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ASP in Wine ter uporabniški računi

ASP in Wine ter uporabniški računi

G-man ::

[xxx@xxx ~]$ wine /home/xxx/wine/ASP/oasp.exe
Warning: the specified Windows directory L"c:\\windows" is not accessible.
Warning: the specified System directory L"c:\\windows\\system32" is not accessib le.
Warning: could not find DOS drive for current working directory '/home/xxx', starting in the Windows directory.
wine: cannot find '/home/xxx/wine/ASP/oasp.exe'

Wine noče delat v uporabniškem načinu. Distribucija je Pingo 4.1. Zgornji navedek je izpljunila konzola. Ve kdo lek tej zagati?

G-man ::

Prosim, če kdo ve, kaj storiti, bi bil zelo vesel, če pove.

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