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Predlogi novic
Temo vidijo: vsi

vostok_1 ::
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Personanonim ::
Cern scientist Alessandro Strumia suspended after comments
Prof Strumia, who regularly works at Cern, was speaking at a workshop in Geneva on gender and high energy physics.
He told his audience of young, predominantly female physicists that his results "proved" that "physics is not sexist against women. However the truth does not matter, because it is part of a political battle coming from outside".
He produced a series of graphs which, he claimed, showed that women were hired over men whose research was cited more by other scientists in their publications, which is an indication of higher quality.
He also presented data that he claimed showed that male and female researchers were equally cited at the start of their careers but men scored progressively better as their careers progressed.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

Personanonim ::
Laser breakthroughs win physics Nobel
The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to three scientists for their inventions in the field of laser physics.
Arthur Ashkin, Gerard Mourou and Donna Strickland will share the nine million kronor (GBP770,686; $998,618) prize.
Dr Ashkin developed a laser technique described as optical tweezers, which is used to study biological systems.
Drs Mourou and Strickland developed a way of generating high intensity and very short laser pulses.
Donna Strickland is only the third female physics laureate and the first woman in 55 years to win the prize.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

Personanonim ::
Amazon raises wages for lower-paid workers
Online retailing giant Amazon is raising pay for hundreds of thousands of workers in the US and the UK.
Amazon's lowest paid US workers will receive $15 an hour. In the UK, pay will rise from GBP8.20 an hour in London to GBP10.50, while outside London the rate rises from GBP8 an hour to GBP9.50.
The move will benefit 250,000 workers in the US, 17,000 in the UK and tens of thousands of seasonal workers.
Amazon is one of the biggest companies in the world, worth about $1 trillion.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

Personanonim ::
Deep space travel could destroy astronauts' guts
A group of investigators at Georgetown University Medical Center, for instance, has recently discovered that when gastrointestinal tissues are bombarded by galactic cosmic radiation (GCR), their functions get altered. And if the way they function changes, astronauts could develop cancerous tumors in the stomach and colon.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

Personanonim ::
Would you want an AI version of yourself?
An artificial intelligence (AI) version of US President Donald Trump which can tweet and interact like him has been developed.
It is based on data from the president's interviews, speeches and tweets.
The company behind the project now wants everyone to be able to have their own personalised AI which they claim can help you make better decisions.
"Maybe you can frame it as a very, extremely good friend for yourself, who knows you inside and out," says Sidekik's CEO, Johannes Tammekand.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Personanonim ()

Personanonim ::
MASCOT probe lands on prehistoric asteroid, begins mission to unlock origins of universe
The Hayabusa2 mission has successfully landed its third probe on the surface of the Ryugu asteroid some 300 million kilometers from Earth, building upon the earlier successes of one of mankind's most daring feats to date.
The shoebox-sized French-German Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout, or MASCOT for short, separated from the Hayabusa2 (Japanese for 'falcon') 'mothership' to become the latest member of the bold mission which is attempting to unravel the mysteries of our origins and the beginning of the universe.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

s3006 ::
Ravno tole prebral:
Damn, o tem bi se moralo kaj pisati, kjerkoli.
Damn, o tem bi se moralo kaj pisati, kjerkoli.

MrStein ::
Elektronske knjige in časopisi bodo lahko obdavčeni z nižjo stopnjo DDV-ja
V Bruslju je bil sprejet dogovor o izenačitvi davčne obravnave tiskanih in elektronskih knjig ter časopisov. Članice EU-ja bodo lahko tako tudi za elektronske publikacije uporabljale znižane stopnje, nekatere pa tudi super znižane in ničelne stopnje DDV-ja.
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

BivšiUser2 ::
Torej ta W10 Oktober Update bug je bil povezan z mapiranjem userfolderjev na drug disk.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

pegasus :: ... na soyuzu so danes v živo sprobali launch abort ;)

carota ::

Redorange ::

BivšiUser2 ::
RIP Paul Allen (MS Cofounder)
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

euagrus ::
Zero-day in popular jQuery plugin actively exploited for at least three years
In regione caecorum rex est luscus.
Ker me je nekaj slotechovcev sprasevalo:
Ker me je nekaj slotechovcev sprasevalo:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: euagrus ()

