Public Function SaveFile(sPath,sContent)
		Set fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		Set sFile = fso.CreateTextFile(sPath, True) 'Hati2
		Set fso = Nothing
	End Function
End Class
'above: Upload Script Version 1.2
'Copyright &#169; 2003, Yusuf Wiryonoputro. All rights reserved.
dim sUploadedFile

set oFSO = server.CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set oUpload = New Upload 
'oUpload.AllowedTypes = "gif|jpg"

oUpload.AllowedTypes = "*" 			'Accept all file types

oUpload.MaxFileSize = 9500000

If oUpload.ErrNum=1 Then 'DEFAULT (Form enctype is not multipart/form-data)
	if(Len(CStr(request("inpCurrFolder")))=0) then
		currFolder = server.MapPath(arrBaseFolder(0)) 'opened folder (Physical)
		currFolder = request("inpCurrFolder") 'opened folder (Physical)
	end if
	if(Len(CStr(request("inpFileToDelete")))<>0) then 'Delete File
		Set oFile = oFSO.GetFile(Server.MapPath(CStr(request("inpFileToDelete"))))
	end if
	sMsg = ""
	if(Len(CStr(oUpload.RequestValue("inpCurrFolder2")))=0) then
		currFolder = server.MapPath(arrBaseFolder(0)) 'opened folder (Physical)
		currFolder = oUpload.RequestValue("inpCurrFolder2") 'opened folder (Physical)
	end if

	If oUpload.ErrNum=0 Then
		If oUpload.RequestFileStatus("File1") Then
				sPath = currFolder & "\" & oUpload.RequestValue("File1")
				sContent = oUpload.RequestFileContent("File1")		
				oUpload.SaveFile sPath,sContent

				sUploadedFile=mid(sPath,InStrRev(sPath,"\")+1)'uploaded file
				sMsg = "The File Type is not allowed."	
		End If
	Else 'Ex. "The posted data exceeds the maximum size allowed."
		sMsg = oUpload.ErrMsg
	End If

End If
Set oUpload = Nothing


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hvala ti, bom sprobal

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