Forum » Igre » The Godfather
The Godfather
Bramac ^^ ::
Glede na to da igra izide že v torek (sicer se jo že da dobit na netu ampak pustmo to
) nej ma ta igra tut svojo temo. Film je zakon in vrjamem da bo igra tud. Če pa bo po igralnosti podobna mafiji bo pa še bolš
Bomo vidl je reku slep..
Offical Site
Bomo vidl je reku slep..
Offical Site
Hux ::
Grafika je izjemno grda si verjetno mislo?
Drugace mam pa rad GTA tip spile vendar mislim da se po grafiki ta lahko skrije pred San Andreasom in orginalno Mafio.
Drugace mam pa rad GTA tip spile vendar mislim da se po grafiki ta lahko skrije pred San Andreasom in orginalno Mafio.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavaroval slike: kuglvinkl ()
rovtarček ::
na prvi pogled nč posebnega, drugač pa EA še ni naredil omembne vrednega spila (pustmo najbolj prodajane igre v US)
Tr0n ::
Na prvi pogled.
Drugace je pa zadeva nekaksna kopija GTA stila igranja.
Mene osebno ni ravno navdusila.
Drugace je pa zadeva nekaksna kopija GTA stila igranja.
Mene osebno ni ravno navdusila.
OldSkul ::
Grafika ni dobra, predvsem avti in stavbe ne. Obrazi so pa dobri. Ker sem bolj fan Godfathra, mi je vzdušje všeč in zaradi tega bom špil kr do konca preigral.
Nande ::
Grafika (primerjano z Mafio) je res slabša, igralnost je pa še kar...
Me pa moti (ne)nastavitev miške... Če miško premakneš v desno se kerlc obrne na levo...kar pa meni ne ugaja preveč...
Me pa moti (ne)nastavitev miške... Če miško premakneš v desno se kerlc obrne na levo...kar pa meni ne ugaja preveč...
bperc ::
no mene pa zanima, če je kdo od vas že igral, jaz namreč ne vem kaj moram naredit, ko pobiješ dovolj članov ene družine in potem imaš mislim, da 45 minut časa, da nekaj narediš, samo ne vem kaj moraš narediti med tem časom. na zemljevidu mi ni nič označilo. potem pa ko mine čas, pa samo napiše, da sem izgubil boj s to družino. je že kdo prišel do tega. med tem časom pa ta družina strelja na tebe, če te vidi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: bperc ()
bajsibajsi ::
"drugač pa EA še ni naredil omembne vrednega spila "
Ne sploh ne... C&C igre sploh niso omembe vredne, a ne? Sicer tudi sam nisem pristas EA (se posebi zaradi splosne prehitre opustitve podpore in popravkov, predvsem pa premalo pogoste), ampak vseeno ni potrebno pisati bedarij. Treba je tudi lociti kdo pise igre in kdo jih prodaja.
Ne sploh ne... C&C igre sploh niso omembe vredne, a ne? Sicer tudi sam nisem pristas EA (se posebi zaradi splosne prehitre opustitve podpore in popravkov, predvsem pa premalo pogoste), ampak vseeno ni potrebno pisati bedarij. Treba je tudi lociti kdo pise igre in kdo jih prodaja.
Mavrik ::
Očitno je uspelo spet EA zaradi cvenka zastrati odlično licenco. Jupi.
Offtopic: Edini C&C špil ki ga je EA naredil je bil Generals, ki pa ima C&C v naslovu samo za okras (beri keš) in je drugače še ena generična strategija.
Offtopic: Edini C&C špil ki ga je EA naredil je bil Generals, ki pa ima C&C v naslovu samo za okras (beri keš) in je drugače še ena generična strategija.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
rovtarček ::
Potencialno dobr špil, bi lahko bil kej od NFS serije, samo bo vsak pravi navdušenec dirkačin se samo nasmehnil. Prov vsi špili od EA so razočaranje, z malenkost več truda, bi lahko naredili full dobr špil.
pmesar1 ::
Če bi to naj blo nadaljevanje Mafie, potem sem zelo razočaran!
Grafika veliko slabša, zgodba bi znala biti zanimiva, ampak kaj če ti mine prej ko sploh začneš prav igrati!!
Najbolj moteče, vsaj meni, pa je ta invert mouse, ki mi ga nikakor ni uspelo izklopit!
Če ga je kdo izklopil naj prosim sporoči!
