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Zvok z vecih cd-romov?

Zvok z vecih cd-romov?

Justy ::

Zdej mam v kisti par cd-romov, pa me zanima ce obstajajo kaki kablcki (tisti za zvok, ko poveze cd-rom pa zvocno), ki bi omogocali recimo priklop dveh cd-romov na eno zvocno.
Ali se da to kje kupit, zanima me pa tud ce bi lahko jst to kr zlotal dve te zicki skup, sam ne vem ce bi pol to vredu delal (sej lotat znam vredu, to ni problem, samo me je strah da ne bi to pol povzrocalo kake tezave:P


MadMax ::

Ce imas na zvocni se kak AUX lohk not vtaknes, ce ne, pa kabel vn potegn pa ga v LINE IN vstekas preko 3.5 mm stekarja. Ne vem pa, ce bos lohk oba CDja iz winsov krmilu (men se ni ratal).

Kaiser ::

Ne vem, ce kaksna taka zvocna obstaja. Jest mam recimo dva CDROMA zvezana tako, da je en na normalnem CDvhodu (analognem) drugi pa na digitalnem CDvhodu od SBja (Live).
Drgac bi nacelno morda celo lahko zlotal skup zicke (pomoje bi tezko kaj skurill), vendar ti tega ne priporocam.

miranpozar ::

Dva CDja ni sploh noben problem krmilit! Vsak programski CD player ima opcijo izbire pogona!
Edina moznost zate je dodatni AUX vhod na kartici, ker dveh CD-audio izhodov iz CD-ROMa ne smes zalotati!

Miran Požar, Portorož, www.miranpozar.com

MadMax ::

Jst mam na SB Live navadn + pekac na AUX (ker ga Live pac ma, pa se digitalnga zravn). Za dva sm pa mislu da bi ju hkrati krmilu-kao 2 CDplejra mel odprta. Ce pa ne rabs oba hkrati, pa seveda gre.:)

shadow ::

jast sm za razliko od kaiserja zcinu skupi zice pa to ampak ne dela .. zal .. sicer ne vem zakaj ampak ne dela .. u bistvu ce mas lajva res se najbol drugi cdrom prek auxa prvezat gor ... al ap poslusas muzko pac sam iz enga :)

Miran ::

Jaz sem na SB Live ponucov kr TAD input za tadrug CD rom pa dela čist cool.
Overclock yourself !

Justy ::

miranpozar zakaj ne smem tega lotat, kaj pa ce bi stikalo vmes dal, tak da bi mel enkrat izhod (CD-audio) iz enega cd-roma povezan na zvocno, ko pa bi preklopil stikalo, bi mi pa izklopil takrat priklopen izhod iz cd-roma in preklopilo na audio izhod drugega cd-roma?

Ali bi to preklapljanje lahko skodovalo zvocni al tud cd-romu??


Tjulenj ::

ce imata cd-roma lastno tipko play, pol ni problem. zlotas skupej dva kabla pa dela (preverjeno)

miranpozar ::

Tista fora s stikalom bi bila OK. Si siguren, da na zvocni nimas dveh vhodov?

Miran Požar, Portorož, www.miranpozar.com

Mate ::

ej Miranpozar a mi lohk poves zakaj naj to ne bi delalo?
Pomoje da bi mogl cist kul delat. Probu res da se nisem...

Justy ::

Ja na zvocni mam dva vhoda, samo eden je tak, ko crni konektor nanj pase (isti kot na cd-romu) in se en vhod, manjsi, ki nanj pase tisti bel konektor, samo ce vklopim en cd-rom na bel konektor, mi ta potem predvaja muziko samo na enem zvocniku (mono)!?
A je to normalno ali bi moral tudi tisti cd-rom, ki je na beli konektor (audio na zvocni) priklucen normalno stereo signal dajat?

Mate ::

Hum... a si ziher da tisto ni digital IN? Samo ce je pol ne vem kako da spila musko... al pa je mozno da je kasen mono vhod za ne vem kaj...

BlackAdder ::

Mislim, da je tu natančen odgovor za opisan problem:

Subject: [5-21] How do I connect two drives to one sound card in a PC?


The purchase of a CD recorder results in what used to be an unusual situation: a machine with two CD-ROM drives in it. This results in a number of interesting phenomena, usually having to do with poorly-written software that can't figure out which CD-ROM drive it's supposed to use.

CD-ROM drives are typically connected to the sound card via a small cable (a couple of wires twisted together, ending in small molex connectors). This allows audio CDs to be placed in the CD-ROM drive and played through the speakers attached to the sound card. Some people, upon discovering that they have two CD-ROM drives and can use both simultaneously, want to connect both drives to the sound card's input.

This is where the trouble starts. Sound cards often only have one input. The immediate temptation is to buy or construct a Y-cable, but this won't always work. The trouble is that Y-cables only work when you have a single signal and more than one listener, like a stereo that sends its output to two sets of headphones. The situation with two CD-ROM drives is of two outputs and one listener.

Connecting two outputs together is, in general, a bad idea. Remember that electricity isn't like water: it does not come out of the output and flow downhill. The voltage at any point on the wire (ignoring minor distortions) is going to be exactly the same. So if you have a device that's trying to set it to one level, and another device that's trying to set it to another level, the two devices are going to fight, and the results aren't going to be what you want.

In some cases, if a device is inactive, it will allow its output to "float". The other device can set the voltage to whatever level it wants. So long as you only use one device at a time, all is well. Many devices, however, force the output to ground level when not in use. This generally manifests as a volume level that is almost inaudibly quiet.

Devices that combine multiple audio inputs into something reasonable are called "mixers". Buying one and embedding it into your PC case is probably not the best solution.

One possible option, if you're handy with the soldering iron, is to rig up a mechanical switch that selects which signal gets passed to the sound card. So long as you weren't planning to play two audio CDs simultaneously, this should work well.

Some sound cards have multiple connectors on them, suggesting that the card itself could handle multiple inputs. More often than not, these connectors are not electrically isolated, so even though they're not sharing the same cable they will still cause the devices to compete. If the sound card isn't advertised as allowing multiple independent inputs, don't assume it can.

Some of the Sound Blaster cards, e.g. SB Live!, do have two independent inputs ("CD in" and "AUX"). Stay away from the TAD (Telephone Answering Device) connector though, it's monaural. You may need to un-mute the auxilliary input in the volume control panel.

Another solution, from Joost Ruijsch:

"Solder a 1 kohm resistor in series with the outputs of each drive and connect those together to the soundcard. You need in total 4 resistors. The volume goes down 6dB, but you can hear them both. You can make a mixer with a linear stereo potentiometer and connect the two wipers to the soundcard and the four ends to the drive outputs. It may be difficult to obtain a linear stereo pot, since stereo pots are mostly used for volume control, which requires a logarithmic pot. The resistance of resistors or potentiometer is not important, probably between 470 ohm and 10 kohm will work fine."

Izrezano iz Vnesite tukaj
BlackAdder stroke again!

Justy ::

Tnx BlackAdder
Se pravi da lahko uporabim stikalo, zdej me pa zanima a je vredu ce samo rdeco zicko preklaplam ali je treba use 3 (rdeca, crna, bela)?
Kaksne pa so napetosti na teh treh zickah ?
---> rdeca je najbrz 5 al kolko je ze?
---> crna je najbrz masa?
---> bela pa ne vem za kaj je?

Naj me nekdo popravi ce ni prav

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