Forum » Problemi človeštva » Konec internetne pornografije v USA
Konec internetne pornografije v USA
Vanich ::
Na kratko:
Vsaka internetna stran, ki ponuja sex-explicit slike,
mora posedovati dokumentacijo, ki potrjuje/zagotavlja, da so osebki na slikah starejši od 18 let.
Zakon je stopil v veljavo danes.
Internet censored, America just rolls over and farts
"Amended Section 2257 recordkeeping regulations go into effect at midnight tonight. The federal law requires website owners to keep records documenting, among other things, that every performer portrayed in a visual depiction of actual sexually explicit conduct is over the age of 18. In anticipation, porn sites and others that include adult content are preparing to make their sites compliant -- or taking them offline. Today, several sites in the family are going dark for that reason, including (like amihotornot for amateur snapshots of a particular male anatomical part in a particular state) and (which you could call an industrial-strength grossout blog). Section 2257 is ostensibly aimed at preventing the exploitation of minors in pornography. However, some free speech advocates argue it provides the conservative Bush administration with the power to silence other websites deemed offensive." [The regulations were promulgated by Alberto Gonzales, US Attorney General appointed by George Bush. If you voted for Bush, this is your fault. If you think this country is free, you are sadly mistaken. No nation has freedom when it is run by religious zealots.]
Vsaka internetna stran, ki ponuja sex-explicit slike,
mora posedovati dokumentacijo, ki potrjuje/zagotavlja, da so osebki na slikah starejši od 18 let.
Zakon je stopil v veljavo danes.
Internet censored, America just rolls over and farts
"Amended Section 2257 recordkeeping regulations go into effect at midnight tonight. The federal law requires website owners to keep records documenting, among other things, that every performer portrayed in a visual depiction of actual sexually explicit conduct is over the age of 18. In anticipation, porn sites and others that include adult content are preparing to make their sites compliant -- or taking them offline. Today, several sites in the family are going dark for that reason, including (like amihotornot for amateur snapshots of a particular male anatomical part in a particular state) and (which you could call an industrial-strength grossout blog). Section 2257 is ostensibly aimed at preventing the exploitation of minors in pornography. However, some free speech advocates argue it provides the conservative Bush administration with the power to silence other websites deemed offensive." [The regulations were promulgated by Alberto Gonzales, US Attorney General appointed by George Bush. If you voted for Bush, this is your fault. If you think this country is free, you are sadly mistaken. No nation has freedom when it is run by religious zealots.]
- spremenil: Vanich ()
Jst ::
Kaj se učijo pd Kitajske? he he he
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
Keyser Soze ::
Sicer nisem prebral tega zakona, a vendarle. Mislim, da je pravilno, da se tej industriji malo pristriže krila. Naj ostanejo tisti, ki nudijo usluge korektno in ne izkoriščajo mladoletnikov v takšne namene, ostale pa popucat.
Tear_DR0P ::
s tem se izniči tudi kakšne realne bangbuse in podobne reči, kjer grejo na cesto in izkoristijo kakšne prodajalke telesa.
"Figures don't lie, but liars figure."
Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain
Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain
Keyser Soze ::
Pa naj naredijo kopijo dokumenta, ki dokazuje, da je oseba polnoletna. Naj še BangXerox s sabo vozijo, da ne bodo samo na avtobusu bangal.
P.S.: Jao, bi bila pa suša, če bi morali začeti pri Bangbusu najemat polnoletne igralke. Boga desna roka...
P.S.: Jao, bi bila pa suša, če bi morali začeti pri Bangbusu najemat polnoletne igralke. Boga desna roka...
Avenger ::
Še en bušizem. Naj raje strižejo peruti spam in spyware podjetjem.
Zakon pa najbrž lahko šeška samo tiste, ki so registrirani v US, lahko svoj server/domeno prenesejo drugam in je stvar rešena.
Zakon pa najbrž lahko šeška samo tiste, ki so registrirani v US, lahko svoj server/domeno prenesejo drugam in je stvar rešena.
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.
Law_Enforcer ::
s tem se izniči tudi kakšne realne bangbuse in podobne reči, kjer grejo na cesto in izkoristijo kakšne prodajalke telesa
Pa ne da ti resno misliš, da je Bangbus in ostale "reality sites" de facto resničen?
Tear_DR0P ::
he ne verjamem, sam lahk bi pa kje obstajal kak realen - takih naivnih žensk je povsod po svetu dovolj, poleg tega je tud dost butastih dedcev, ki bi se snemal pri izkoriščevalskem seksu, sam ne vem če so dost brihtni da bi to znal potem tržit
"Figures don't lie, but liars figure."
Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain
Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain
cirecire ::
Pa ljudje kaj se razburjate...porniči so bili in še vedno bojo tako, da mislim, da je vsaka panika
Tud Bangbus bo sigurno še vozu, ker tiste češple, ki jih tisti tip pobira ob cesti in potem vozi naokoli so vse polnoletne.
In vse velike filmske hiše, ki snemajo porniče v ZDA in Evropi že danes uporabljajo izključno polnoletne modele za snemanje porničev. Zato ker se jim preprosto ne splača riskirati, da bi jih potem brez veze vlačili po sodiščih.
Tud Bangbus bo sigurno še vozu, ker tiste češple, ki jih tisti tip pobira ob cesti in potem vozi naokoli so vse polnoletne.
In vse velike filmske hiše, ki snemajo porniče v ZDA in Evropi že danes uporabljajo izključno polnoletne modele za snemanje porničev. Zato ker se jim preprosto ne splača riskirati, da bi jih potem brez veze vlačili po sodiščih.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: cirecire ()
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