Grafika veliko slabša, zgodba bi znala biti zanimiva, ampak kaj če ti mine prej ko sploh začneš prav igrati!!
Najbolj moteče, vsaj meni, pa je ta invert mouse, ki mi ga nikakor ni uspelo izklopit!
Če ga je kdo izklopil naj prosim sporoči!
c00L3r ::
EA da ni naredil dobre igre? Kaj pa so potem FIFA 99, NFS 2, 3, Porshe, F.E.A.R., Battlefiled 1942, Call of Duty, Medal Of Honor, The Sims?
Se pa strinjam da so naredili tudi veliko zelo slabih iger, upam da Godfahter ne bo med temi
Se pa strinjam da so naredili tudi veliko zelo slabih iger, upam da Godfahter ne bo med temi
Tr0n ::
Chris Remo, eden zelo znan gamerski novinar je pred kratkim napisal, da je EA kot grobisce slonov. Tja pridejo zelo talentirani ljudje, polni energije in idej, nato pa pocasi umirajo.
Govoril je seveda o delovnem vzduzju in nacinu dela v EA, ki je smrt za domisljijo oz. talent.
EA ima dobre serije samo zaradi res talentiranih posameznikov. To pa je tudi vse.
Govoril je seveda o delovnem vzduzju in nacinu dela v EA, ki je smrt za domisljijo oz. talent.
EA ima dobre serije samo zaradi res talentiranih posameznikov. To pa je tudi vse.
bozjak ::
hmm zadevo sm sprobov, trenutno sm po zgodbi tm ko mors zavzet uno skladisce...
Mislm da je zadeva čist ql, torej ančin tepeškanja in streljanja je tak da se morš navadt... Žal pa mislm da so se zaj*bal z načinom shranjevanja... Razumem da to pač more bit v vsh GTA-jih kr pač tko je in tko vedno bo... Ampak tuki bi pa lahk nardil neki bolšiga, neki "pametnejšiga" ampak ne... zdj se morm vsakih 5 min vozt pofuk*nih 10min čez mesto do najbližiga safehousa sam zato kr se neprestano bojim, da me bo poču en stric v zelenem (tm) ko si grem kupt novo tomi-jevko...
To je pa tud edina stvar k me v igri mot... Grafika mi ni nevemkako pomembn faktor pri igrah, lesenosti sm se navadu (najeda sam se pr telefonu :( ) streljanja prav tako...
Mislm da je zadeva čist ql, torej ančin tepeškanja in streljanja je tak da se morš navadt... Žal pa mislm da so se zaj*bal z načinom shranjevanja... Razumem da to pač more bit v vsh GTA-jih kr pač tko je in tko vedno bo... Ampak tuki bi pa lahk nardil neki bolšiga, neki "pametnejšiga" ampak ne... zdj se morm vsakih 5 min vozt pofuk*nih 10min čez mesto do najbližiga safehousa sam zato kr se neprestano bojim, da me bo poču en stric v zelenem (tm) ko si grem kupt novo tomi-jevko...
To je pa tud edina stvar k me v igri mot... Grafika mi ni nevemkako pomembn faktor pri igrah, lesenosti sm se navadu (najeda sam se pr telefonu :( ) streljanja prav tako...
rovtarček ::
Od vseh teh naslov, vsaj za mene osebno, ne morem rečt, evo to je bil pa res odličen spil, da je postavil nek mejnik, izvirno idejo, da bi res užival v spilu, da je odlično igralen in kompetitiven, da se ga da igrat na LAN partyih več kot pol ure ipd. Pač od vseh spilov, ga ni not enga ki bi ga dal v eno izmed kategorij. Potencialno je izvirna ideja Black&White(1), samo je bil spet nedodelan, milijon bugov ipd.
za mene, najboljši špili
strategija - Warcraft3, brez konkurence
streljačina - UT ,vse 3 in 4. brez dvoma
FRP - Baldur's gate I in II in vsi dodatki, za nekatere Morrowind, tle se pa kr konča
1503 A.D. The New World
2002 FIFA World Cup
688 Attack Sub
688(I) Hunter/Killer
AFL '98
ANNO 1503 - Treasures, Monsters, and Pirates
Advanced Tactical Fighters
Adventure Construction Set
Adventure Pinball: Forgotten Island
Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri: Alien Crossfire
American McGee's Alice
Andretti Racing
Are We There Yet?
