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Citati, ki vam kaj pomenijo

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Gagatronix ::

"Mania? I promise you this: it will be more than a cart and plow that I drive over the bones of the dead."

ripmork ::

Egidij88 je izjavil:

Mater ste edgy.

"Watch out, we got a badass over here"
- Neil DeGrasse Tyson

jype ::

Life. Don't talk to me about life.

-- Marvin

Cruz ::

Egidij88 je izjavil:

Mater ste edgy.

>Mater ste edgy
>Objavi edgy komentar

FormerUser ::

Egidij88 je izjavil:

Mater ste edgy.

Cruz ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Cruz ()

FormerUser ::

I said street, not highway.

Cruz ::

FormerUser je izjavil:

I said street, not highway.
It can be street too, if you are daring enough. ;)

FormerUser ::

Daring is for stupid.

Cruz ::

FormerUser je izjavil:

Daring is for stupid.
Party pooper.

FormerUser ::

Cruz ::

FormerUser je izjavil:

FormerUser ::

Cruz ::

FormerUser je izjavil:

FormerUser ::

Cruz ::

FormerUser je izjavil:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Cruz ()

FormerUser ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

Cruz ::

FormerUser je izjavil:

FormerUser ::

Cruz ::

FormerUser je izjavil:


FormerUser ::

"Feminism has fought no wars. It has killed no opponents. It has set up no concentration camps, starved no enemies, practiced no cruelties. Its battles have been for education, for the vote, for better working conditions, for safety in the streets, for child care, for social welfare, for rape crisis centres, women's refuges, reforms in the law. If someone says, 'Oh, I'm not a feminist', I ask, 'Why? What's your problem?"

- Dale Spender, Man Made Language

PrihajaNodi ::

IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:

"Life is hard and is getting harder when you are stupid."


Vedno ko vidim njegov post, mi ta citat pade v oči :)

Tud men...

Miha 333 ::

"He not busy being born is busy dying"
-- Dylan

"Live free or die"
(iz časa francoske revolucije, danes tudi moto zvezne države New Hampshire)

perpetum ::

Miha 333 je izjavil:

"Live free or die"
(iz časa francoske revolucije, danes tudi moto zvezne države New Hampshire)
Sem mislu da je od Bruce Willisa. Live Free or Die Hard :)

FormerUser ::

Some people are so poor that all they have is money.

2dark ::

FormerUser je izjavil:

Some people are so poor that all they have is money.

Problem je, če nimaš niti denarja, da si pamet kupiš.

recmajkemi ::

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough we must do.
V tej državi vsi vedo za vse svinjarije, ki se dogajajo.
Ko pa vprašaš, kdaj so prijavili kako stvar pa črički.
Če veš, obišči & prijavi na; e-uprava.gov.si/podrocja/vloge/vloga.html?id=2377

WallSreet ::

vostok_1 je izjavil:

"Let them eat cake"

(i'd hit her)

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks - Abraham Lincoln

jype ::

If America doesn't come around, we're gonna burn it down.
-- Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin

FormerUser ::

"Never set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm."

ejresnevem ::

Assumption is mother of all f*ckups.

Gagatronix ::

"And fight them until there is no fitnah and until the deen, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease, then indeed, Allah knows what they do."

FormerUser ::

"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities."

- Voltaire

Cruz ::

"Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while or the light won't come in." - Alan Alda
One of the most moral acts is to create a space in which life can move forward.

uporabnik832 ::

Peace and trust between men and women who are lovers would be as bad for the consumer economy and the power structure as peace on earth for the military-industrial complex.

Zgodovina sprememb…

uporabnik832 ::

"God is the partner of your most intimate soliloquies."
Viktor E. Frankl

Vajenc ::

No man is your enemy, no man is your friend, every man is your teacher.
Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.
Woody Allen

gruntfürmich ::

najlažje je drugim pametovat in svoj denar zapravljat.

"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

avom23 ::

Basically, women are nurturers and healers, and men are mental patients to varying degrees

Ladjar ::

Ostanite v lastni koži ker ta je vaša druga pa ne.

Ne zavrzite svojih bosih nog za vozilo pa čeprav je to od samega Cesarja.

Sonce_002 ::

"Ni pomembno, kaj se je v resnici zgodilo, pomembno pa je, kako je to vplivalo na nas."

Misel, ki sem jo našla na https://www.vlastakuster.si/Generalizir...
Nikoli še nisem razmišljala o tem, ampak je res, da na koncu koncev ni važno, skozi kaj si šel, važno je, kdo si danes zaradi tistega, kar se ti je zgodilo.
Naj misel koristi tudi vam, tako kot je meni.

avom23 ::

Najprej skoči, potem pa reči hop.

Ask questions. All kinds. Don't let anything stop you to do it.

If you really really want something, and you are prepared to do anything to get it, you will find a way.

Don't waste your energy trying to change others. All change starts with you.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: avom23 ()

Banza ::

Nejc Zaplotnik

Kdor išče cilj, bo ostal prazen, ko ga bo dosegel, kdor pa najde pot, bo cilj vedno nosil v sebi.

segedin740 ::

"Samo crknjen komunist je dober komunist"

Vsak malo starejši Slovenec, ko sem ga vprašal o tem.

Ko sem bil še otrok, so vsi takole govorili, ko pa sem začel hodit v šolo, so mi govorili kako dobri so komunisti. No, sčasoma sem tudi sam ugotovil, kam pes taco moli, in to mi je za vedno ostalo v spominu in mi ogromno pomeni ob dejstvu, kaj so storili mojemu narodu, in kako prekleto drži zgoraj omenjeni "meme".

Jarno ::


"The low end motherboards suck too much and the high end motherboards cost too much."
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.

xardas ::

"Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are."

- Augustine of Hippo

avom23 ::

This life is a university. Here, we have to learn only one thing: that death does not exist, that life is
But you have to experience it.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: avom23 ()

avom23 ::


Telling a lie is a burden that can be exhausting. Telling the truth is so easy to do. It is deeply and profoundly persuasive and appealing to others.

You're just as Sick as Your Secrets.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: avom23 ()

Vajenc ::

Travel is useful, it exercises the imagination. All the rest is disappointment and fatigue. Our journey is entirely imaginary. That is its strength. It goes from life to death. People, animals, cities, things, are all imagined. It's a novel, just a fictitious narrative... You just have to close your eyes. It's on the other side of life.

Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Journey to the End of the Night
Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.
Woody Allen

Daliborg ::

"Never argue with an idiot, the observers may not tell the difference"

Format life:
Warning all life will be erased!
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