Forum » Igre » Kaj trenutno igrate?
Kaj trenutno igrate?

Vanadium ::
Trenutno občasno, ko je čas (tega je pa vedno manj) nekaj od tega:
- C&C in C&C Red alert remastered,
- Settlers 1,2,3
- Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe
- Sid Meier's Colonization
- Civilization IV: Colonization
- Dune 1,2, Spice wars
- C&C in C&C Red alert remastered,
- Settlers 1,2,3
- Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe
- Sid Meier's Colonization
- Civilization IV: Colonization
- Dune 1,2, Spice wars

111111111111 ::
Factorio treniram, da bom v novem čimprej napredoval. :D
Če prisloniš uho na vroč šporhet, lahko zavohaš kak si fuknjen.

yayo ::
že tri mesece nič, bi bil čas za začeti znova. To se mi je prvič zgodilo v zadnjih tridesetih letih. Emšo?

opeter ::
Pozna kdo kake nove RTS igre v stilu Red Alerta?
Nekaj RTS iger iz zadnjih 10 let:
8-bit Armies, Hordes, Invaders franšiza
Rusted Warfare (ima ogromno modifikacij)
Machines at War 3 - tudi na Steamu
Je tudi kar nekaj odličnih odprtokodnih projektov, kot je OpenRA:
Le ta ima podporo za modifikacije, vredno jih je preizkusiti (npr. OpenHV)
Splača se preveriti odprtokodni pogon Spring Engine:
Na osnovi tega so naredili cel kup različnih iger.
Tu je še en uporaben seznam novejših/aktualnih iger:
Pred kratkim so izdali tudi prenovljeni Age of Mythology
Kmalu bodo izšle (nekatere imajo že na voljo demo verzije za preizkus):
- v Early Access igra z naslovom Global Conflagration
- Siege Up!
Plus še en svež video na to temo.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

Kayzon ::
Are you a man? Do you dream of getting into a company like CD PROJEKT, but you don't have the money? Well, we're sorry, because the next edition of the scholarship and mentoring program is just starting, but only for women.
"Girls in the Game" is a scholarship program aimed exclusively at women (primarily from smaller towns) who dream of working in video game development. As part of it, high school students can receive PLN 12,000 gross to cover the costs of education and development, as well as the opportunity to join a mentoring program with a person responsible for education from the very source of CD PROJEKT RED. There will be workshops and a huge dose of knowledge
"Girls in the Game" is a scholarship program aimed exclusively at women (primarily from smaller towns) who dream of working in video game development. As part of it, high school students can receive PLN 12,000 gross to cover the costs of education and development, as well as the opportunity to join a mentoring program with a person responsible for education from the very source of CD PROJEKT RED. There will be workshops and a huge dose of knowledge

Nesta ::
Are you a man? Do you dream of getting into a company like CD PROJEKT, but you don't have the money? Well, we're sorry, because the next edition of the scholarship and mentoring program is just starting, but only for women.
"Girls in the Game" is a scholarship program aimed exclusively at women (primarily from smaller towns) who dream of working in video game development. As part of it, high school students can receive PLN 12,000 gross to cover the costs of education and development, as well as the opportunity to join a mentoring program with a person responsible for education from the very source of CD PROJEKT RED. There will be workshops and a huge dose of knowledge
I identify as a woman.

JanBrezov ::
Zakaj bi se ti bilo treba pretvarjati? Se "samo" identificiraš kot ženska, zgolj za potrebe prijave na razpis. Smejo oni dvomiti v mojo samoidentifikacijo?

tikitoki ::

Nesta ::
Dokler bo vladal levičarski ekstremizem bo prihajalo to takih zbodenj. Vsak je lahko karkoli želi, vsak se lahko izogne vsaki odgovornost, nimamo nobenih meja, vse je dovoljeno in na koncu nic ne smes rect da ni kdo užaljen :D
Po eni strani zanimivo, po drugi strani katastofalno :D
Po eni strani zanimivo, po drugi strani katastofalno :D
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