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nastavitev afiniteta CPU-jev

nastavitev afiniteta CPU-jev

StratOS ::

Imam problem z aplikacijo, ki ni narejena za multi core CPU.
Do problema prihaja takoj pri izmenjavi procesa na različnih CPU.
Aplikacija trenutno nima updatea, ki bi popravil to oziroma kakšnega fix-a.

Zanima me, če obstaja kakšna skripta, command line ki bi to takoj opb zagonu popravila, da mi ni potrebno vedno nastaviti Afiniteto preko Task Managerja ( seveda na samo en procesor ).

Govorim za XP-je za multi core CPU.

Primer :

Ali obstaja kakšen API za nastavitev takšnih pogojev zagona (symmetric multiprocessing affinity) ?

lp in hvala
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."

Romčy ::

Kje v xp-jih si pa lahko to nastavljal?
"Software is like sex, it's better when it's free"

StratOS ::

Lahko bi prebral:
Task Manager/ Processes /Property "Set Affinity" ( Desni klik na proces )
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."

StratOS ::

OK, rešil :

Change the affinity of processes . . .

The affinity is a mask which indicates on which processors (CPUs) a process can run. This is only useful on multiprocessor systems. When the -a option is used in conjunction with a process name or PID, the utility will show the System Affinity Mask and the Process Affinity Mask. The System Affinity Mask shows how many configured processors are currently available in a system. The Process Affinity Mask indicates on what processor(s) the specified process can run on.

C:\>process -a wordpad.exe

Command Line Process Viewer/Killer/Suspender for Windows NT/2000/XP V2.01
Copyright© 2002-2003 Craig.Peacock@beyondlogic.org
Getting Affinity Mask for PID 1084 'wordpad.exe'
System : 0x0001 0b00000000000000000000000000000011 [2 Installed Processor(s)]
Process : 0x0001 0b00000000000000000000000000000011

To set the affinity mask, simply append the binary mask after the PID/Image Name. Any leading zeros are ignored, so there is no requirement to enter the full 32 bit mask.

C:\>process -a wordpad.exe 01

Command Line Process Viewer/Killer/Suspender for Windows NT/2000/XP V2.01
Copyright© 2002-2003 Craig.Peacock@beyondlogic.org
Setting Affinity Mask for PID 1084 'wordpad.exe'
Affinity Mask Successfully Set to 00000000000000000000000000000001

Download process.exe

možno je tudi več rešitev preko aplikacij :

Ali pa da spremeniš delovanje celotnega multiprocesorskega sistema le na enega ali več v enviromental spremenljivki z "set".

Dobil sem idealno zamisel
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenila: StratOS ()

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