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[wXP sp2] Po zadnjih popravkih težave z Windows Update

[wXP sp2] Po zadnjih popravkih težave z Windows Update

Jst ::


Torej. Nekaj časa nazaj je bilo na voljo več popravkov za Windows XP. Med njimi tudi IE7.

Od takrat mi Windows Update oz. Microsoft Update ne dela več. Napiše mi sledeče:

The site cannot continue because one or more of these Windows services is not running:

Automatic Updates (allows the site to find, download and install high-priority updates for your computer)
Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) (helps updates download more quickly and without problems if the download process is interrupted)
Event Log (keeps a record of updating activities to help with troubleshooting, if needed)
To make sure these services are running:
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. Type services.msc and then click OK.
3. In the list of services, double-click on Automatic Updates and then click Properties.
4. In the Startup type list, select Automatic and click Apply.
5. Verify that the Service status is started, if the Service Status is Stopped click on the Start Button.
6. In the list of services, double-click on Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) and then click Properties.
7. In the Startup type list, select Manual and click Apply.
8. Verify that the Service status is started, If the Service Status is Stopped click on the Start Button.
9. In the list of services, double-click on Event Log and then click Properties.
10. In the Startup type list, select Automatic and click Apply.
11. Verify that the Service status is started, If the Service Status is Stopped click on the Start Button.

Seveda so Automatic update, našteti servisi,... vklopljeni. Seveda gre za licenčne Windowse zraven prenosnika.

Zaenkrat rešujem to težavo s Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer, ki mi ponudi direkten dl link do popravka, ki mi manjka.

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