MrStein ::
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

MrStein ::
We have cracked GandCrab encryption in a joint effort with Europol, the Romanian Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
The decryption tool is available for free on Bitdefender Labs ( and can be used to take back information ransomed by versions 1, 4 and 5 of GandCrab, one of the most aggressive and most prolific strains of ransomware this year.
The decryption tool is available for free on Bitdefender Labs ( and can be used to take back information ransomed by versions 1, 4 and 5 of GandCrab, one of the most aggressive and most prolific strains of ransomware this year.
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

GizmoX ::
Android je upihnil 10. svečko.
Hiter pregled verzij in novosti
Hiter pregled verzij in novosti
udirač => uni. dipl. inž. rač.

euagrus ::
44 percent of American users ages 18-29 have deleted app
Americani so se spametovali, kdaj se bojo Slovenci?
Americani so se spametovali, kdaj se bojo Slovenci?
In regione caecorum rex est luscus.
Ker me je nekaj slotechovcev sprasevalo:
Ker me je nekaj slotechovcev sprasevalo:

Redorange ::

Glugy ::
"ZDA znova "nad" Kitajsko, tokrat zaradi kraje intelektualne lastnine"
ZDA spet išče nove izgovore za zaviranje kitajskega gospodarstva v prihodnosti.
ZDA spet išče nove izgovore za zaviranje kitajskega gospodarstva v prihodnosti.

FormerUser ::
Google employees around the world are staging a mass walkout Thursday in protest of sexual misconduct.
It follows a bombshell New York Times report last week that named executives who had been accused of sexual misconduct, including Andy Rubin, the creator of the mobile operating system Android.
It follows a bombshell New York Times report last week that named executives who had been accused of sexual misconduct, including Andy Rubin, the creator of the mobile operating system Android.

Redorange ::
Hackers Invade YouTube Ads To Mine Cryptocurrency
The ads largely arrived on Wednesday and ended up stealing the computing power from victims' PCs through their browsers.
The ads largely arrived on Wednesday and ended up stealing the computing power from victims' PCs through their browsers.

Personanonim ::
Bill Gates brandishes poo to showcase reinvented toilet tech
Billionaire philanthropist and Microsoft founder Bill Gates had his hands full on-stage in Beijing on Tuesday, showing a jar of human faeces.
The stunt was part of his speech at the Reinvented Toilet Expo event - a showcase for new toilet technologies.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has spent more than $200m on researching the field across the last seven years.
Twenty cutting-edge sanitation products were on display, intended to destroy harmful bacteria and prevent disease.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

Glugy ::
"Rene je zoper YouTube, WhatsApp in tudi francosko državo zdaj vložil tožbo, v kateri jim očita, da ne storijo dovolj za zaščito otrok in mladine. "
"Rene je zoper YouTube, WhatsApp in tudi francosko državo zdaj vložil tožbo, v kateri jim očita, da ne storijo dovolj za zaščito otrok in mladine. "

carota ::
"Rene je zoper YouTube, WhatsApp in tudi francosko državo zdaj vložil tožbo, v kateri jim očita, da ne storijo dovolj za zaščito otrok in mladine. "
WTF? Starši so odgovorni za svoje otroke.

BivšiUser2 :: W10 Pro postaja W10 Home (bug)
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

BivšiUser2 ::
Na novo definiranje kilograma. Kolko kg tehtate?

SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

Redorange ::

Personanonim ::
Exoplanet discovered around neighbouring star
Astronomers have discovered a planet around one of the closest stars to our Sun.
Nearby planets like this are likely to be prime targets in the search for signatures of life, using the next generation of telescopes.
The planet's mass is thought to be more than three times that of our own, placing it in a category of world know as "super-Earths".
It orbits Barnard's star, which sits "just" six light-years away.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."

carota ::

SimplyMiha ::
Bill Godbout, 79, died on Thursday when the wildfire burned down his Concow home and workshop
Microcomputer inventor, 79, is among the 59 dead in devastating California wildfires as hunt for more victims continues

euagrus ::
"Never connect to ProtonMail using Chrome"
Na tole bi morda lahko opozorili javnost.
Na tole bi morda lahko opozorili javnost.
In regione caecorum rex est luscus.
Ker me je nekaj slotechovcev sprasevalo:
Ker me je nekaj slotechovcev sprasevalo:

