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Predlogi novic
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Personanonim ::
The ultrasound scan you can do yourself
US company Butterfly Networks has produced an ultrasound scanner that plugs into an iPhone and is on sale for $2,000 (?1,555)
US company Butterfly Networks has produced an ultrasound scanner that plugs into an iPhone and is on sale for $2,000 (?1,555)
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

louser ::
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: louser ()

vostok_1 ::
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()

FormerUser ::
Slovenska inovatorka Nataša Muševič je pri Svetovni organizaciji za intelektualno lastnino (WIPO) patentirala izum s področja industrijskega 3D-tiska, ki ga tuji strokovni mediji uvrščajo med najpomembnejše rešitve s tega področja. Gre za inovativni volumetrični 3D-tisk, ki predmet izdeluje s tiskom posamičnih prostorskih delov končnega predmeta.

MrStein ::
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

zmaugy ::
Face Time prisluškovanje na Apple napravah:
Me zanima kako dolgo je tole že trajalo.
Me zanima kako dolgo je tole že trajalo.

MrStein ::
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

Glugy ::
Zadnja posodobitev Firefoxa:
Je prinesla tudi:
A better video streaming experience for Windows users: Firefox now supports the next-generation, royalty-free video compression technology called AV1. Read about Mozilla's contribution to this new open standard.
"The AV1 format is already 30% percent better than competing formats such as HEVC and VP9, and we're not done yet. We've only just scratched the surface of what is possible. The fact that this technology is free will push open the doors of innovation and supports our mission of building an Internet that is open and accessible to all."
" If licensing fees become a relic of the past then the expensive barrier to entry for new content creators and streaming platforms will be eliminated."
To bi bila lahko kr ena mini revolucija vsaj po prebranem sodeč.
Je prinesla tudi:
A better video streaming experience for Windows users: Firefox now supports the next-generation, royalty-free video compression technology called AV1. Read about Mozilla's contribution to this new open standard.
"The AV1 format is already 30% percent better than competing formats such as HEVC and VP9, and we're not done yet. We've only just scratched the surface of what is possible. The fact that this technology is free will push open the doors of innovation and supports our mission of building an Internet that is open and accessible to all."
" If licensing fees become a relic of the past then the expensive barrier to entry for new content creators and streaming platforms will be eliminated."
To bi bila lahko kr ena mini revolucija vsaj po prebranem sodeč.

GizmoX ::
Evropski zakonodajalci so s prenovljeno direktivo, ki je začela veljati 13. januarja 2018 in je v slovenski pravni red v celoti prenesena z Zakonom o plačilnih storitvah, storitvah izdajanja elektronskega denarja in plačilnih sistemih, regulirali nove plačilne storitve. Direktiva uvaja dve ključni novosti.
- storitev odreditve plačil (ang. Payment Initiation Service - PIS). Ponudnik storitve bo na zahtevo in izrecno privolitev plačnika odredil plačilo v breme plačilnega računa plačnika, ki ga ima plačnik odprtega pri drugem ponudniku plačilnih storitev.
- zagotavljanje informacij o računih (ang. Account Information Service - AIS), kar pomeni, da bodo vsi podatki o vseh računih posameznika zbrani na enem mestu, v aplikaciji izbranega ponudnika storitve.
- storitev odreditve plačil (ang. Payment Initiation Service - PIS). Ponudnik storitve bo na zahtevo in izrecno privolitev plačnika odredil plačilo v breme plačilnega računa plačnika, ki ga ima plačnik odprtega pri drugem ponudniku plačilnih storitev.
- zagotavljanje informacij o računih (ang. Account Information Service - AIS), kar pomeni, da bodo vsi podatki o vseh računih posameznika zbrani na enem mestu, v aplikaciji izbranega ponudnika storitve.
udirač => uni. dipl. inž. rač.

Cange ::
Kdo bo plačal tole?, in zakaj bojo zaračunali končnemu kupcu?

Personanonim ::
The GM chickens that lay eggs with anti-cancer drugs
Researchers have genetically modified chickens that can lay eggs that contain drugs for arthritis and some cancers.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

louser ::

zmaugy ::
Personanonim je izjavil:
The GM chickens that lay eggs with anti-cancer drugs
Researchers have genetically modified chickens that can lay eggs that contain drugs for arthritis and some cancers.
Wow, zanimivo, hvala za link!

MrStein ::
Rusija se namerava za krajši čas odklopiti z medmrežja v okviru priprav na kibernetsko vojno prihodnosti.
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

Glugy ::
AI Sucks at Making Adorable Cat Photos, Clearly Misses the Entire Point of the Internet xD

louser ::
AI Sucks at Making Adorable Cat Photos, Clearly Misses the Entire Point of the Internet xD
Tole je fakenews.
Če hrani AI s slabimi podatki, ti čez drugo luknjo da še slabše.