Armed Forces Collection
Armies of Exigo
Bard's Tale 2: The Destiny Knight
Bard's Tale 3: The Thief of Fate
Battlefield 1942
Battlefield 1942 (demo)
Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of World War II
Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of World War II (demo)
Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2: Special Forces
Battlefield Vietnam
Battlefield Vietnam Redux
Beasts & Bumpkins
Bionicle: The Game
Birds of Prey
Black & White
Black & White 2
Black & White: Creature Isle
Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge
Championship Bass
Clive Barker's Undying
Command & Conquer Generals
Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour
Command & Conquer Renegade
Command & Conquer Renegade (demo)
Command & Conquer Renegade 2
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Command & Conquer: Red Alert sequel [untitled]
Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge
Cricket 2000
Cricket 2002
Cricket 2004
Cricket 2005
Crusader: No Regret
Crusader: No Remorse
DICE Canada Project [Untitled]
DICE Sweden Project [Untitled]
Darklight Conflict
Desert Strike
Dream Zone
Drome Racers
Dungeon Keeper
Dungeon Keeper Gold Edition
Dungeon Keeper II
Dungeon Keeper III
Dungeon Keeper: The Deeper Dungeons
Dungoen Keeper Gold
EA Crytek Title [untitled project]
ESPN X Games Pro Boarder
Earl Weaver Baseball 2
Earth & Beyond
Electronic Arts Top Ten Pack (1994)
Electronic Arts Top Ten Pack (2000)
Emperor: Battle for Dune
Escape From Hell
Extreme Pinball
F1 2000
F1 2001
F1 2002
F1 Challenge '99-'02
F1 Manager 2000
F1 Manager 2001
FIFA '06
FIFA '97
FIFA 2000
FIFA Road to World Cup 98
FIFA Soccer 2002
FIFA Soccer 2003
FIFA Soccer 2004
FIFA Soccer 2005
Fade to Black
Ferrari Formula One
Fighter Pilot
Fleet Command
Flight Combat: Thunder Over Europe
Flight Unlimited III
Formula 1 Championship
Freedom Fighters
Freedom Force
Future Cop: LAPD
Galidor: Defenders of the Outer Dimension
Global Operations
Global Operations (public beta demo)
Half-Life 2: Game of the Year
Harn: Bloodline
Harry Potter Collection
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup
Heroes of the 357th
Indianapolis 500: The Simulation
Island Xtreme Stunts
Israeli Air Force
James Bond 007: NightFire
James Pond 2: Codename RoboCod
Jane's 2 Pack: USNF '97 - IAF (Israeli Air Force)
Jane's ATF: NATO Fighters
Jane's Attack Pack
Jane's F/A-18
Jane's Fighter Anthology
Jane's USAF
Jane's WWII Fighters
Jane's World War
Janes F-15
John Madden Football
John Madden Football II
Jungle Strike
Keef the Thief
LHX Attack Chopper
Labyrinth of Time
Lands of Lore III
Legacy of the Ancients
Lego Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Lego Island Extreme Stunts
Little Big Adventure - Twinsen's Adventure
Longbow 2
MVP Baseball 2004
MVP Baseball 2005
Madden NFL '97
Madden NFL '98
Madden NFL 06
Madden NFL 2000
Madden NFL 2002
Madden NFL 2003
Madden NFL 2004
Magic Carpet
Magic Carpet 2
Magic Carpet Plus
Magic Carpet: Hidden Worlds
Matt Hayes' Fishing
Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Director's Edition
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (demo)
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Breakthrough
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Breakthrough (demo)
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Platinum Edition
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Spearhead
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Spearhead (demo)
Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault
Mobil 1 Rally Championship
Moto Racer
Moto Racer 2
Moto Racer GP
Motor City Online
Multiplayer BattleTech: 3025
NASCAR Revolution
NASCAR SimRacing
NASCAR Thunder 2003
NASCAR Thunder 2004
NASCAR Thunder 2004 (demo)