Redorange ::
Uspešna izstrelitev slovenske rakete
Bi bilo fanj naredit kak intervju s tem majstrom če ga kdo pozna
Bi bilo fanj naredit kak intervju s tem majstrom če ga kdo pozna

vostok_1 ::
Pretty damn cool, ampak prekleto vreme. Škoda, da se ni mogu dogovorit za kak drugi dan, bi bilo lepo vidt.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()

b3D_950 ::
In a world of encrypted services, a potential solution could be to go back a few decades. It's relatively easy for a service provider to silently add a law enforcement participant to a group chat or call. The service provider usually controls the identity system and so really decides who's who and which devices are involved - they're usually involved in introducing the parties to a chat or call. You end up with everything still being end-to-end encrypted, but there's an extra 'end' on this particular communication. This sort of solution seems to be no more intrusive than the virtual crocodile clips that our democratically elected representatives and judiciary authorise today in traditional voice intercept solutions and certainly doesn't give any government power they shouldn't have.
We're not talking about weakening encryption or defeating the end-to-end nature of the service. In a solution like this, we're normally talking about suppressing a notification on a target's device, and only on the device of the target and possibly those they communicate with. That's a very different proposition to discuss and you don't even have to touch the encryption.
zna kdo razložit kaj je mišljeno s tem "suppressing"?
Zdaj ko je mir, jemo samo krompir.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: b3D_950 ()

BivšiUser2 ::
Ve kdo kaj več o hekanju printerjev?
Ve kdo kaj več o hekanju printerjev?
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

Glugy ::
"Ameriškemu pritisku, naj kitajskemu tehnološkemu velikanu Huaweiu zaradi domnevnega ogrožanja nacionalne varnosti prepovedo sodelovati pri gradnji pete generacije mobilne telefonije (5G), se je v Evropi po Združenemu kraljestvu pridružila tudi Francija, o tem pa resno razmišljajo tudi v Berlinu. Ameriški cilj je Huawei iztisniti s svetovnega trga in mu preprečiti, da bi prevzel vodstvo na tem področju. Evropske države, čeprav so zelo odvisne od izvoza na Kitajsko, vse po vrsti podlegajo ameriški hegemoniji.
Kitajsko vodstvo naj bi razmišljalo o uvedbi dodatnih stimulativnih gospodarskih ukrepov za več sto milijard dolarjev. Kakšni bodo, bo morda znano že v torek, ko bodo v Pekingu proslavili 40. obletnico začetka kitajskih tržnih reform."
"Ameriškemu pritisku, naj kitajskemu tehnološkemu velikanu Huaweiu zaradi domnevnega ogrožanja nacionalne varnosti prepovedo sodelovati pri gradnji pete generacije mobilne telefonije (5G), se je v Evropi po Združenemu kraljestvu pridružila tudi Francija, o tem pa resno razmišljajo tudi v Berlinu. Ameriški cilj je Huawei iztisniti s svetovnega trga in mu preprečiti, da bi prevzel vodstvo na tem področju. Evropske države, čeprav so zelo odvisne od izvoza na Kitajsko, vse po vrsti podlegajo ameriški hegemoniji.
Kitajsko vodstvo naj bi razmišljalo o uvedbi dodatnih stimulativnih gospodarskih ukrepov za več sto milijard dolarjev. Kakšni bodo, bo morda znano že v torek, ko bodo v Pekingu proslavili 40. obletnico začetka kitajskih tržnih reform."

euagrus ::
Tim May, Author of "The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto", Has Died
In regione caecorum rex est luscus.
Ker me je nekaj slotechovcev sprasevalo:
Ker me je nekaj slotechovcev sprasevalo:

BivšiUser2 ::
Slovenija dobila google merchant račun
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

Personanonim ::
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Personanonim ()

Glugy ::
" S sistemom, ki sta ga razvila korejska proizvajalca, se avtomobil samodejno pripelje do polnilne postaje in se nato prav tako samodejno odpelje ter s tem omogoči polnjenje drugim uporabnikom."

louser ::
GSync bo delal tudi na nekaterih freesync monitorjih.
GSync bo delal tudi na nekaterih freesync monitorjih.