Personanonim ::
Gene therapy first to 'halt' most common cause of blindness
A woman from Oxford has become the first person in the world to have gene therapy to try to halt the most common form of blindness in the Western world.
Surgeons injected a synthetic gene into the back of Janet Osborne's eye in a bid to prevent more cells from dying.
It is the first treatment to target the underlying genetic cause of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

Personanonim ::
Once hailed as unhackable, blockchains are now getting hacked
In total, hackers have stolen nearly $2 billion worth of cryptocurrency since the beginning of 2017, mostly from exchanges, and that's just what has been revealed publicly. These are not just opportunistic lone attackers, either. Sophisticated cybercrime organizations are now doing it too: analytics firm Chainalysis recently said that just two groups, both of which are apparently still active, may have stolen a combined $1 billion from exchanges.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

Personanonim ::
Earth's atmosphere stretches out to the Moon - and beyond
The outermost part of our planet's atmosphere extends well beyond the lunar orbit - almost twice the distance to the Moon.
A recent discovery based on observations by the ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, SOHO, shows that the gaseous layer that wraps around Earth reaches up to 630 000 km away, or 50 times the diameter of our planet.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

Personanonim ::
Israel aims to join space superpowers club with $100mn privately-funded Moon probe
Israel is looking to join the ranks of space superpowers by becoming the fourth country to land a probe on the Moon. In addition to science instruments, the 'Genesis' probe will carry a copy of the Bible on a small metal disc.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

Glugy ::
Policija izgubila kovček z dokaznim gradivom o otroški pornografiji
Vidš... policisti so nesposobni a oni bi v imenu boja proti otroški pornografiji potem uvedl državo popolnega nadzora na internetu. Če imaš dnar in si vplivnež se bo pa kaj zgodilo; dokazi se bodo čudežno izgubili.... Toliko o nesmislu uničevanja svobode interneta v imenu otroške pornografije.
Vidš... policisti so nesposobni a oni bi v imenu boja proti otroški pornografiji potem uvedl državo popolnega nadzora na internetu. Če imaš dnar in si vplivnež se bo pa kaj zgodilo; dokazi se bodo čudežno izgubili.... Toliko o nesmislu uničevanja svobode interneta v imenu otroške pornografije.

MrStein ::
Medmrežje tarča napadov, kot jih še ni bilo(
Precej zmedeno napisano, mogoče je tu boljše:
Precej zmedeno napisano, mogoče je tu boljše:
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

Pika na i ::
YouTube pulls ads from anti-vaccination videos after questions about enforcement
YouTube said on Friday it was removing ads from running on some anti-vaccine videos, claiming that the videos violated its policies against “harmful or dangerous” acts.

Personanonim ::
New form of self-healing material discovered by scientists
Japanese scientists have discovered a new form of self-healing material. The substance, which is based on ethylene, demonstrates several useful properties such as 'shape memory', as well as the ability to self-repair.
The material is constructed from ethylene (the source of many types of plastics) and it represents a growing interest in self-healing materials. Such materials have a number of advantages, ranging from equipment that needs to be situated in extreme environments to the casing used to protect mobile devices.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

Glugy ::
"Slovenski znanstvenik na Finskem odkril način, kako se celice odzovejo na okvare v DNK"

BivšiUser2 ::
UWP Windows Računalo je opensource
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

carota ::
BivšiUser2 je izjavil:
UWP Windows Računalo je opensource
Kul, bo lahko končno nekdo popravil, da pravilno upošteva operatoje, če vpišeš 1+2*3, da vrne 7 in ne 9.

opeter ::
Adobe ukinja Shockwave:
End of an era: Adobe is killing off Shockwave (PC Gamer, pa še kje)
Game over for Shockwave as Adobe confirms it will end support from 9 April (The Inquirer)
Naslednje leto pa bo adijo za Flash.
End of an era: Adobe is killing off Shockwave (PC Gamer, pa še kje)
Game over for Shockwave as Adobe confirms it will end support from 9 April (The Inquirer)
Naslednje leto pa bo adijo za Flash.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

