Forum » Zvok in slika » DVD + SB AWE64
Han ::
Včeraj sem preizkusil, če je moja stara mašina (Celeron @ 450 MHz, GeForce 256, SB AWE64 - ISA zvočna kartica) dovolj dobra za predvajanje DVD filmov. Teacov CD sem zamenjal za Pioneerjev DVD-116 in zavrtel film...
Film teče v WinDVD 3.0 povsem tekoče, je pa težava z zvokom, ki je zelo šumeč - poleg tega, da je relativno tih, v zvočnikih in slušalkah šumi. Lahko bi rekel, da tudi hrešči. Skratka, zvok ni čist. Je torej krivec stari SB?
Na drugi mašini z Athlon procesorjem in Herculesovo zvočno GameMuse PCI je zvok kristalno čist...
Film teče v WinDVD 3.0 povsem tekoče, je pa težava z zvokom, ki je zelo šumeč - poleg tega, da je relativno tih, v zvočnikih in slušalkah šumi. Lahko bi rekel, da tudi hrešči. Skratka, zvok ni čist. Je torej krivec stari SB?
Na drugi mašini z Athlon procesorjem in Herculesovo zvočno GameMuse PCI je zvok kristalno čist...
Ikarus ::
Tole bi lahko veljalo za tvoj primer:
ISA Based Sound Cards:
The older sound cards (New cards are PCI) were designed for the ISA mainboard interface. This interface runs at 8mhz compared to the newer 33mhz PCI cards. Using an ISA sound card can give a performance hit, especially if your CPU is borderline when it comes to playing Software DVD.
Another thing about ISA cards is, that most of these older cards (not all) only support 44khz sound output, while the DVD standard is 48khz. This requires that the DVD Playing software downsample the audio stream.
PowerDVD for example doesn't downsample the audio stream correctly and your sound will be a bit distorted forcing you to lower the sound quality to 24khz which is somewhat bad compared to 48khz.
Another incentive for buying a new PCI sound card is that some of them can have 4 or more speaker output for Pro-Logic or even Dolby AC-3 quality sound.
ISA Based Sound Cards:
The older sound cards (New cards are PCI) were designed for the ISA mainboard interface. This interface runs at 8mhz compared to the newer 33mhz PCI cards. Using an ISA sound card can give a performance hit, especially if your CPU is borderline when it comes to playing Software DVD.
Another thing about ISA cards is, that most of these older cards (not all) only support 44khz sound output, while the DVD standard is 48khz. This requires that the DVD Playing software downsample the audio stream.
PowerDVD for example doesn't downsample the audio stream correctly and your sound will be a bit distorted forcing you to lower the sound quality to 24khz which is somewhat bad compared to 48khz.
Another incentive for buying a new PCI sound card is that some of them can have 4 or more speaker output for Pro-Logic or even Dolby AC-3 quality sound.
js ::
procesor mam p2 266. mam pa tud dekodirno kartico hollywood+. tud ko sn probal gledat s powerDVDjem je bil glas dober sam slika je štekala.
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