NBA Live '98
NBA Live 06
NBA Live 2000
NBA Live 2003
NBA Live 2004
NCAA Football '98
NCAA Football 99
NHL '96
NHL '98
NHL '99
NHL 06
NHL 2000
NHL 2001
NHL 2002
NHL 2003
NHL 2004
NHL 2005
NHL Hockey
Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed
Need for Speed
Need for Speed 2
Need for Speed 2 Special Edition
Need for Speed 3: Hot Pursuit
Need for Speed 4: High Stakes
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Need for Speed Most Wanted Black Edition
Need for Speed SE
Need for Speed Underground
Need for Speed Underground 2
Need for Speed Web Racing
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
Nuclear Strike
PGA Golf Tour
PGA Tour Pro
Pacific Strike
Political Tycoon
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods
Populous: The Beginning
Populous: The Third Coming
Psychic Detective
Rail Simulator
Rasetsu Xan
Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure
Risky Woods
Road Rash
Rugby 2004
Rugby 2005
Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo
Sherlock Holmes: The Serrated Scalpel
Shockwave Assault
Shogun Total War: The Mongol Invasion
Shogun: Total War
Shogun: Total War Warlord Edition
Sid Meier's SimGolf
Sim Theme Park
SimCity 3000
SimCity 3000 Unlimited
SimCity 4
SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition
SimCity 4: Rush Hour
Sims Live
Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels
Speed Haste
Sports Car GT
StarFlight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula
Strike Commander
Strike Fleet
Sub Command
Superbike 2000
Superman [working title]
Swedish Touring Car Championship 2
Syndicate Plus
Syndicate Wars
Syndicate: American Revolt
System Shock
System Shock 2
Ted Nugent Wild Hunting Adventure
The Bard's Tale (1987)
The Creed
The F.A. Premier League Football Manager 99
The F.A. Premier League Stars 2000
The Godfather
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Sims
The Sims 2
The Sims 2 Nightlife
The Sims 2 Open For Business [working title]
The Sims 2 University
The Sims Collection
The Sims Deluxe Edition
The Sims Double Deluxe
The Sims Mega Deluxe
The Sims Online
The Sims Superstar
The Sims Unleashed
The Sims: Hot Date
The Sims: House Party
The Sims: Livin' Large
The Sims: Makin' Magic
The Sims: Vacation
The World Is Not Enough
Theme Hospital
Tiger Woods '99
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005
Total Club Manager '06
Total Club Manager 2003
Total Club Manager 2004
Total Club Manager 2005
Triple Play '97
Triple Play '98
Triple Play '99
Triple Play 2000
Triple Play 2001
Triple Play Baseball
UEFA Champions League 2004 - 2005
USNF '97
Ultima Collection
Ultima Online
Ultima Online: 7th Anniversary Edition
Ultima Online: Lord Blackthorn's Revenge
Ultima Online: Mondain's Legacy
Ultima Online: Renaissance
Ultima Online: Samurai Empire
Ultima Online: Second Age
Ultima Online: Third Dawn
Ultima Worlds Online: Origin
Ultima X: Odyssey
Wall Street Trader '97
Wall Street Trader '98
Wall Street Trader '99
Wall Street Trader 2000
Wall Street Trader 2001
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Wing Commander: Prophecy
Wing Commander: Secret Ops
Wing Commander: The Kilrathi Saga
World Cup 98
World of Need for Speed
Zany Golf
za mene, najboljši špili
strategija - Warcraft3, brez konkurence
streljačina - UT ,vse 3 in 4. brez dvoma
FRP - Baldur's gate I in II in vsi dodatki, za nekatere Morrowind, tle se pa kr konča
1503 A.D. The New World
2002 FIFA World Cup
688 Attack Sub
688(I) Hunter/Killer
AFL '98
ANNO 1503 - Treasures, Monsters, and Pirates
Advanced Tactical Fighters
Adventure Construction Set
Adventure Pinball: Forgotten Island
Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri: Alien Crossfire
American McGee's Alice
Andretti Racing
Are We There Yet?