Glugy ::
Sicer nisem že ene 10 let nisem bil na strani ampak danes sm dobil sporočilo:
Dear Armor Games Players,
We respect the privacy of our users which is why as a precautionary measure, we are writing to let you know of a data security incident that may involve your personal information.
What happened? On January 29th, 2019, Tuik Security Group privately contacted us to let us know about a potential breach of our users' data. We immediately began an investigation which included an ongoing audit of our hosting provider, web servers, and database systems. We can now confirm this breach is real and occurred around January 1st, 2019. This appears to be part of a larger breach affecting 16 companies (see this news article for more information). We are one of the smaller companies affected, apparently holding less than 2% of the total accounts affected between the 16 companies. At this time, we have no evidence that any Armor Games' users' data was actually misused.
What information was involved? The database affected primarily stores all our website users' public profiles (information that is already public), login data (usernames, email addresses, IP addresses, and hashed passwords), birthdays of our admin accounts, and information about our password protection processes at the time (including the password salt). We do not have (and thus, this incident does not involve) first or last names, credit card data, addresses, or phone numbers.
Based on public reporting, the other companies affected by this breach similarly included account information, hashed passwords, and the salt to reveal those passwords. In addition, some of the accounts held by the other companies appear to include names, social media authentication tokens, security questions and answers, interests, profile information, birthdays, and location data.
What we are doing. While we investigate, we will require our users to update their passwords. We are making changes on our side to harden our security and fixing any weaknesses found by our audit, including updating our password protection methods. We are also adding measures to protect our users from misuse of this information on our own site. We have begun notifying authorities and will cooperate with law enforcement if requested and we may work with the other companies affected. We already have a policy of keeping as little data as possible and we will continue to look for new ways to minimize our data collection.
What you can do. We recommend taking this opportunity to update your passwords on all websites. Use unique, creative passwords and avoid reusing passwords across websites (password managers can help make this easy). Those who reuse passwords should change their passwords on other services, especially other gaming platforms. In addition, we recommend learning whether any of the other companies affected by this breach include your data, following their instructions for securing your account information. As always, you have the right to request to access or delete your data from us at any time.
For More Information. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at please reach out to us at Visit this blog post for more information and updated details about the breach.
Armor Games sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience and concern this incident may cause, and remains committed to safeguarding the personal information in its care. We will notify you of any significant developments. We continue our work to be the best place to play free web games online.
- The Armor Games Team
Dear Armor Games Players,
We respect the privacy of our users which is why as a precautionary measure, we are writing to let you know of a data security incident that may involve your personal information.
What happened? On January 29th, 2019, Tuik Security Group privately contacted us to let us know about a potential breach of our users' data. We immediately began an investigation which included an ongoing audit of our hosting provider, web servers, and database systems. We can now confirm this breach is real and occurred around January 1st, 2019. This appears to be part of a larger breach affecting 16 companies (see this news article for more information). We are one of the smaller companies affected, apparently holding less than 2% of the total accounts affected between the 16 companies. At this time, we have no evidence that any Armor Games' users' data was actually misused.
What information was involved? The database affected primarily stores all our website users' public profiles (information that is already public), login data (usernames, email addresses, IP addresses, and hashed passwords), birthdays of our admin accounts, and information about our password protection processes at the time (including the password salt). We do not have (and thus, this incident does not involve) first or last names, credit card data, addresses, or phone numbers.
Based on public reporting, the other companies affected by this breach similarly included account information, hashed passwords, and the salt to reveal those passwords. In addition, some of the accounts held by the other companies appear to include names, social media authentication tokens, security questions and answers, interests, profile information, birthdays, and location data.
What we are doing. While we investigate, we will require our users to update their passwords. We are making changes on our side to harden our security and fixing any weaknesses found by our audit, including updating our password protection methods. We are also adding measures to protect our users from misuse of this information on our own site. We have begun notifying authorities and will cooperate with law enforcement if requested and we may work with the other companies affected. We already have a policy of keeping as little data as possible and we will continue to look for new ways to minimize our data collection.
What you can do. We recommend taking this opportunity to update your passwords on all websites. Use unique, creative passwords and avoid reusing passwords across websites (password managers can help make this easy). Those who reuse passwords should change their passwords on other services, especially other gaming platforms. In addition, we recommend learning whether any of the other companies affected by this breach include your data, following their instructions for securing your account information. As always, you have the right to request to access or delete your data from us at any time.
For More Information. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at please reach out to us at Visit this blog post for more information and updated details about the breach.
Armor Games sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience and concern this incident may cause, and remains committed to safeguarding the personal information in its care. We will notify you of any significant developments. We continue our work to be the best place to play free web games online.
- The Armor Games Team
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Glugy ()

Personanonim ::
Scientists have discovered a shape that blocks all sound even your co-workers
Offices and tiny apartments could be transformed by the work of Boston University researchers, who recently unveiled an "acoustic metamaterial" that blocks all sound.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

Personanonim ::
A quantum experiment suggests there's no such thing as objective reality
Physicists have long suspected that quantum mechanics allows two observers to experience different, conflicting realities. Now they've performed the first experiment that proves it.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

b3D_950 ::
Zdaj ko je mir, jemo samo krompir.

