Forum » Omrežja in internet » Problem s skupno rabo (sharing)
Problem s skupno rabo (sharing)

N-E-O ::
Sem na lanu.
Ko desno kliknem na mapo in nato "Sharing and security" obkljukam "Share this folder on the network".
Nato se pojavi sporočilo:
"An error occurred while trying to share "ime mape". The Server service is not started. The shared resource was not created at this time."
Ostalim v omrežju zadeva deluje. Kaj storiti?
Hvala za pomoč,
Ko desno kliknem na mapo in nato "Sharing and security" obkljukam "Share this folder on the network".
Nato se pojavi sporočilo:
"An error occurred while trying to share "ime mape". The Server service is not started. The shared resource was not created at this time."
Ostalim v omrežju zadeva deluje. Kaj storiti?
Hvala za pomoč,
Follow the white rabbit.

dëych ::
Error Message: An error has occurred while trying to share "filename". The Server service is not started. The shared resource was not created at this time.
Solution: To start the Server service:
1. Right click My Computer and select Manage.
2. Double click Services and Applications.
3. Double click Services.
4. Scroll down the list of services and double click Server.
5. Click the Start button.
6. Set the Startup type to Automatic.
7. Click Apply and OK.
Solution: To start the Server service:
1. Right click My Computer and select Manage.
2. Double click Services and Applications.
3. Double click Services.
4. Scroll down the list of services and double click Server.
5. Click the Start button.
6. Set the Startup type to Automatic.
7. Click Apply and OK.

N-E-O ::
To sem že naredu pa mi je napisalo:
"Could not start the Server service on Local Computer. Error 126: The specified module could not be found."
"Could not start the Server service on Local Computer. Error 126: The specified module could not be found."
Follow the white rabbit.

N-E-O ::
Ma ja sem že prerešetal google, je melo pa nekaj ljudi iste probleme pa niso dobili odgovora na problem. Verjetno bo treba winse čez naložit hm..
Follow the white rabbit.
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