Armed Forces Collection
Armies of Exigo
Bard's Tale 2: The Destiny Knight
Bard's Tale 3: The Thief of Fate
Battlefield 1942
Battlefield 1942 (demo)
Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of World War II
Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of World War II (demo)
Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2: Special Forces
Battlefield Vietnam
Battlefield Vietnam Redux
Beasts & Bumpkins
Bionicle: The Game
Birds of Prey
Black & White
Black & White 2
Black & White: Creature Isle
Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge
Championship Bass
Clive Barker's Undying
Command & Conquer Generals
Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour
Command & Conquer Renegade
Command & Conquer Renegade (demo)
Command & Conquer Renegade 2
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Command & Conquer: Red Alert sequel [untitled]
Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge
Cricket 2000
Cricket 2002
Cricket 2004
Cricket 2005
Crusader: No Regret
Crusader: No Remorse
DICE Canada Project [Untitled]
DICE Sweden Project [Untitled]
Darklight Conflict
Desert Strike
Dream Zone
Drome Racers
Dungeon Keeper
Dungeon Keeper Gold Edition
Dungeon Keeper II
Dungeon Keeper III
Dungeon Keeper: The Deeper Dungeons
Dungoen Keeper Gold
EA Crytek Title [untitled project]
ESPN X Games Pro Boarder
Earl Weaver Baseball 2
Earth & Beyond
Electronic Arts Top Ten Pack (1994)
Electronic Arts Top Ten Pack (2000)
Emperor: Battle for Dune
Escape From Hell
Extreme Pinball
F1 2000
F1 2001
F1 2002
F1 Challenge '99-'02
F1 Manager 2000
F1 Manager 2001
FIFA '06
FIFA '97
FIFA 2000
FIFA Road to World Cup 98
FIFA Soccer 2002
FIFA Soccer 2003
FIFA Soccer 2004
FIFA Soccer 2005
Fade to Black
Ferrari Formula One
Fighter Pilot
Fleet Command
Flight Combat: Thunder Over Europe
Flight Unlimited III
Formula 1 Championship
Freedom Fighters
Freedom Force
Future Cop: LAPD
Galidor: Defenders of the Outer Dimension
Global Operations
Global Operations (public beta demo)
Half-Life 2: Game of the Year
Harn: Bloodline
Harry Potter Collection
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup
Heroes of the 357th
Indianapolis 500: The Simulation
Island Xtreme Stunts
Israeli Air Force
James Bond 007: NightFire
James Pond 2: Codename RoboCod
Jane's 2 Pack: USNF '97 - IAF (Israeli Air Force)
Jane's ATF: NATO Fighters
Jane's Attack Pack
Jane's F/A-18
Jane's Fighter Anthology
Jane's USAF
Jane's WWII Fighters
Jane's World War
Janes F-15
John Madden Football
John Madden Football II
Jungle Strike
Keef the Thief
LHX Attack Chopper
Labyrinth of Time
Lands of Lore III
Legacy of the Ancients
Lego Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Lego Island Extreme Stunts
Little Big Adventure - Twinsen's Adventure
Longbow 2
MVP Baseball 2004
MVP Baseball 2005
Madden NFL '97
Madden NFL '98
Madden NFL 06
Madden NFL 2000
Madden NFL 2002
Madden NFL 2003
Madden NFL 2004
Magic Carpet
Magic Carpet 2
Magic Carpet Plus
Magic Carpet: Hidden Worlds
Matt Hayes' Fishing
Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Director's Edition
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (demo)
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Breakthrough
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Breakthrough (demo)
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Platinum Edition
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Spearhead
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Spearhead (demo)
Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault
Mobil 1 Rally Championship
Moto Racer
Moto Racer 2
Moto Racer GP
Motor City Online
Multiplayer BattleTech: 3025
NASCAR Revolution
NASCAR SimRacing
NASCAR Thunder 2003
NASCAR Thunder 2004
NASCAR Thunder 2004 (demo)
NBA Live '98
NBA Live 06
NBA Live 2000
NBA Live 2003
NBA Live 2004
NCAA Football '98
NCAA Football 99
NHL '96
NHL '98
NHL '99
NHL 06
NHL 2000
NHL 2001
NHL 2002
NHL 2003
NHL 2004
NHL 2005
NHL Hockey
Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed
Need for Speed
Need for Speed 2
Need for Speed 2 Special Edition
Need for Speed 3: Hot Pursuit
Need for Speed 4: High Stakes
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Need for Speed Most Wanted Black Edition
Need for Speed SE
Need for Speed Underground
Need for Speed Underground 2
Need for Speed Web Racing
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
Nuclear Strike
PGA Golf Tour
PGA Tour Pro
Pacific Strike
Political Tycoon
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods
Populous: The Beginning
Populous: The Third Coming
Psychic Detective
Rail Simulator
Rasetsu Xan
Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure
Risky Woods
Road Rash
Rugby 2004
Rugby 2005
Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo
Sherlock Holmes: The Serrated Scalpel
Shockwave Assault
Shogun Total War: The Mongol Invasion
Shogun: Total War
Shogun: Total War Warlord Edition
Sid Meier's SimGolf
Sim Theme Park
SimCity 3000
SimCity 3000 Unlimited
SimCity 4
SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition
SimCity 4: Rush Hour
Sims Live
Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels
Speed Haste
Sports Car GT
StarFlight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula
Strike Commander
Strike Fleet
Sub Command
Superbike 2000
Superman [working title]
Swedish Touring Car Championship 2
Syndicate Plus
Syndicate Wars
Syndicate: American Revolt
System Shock
System Shock 2
Ted Nugent Wild Hunting Adventure
The Bard's Tale (1987)
The Creed
The F.A. Premier League Football Manager 99
The F.A. Premier League Stars 2000
The Godfather
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Sims
The Sims 2
The Sims 2 Nightlife
The Sims 2 Open For Business [working title]
The Sims 2 University
The Sims Collection
The Sims Deluxe Edition
The Sims Double Deluxe
The Sims Mega Deluxe
The Sims Online
The Sims Superstar
The Sims Unleashed
The Sims: Hot Date
The Sims: House Party
The Sims: Livin' Large
The Sims: Makin' Magic
The Sims: Vacation
The World Is Not Enough
Theme Hospital
Tiger Woods '99
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005
Total Club Manager '06
Total Club Manager 2003
Total Club Manager 2004
Total Club Manager 2005
Triple Play '97
Triple Play '98
Triple Play '99
Triple Play 2000
Triple Play 2001
Triple Play Baseball
UEFA Champions League 2004 - 2005
USNF '97
Ultima Collection
Ultima Online
Ultima Online: 7th Anniversary Edition
Ultima Online: Lord Blackthorn's Revenge
Ultima Online: Mondain's Legacy
Ultima Online: Renaissance
Ultima Online: Samurai Empire
Ultima Online: Second Age
Ultima Online: Third Dawn
Ultima Worlds Online: Origin
Ultima X: Odyssey
Wall Street Trader '97
Wall Street Trader '98
Wall Street Trader '99
Wall Street Trader 2000
Wall Street Trader 2001
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Wing Commander: Prophecy
Wing Commander: Secret Ops
Wing Commander: The Kilrathi Saga
World Cup 98
World of Need for Speed
Zany Golf
Good Guy ::
pa jebem vam tete kaj se gre tuki o špilu al o firmi?!!!
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
kuglvinkl ::
To ni strašen of topic. Zdej pa mir in naj pogovor steče dalje.
Your focus determines your reallity
Michaelosz ::
Bogdaj! Mam en čuden problem! Ko se vsedem v avto, se lahko peljem pa vse vendar ne morem iz avta. Vstopil sem z tipko F pa stisem tisto tipko pa ne gre vun.
b0B3k ::
Pri original verziji te igre ni težav z izstopanjem iz avtomobila in ni težav z invert mouse. Torej če imaš uradno - kupljeno različico te igre se obrni na EA pomoč.
Fifty ::
mene tud SPACE tipka neki zajebava oz. kar se tiče glede izstopanja iz avta (tudi s pretepanjem mam probleme glede tipk itd itd), aja pa še vsakič ko zaženem špil, ne morm prekint uvoda (paramount...)
eales ::
Jest mam pa en resn problem!
Ta špil mi ne dela pa nimam pojma zakaj. Zažene se pol me pa vn vrže. Kaj bi blo lahko narobe?
Michaelosz ::
Jaz sem zrihto problem. Zbriso pa še enkrat gor naredo. Samo nekaj ne razumem. Pri Mafiji je grafika dost boljša pa nima takih sistemskih zahtev kot Godfather, ki ima grafiko skoraj na podnu.
ahac ::
Grafika to, grafika ono.. a mislite, da so vsi špili samo grafika?
Pa kaj, če te bo? Pač se pojaviš v hospital. Zaradi tega ni treba loadat. L2P!
zdj se morm vsakih 5 min vozt pofuk*nih 10min čez mesto do najbližiga safehousa sam zato kr se neprestano bojim, da me bo poču en stric v zelenem (tm) ko si grem kupt novo tomi-jevko.
Pa kaj, če te bo? Pač se pojaviš v hospital. Zaradi tega ni treba loadat. L2P!
Slo-Tech Discord -
ahac ::
cena artikla: 9.500,- SIT
cena artikla: 9.500,- SIT
Slo-Tech Discord -
Mavrik ::
Torej fantje. V tej temi je že postalo veliko postov rdečih. Razlog za to je bilo tako ali drugačno pogovarjanje o piratizirani različici te igre. Podpora piratiziranim igram tukaj NI DOVOLJENA. Če vam kaj ne deluje, kupite original in potem sprašujte.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
Vredno ogleda ...
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