Glugy ::
"Policija je objavila sklepe o oddaji naročila za dobavo treh različnih sistemov opreme za avtomatsko prepoznavo registrskih tablic (ANPR). O razpisu smo, ko je bil še v teku, januarja že pisali in opozorili, da:
stališče Ustavnega sodišča glede uporabe tovrstnih sistemov v policiji še ni javno znano;"
Zakaj lahko policija kupuje nekaznovano ko se sploh še ne ve če bo zadeva legalna al ne!? In to ni prvič da dela tako neumnost. Država pa kr mirno gleda pa pusti da je Policija država v državi. Banana republika je tole res.
" Prednost je, da tovrstna identifikacija poteka v veliki meri avtomatizirano in brez potrebe po vnaprejšnjem ustavljanju vozila."
Ja prednost je v tem da ne bodo po nesreči kakšnega VIP-jevca ustavil ane. DA bodo že prej vidl da gre za pomembno osebo kateri je treba po namigu gledati čez prste in vztran. Ker če se voznika ustavi se to verjetno zapiše; če pa se uporabi ta tehnologija se pa vedno da zgovarjat da pač ni bila odločitev policista da pogleda kdo je da bi se na podlagi tega lahko odločal kako v rokavicah ravnati z obravnavano osebo.
"Policija je objavila sklepe o oddaji naročila za dobavo treh različnih sistemov opreme za avtomatsko prepoznavo registrskih tablic (ANPR). O razpisu smo, ko je bil še v teku, januarja že pisali in opozorili, da:
stališče Ustavnega sodišča glede uporabe tovrstnih sistemov v policiji še ni javno znano;"
Zakaj lahko policija kupuje nekaznovano ko se sploh še ne ve če bo zadeva legalna al ne!? In to ni prvič da dela tako neumnost. Država pa kr mirno gleda pa pusti da je Policija država v državi. Banana republika je tole res.
" Prednost je, da tovrstna identifikacija poteka v veliki meri avtomatizirano in brez potrebe po vnaprejšnjem ustavljanju vozila."
Ja prednost je v tem da ne bodo po nesreči kakšnega VIP-jevca ustavil ane. DA bodo že prej vidl da gre za pomembno osebo kateri je treba po namigu gledati čez prste in vztran. Ker če se voznika ustavi se to verjetno zapiše; če pa se uporabi ta tehnologija se pa vedno da zgovarjat da pač ni bila odločitev policista da pogleda kdo je da bi se na podlagi tega lahko odločal kako v rokavicah ravnati z obravnavano osebo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Glugy ()

Personanonim ::
Millions of Facebook passwords exposed internally
The passwords of millions of Facebook users were accessible by up to 20,000 employees of the social network, it has been reported.
Security researcher Brian Krebs broke the news about data protection failures, which saw up to 600 million passwords stored in plain text.
The passwords that were exposed could date back to 2012, he said.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

MrStein ::
V Ljubljani protestirali proti "uničenju interneta v Evropski uniji"
In the news...
Sicer po toči zvoniti... Bolje bi bilo, če bi ST objavil obvestilo pred dogodkom, in mogoče prepričal kakega protestnika več.
In the news...
Sicer po toči zvoniti... Bolje bi bilo, če bi ST objavil obvestilo pred dogodkom, in mogoče prepričal kakega protestnika več.
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: MrStein ()

b3D_950 ::
Hackers Hijacked ASUS Software Updates to Install Backdoors on Thousands of Computers
Zdaj ko je mir, jemo samo krompir.

Personanonim ::
Facebook to ban white nationalism and separatism
Facebook has said it will block "praise, support and representation of white nationalism and separatism" on Facebook and Instagram from next week.
The social media giant also pledged to improve its ability to identify and block material from terrorist groups.
Facebook users searching for offending terms will be directed to a charity which combats far-right extremism.
The social network has come under pressure after a man livestreamed an attack on two mosques in New Zealand.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

Glugy ::
"S slovenskimi policijskimi providami je nekaj hudo narobe" Za Žurnal pozitivno presenečenje: obširen članek.

Personanonim ::
We're All Being Judged By A Secret 'Trustworthiness' Score
Nearly everything we buy, how we buy, and where we're buying from is secretly fed into AI-powered verification services that help companies guard against credit-card and other forms of fraud, according to the Wall Street Journal.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

Redorange ::

Personanonim ::
Pig brains partially revived four hours after death
US scientists have partially revived pig brains four hours after the animals were slaughtered.
The findings could fuel debate about the barrier between life and death, and provide a new way of researching diseases like Alzheimer's.
The study showed the death of brain cells could be halted and that some connections in the brain were restored.
However, there were no signals from the brain that would indicate awareness or consciousness.
The surprise findings challenge the idea that the brain goes into irreversible decline within minutes of the blood supply being cut off.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."