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Hacker vs Cracker

Hacker vs Cracker

Fella ::

Kakšna je razlika med njima?

Tr0n ::

Hmm, jaz si to razlagam takole. Hacker isce pomanjklivosti v kodi, napake izrabi za vstop, isce backdoore,... cracker pa pac pise cracke/keygene/... za programe/igre.

Am I right? :)

ChiefThunder ::

tukaj je že neki na to temo napisano.
... po liniji najmanjšega odpora. ;)

undefined ::

SLOVAR vseh žargonov.

Kaj je Cracker?

Kaj je Hacker?

P.S.: TrOn si ne bi tega mogel bolj napačno predstavljat. Zakaj, berite na zgornjih linkih.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: undefined ()

XsenO ::

Kar jaz vem Hacker vdira da bi si sam sebi pogazal kaj zna ne škoduje (podatkov ki jih dobi jih ne uporabi v illegalne namene) cracker pa vdira da bi obogatel
1 + 1 = 1

Tr0n ::

Aha, potem sem malce zamesal. Se ena druga razlaga, najdena na strani Berkeley fakultete.

A ``computer hacker,'' then, is someone who lives and breathes computers, who knows all about computers, who can get a computer to do anything. Equally important, though, is the hacker's attitude. Computer programming must be a hobby, something done for fun, not out of a sense of duty or for the money. (It's okay to make money, but that can't be the reason for hacking.)

A hacker is an aesthete.

There are specialties within computer hacking. An algorithm hacker knows all about the best algorithm for any problem. A system hacker knows about designing and maintaining operating systems. And a ``password hacker'' knows how to find out someone else's password. That's what Newsweek should be calling them.

Someone who sets out to crack the security of a system for financial gain is not a hacker at all. It's not that a hacker can't be a thief, but a hacker can't be a professional thief. A hacker must be fundamentally an amateur, even though hackers can get paid for their expertise. A password hacker whose primary interest is in learning how the system works doesn't therefore necessarily refrain from stealing information or services, but someone whose primary interest is in stealing isn't a hacker. It's a matter of emphasis.

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