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eXeem - Decentraliziran BitTorrent

eXeem - Decentraliziran BitTorrent


Tr0n ::

Taras_Bulba: Jedro je BitTorrent, dodali pa so podoben sistem omrezja, kot pri Kazi (vozlisca - nodes).

Gandalfar ::

Nerdor: wtf? Saj lahko prakticno z vsemi programskimi jeziki uporabljas libe?

sverde21 ::

ja sam men java ni všeč ker je slowwww preveč
<?php echo `w`; ?>

Gandalfar ::

nimam obcutka, da bi bil Azerous pocasen

Tic ::

Misliš Azureus?
persona civitas ;>

sverde21 ::

em kva je pa "Azureus" k nimam pojma :P nkol ču :P
<?php echo `w`; ?>

Gandalfar ::

Tic: mja .. kakorkoli se ze napise :)

Predator ::

sverde21 : azureus je java based torrent client
Building a better mousetrap merely results in smarter mice.

sverde21 ::

aja nism vedu ker jst torenta nism uporablu ker ni gor muske ki jo jaz največ dl jam tukaj v exeem bo pa tud muska mnde :)
<?php echo `w`; ?>

Damjan Jagar ::

Ni muske? Veliko si zamudil...

Tr0n ::

Azureusa sem probal, pa je dosti ramcka popapal, pa malce slugish mi je deloval.

Nimam tudi rad programov, ki imajo polno nekih opcij, ki jih nikoli ne rabim. Imam rad preprost, hiter in nenasicen vmesnik. Download, queue in nic drugega. Taksen, kot recimo ABC. ;)

Spc ::

I'm sure you have heard of the bill the RIAA is currently trying to pass here in the US making ALL reproduction and recording devices illegal? If that bill passes, even our telephone answering machines will be considered illegal


Kaj si nebojo vse še zmislili.
Se pravi, da sem jaz sedaj extremni ilegalec ker sem si posnel koncerte v petek iz 3sat-a (TV) na Digitalni Video recorder in nato v MPEG-2 ?
Plus tega sem tudi ilegalec ker imam doma video rekorder in modem z vgrajeno "tajnico".
Pa tote bo treba narezat malo.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Spc ()

2tiLen ::

naj grejo še bolj v ekstreme... tko bojo zgubil še tisto malo kredibilnosti, ki jo imajo... MPAA bo sama sebe pokopala. Hvala bogu!

btw: ABC je res kul client, enostaven in pregleden.

Nerdor ::

Ganalfar: jest samo uganjujem v katerem jeziku ga pišejo. Any ideas kater

Gandalfar ::

Nerdor: koga briga .. itak cist neuporaben podatek

leonius ::

Kakšni komentariji na MUTE?

Tr0n ::

Mah, saj teh tako imenovanih "anonimnih" klientov je ogromno. Lahko zascitijo promet, ne pa tudi IP naslova. Pa tudi kaj veliko uporabnikov nimajo. Ce hoces met "dober" P2P network, rabis velik community.

medjugorje-si ::

Ma mislim, da bi se bilo bolje usmerit na linux in tam naredit se kaj bolj pametnega, tako si v vodi kjer je več ali manj vse zastonj in se nimas bat, da ti bodo en dan prisli in preobrnili hišo in ti nabasali kazni in te olupili po vrhu še te dali na hladno....

Če delaš nekaj proti zakonu te slej ali prej dobijo, stvar je samo čas.

Sam sem zbrisal disk in si naložil samo tisto, kar me ne morejo lovit in dribljat. Še malo pa se bom poslovil še od windowsov, in testiram Debian Sarge- super stvar, čeprav še v testing. Že samo s prvim cd-jem si naložiš ves sistem v grafičnem sistemu....pa še v slovenščini je zelo veliko....

Kdor ima čas za ga metat stran naj pomaga raje pri tem projektu v končnem bo imel bolj mirno vest....in več zadovoljstva....

Naj živi LINUX in ....

Pwneror ::

Nja, tole mi ne diši najbolj, ker so notri ADi pa še open source ni.... no ja bomo videli, kaj bo ratalo.
Še glede mule: Mula je pa pač počasna kakor za koga. Če imaš recimo neko mašino 24/7 konektano na en server+kad in recimo 30+ aktivnih DL -> lightspeed. Če pa furaš to po samo 10 ur skupaj pa še to z enimi 5-10 downloadi je pa brezveze čist. Pri muli mi je všeč to, da je hassle-free. Poklikaš 50 linkov in greš lahko stran za en teden na relaksacijo.

medjugorje-si ::

Ma si lahko izmislite sto načinov kako lahko preneseš programe, ampak vedno ostaneš na istem. Če ni dovoljeno uporabljat/razmnoževat programe, ki so plačljivi mora ostat pri tem. Smo Balkanci da iščemo luknjo v zakonu samo da zakon sfintiramo. Ala vam vera ste face.

Naj na glas razmišljam:
Lahko bi si izmislili, da bi uporabljali microsoftov update ali drugi update program in z njim pobirali dol programe. Lahko bi uporabili msn, google, altavisto , yahoo,....in iz njihovih cachov pobirali informacije kdo in kje ima na svojem PC-ju programe za delit..... Vendar vedno ostane nelegalno je le nova finta za butalce.

To je le moje osebno razmišljane in zato vam ga ne dovolim uporabljat anci vam ga prepovedujem ma če hočete ga še patentiram in v patentu bo klavzula, da kdor bo ta patent uporabil moral do konc življenja....:)) :))

Ljubi svojega bližnjega, kakor samega sebe.

Tr0n ::

Izjava Slonceka o spy in adwaru v eXeemu.

I have read many of users posts and many of you are saying that eXeem will be bundled with spyware, all of this rumors are not true!

Yes, I did tell Slyck.com that there is going to be Cydoor bundled with the program, but if any of you accusing us of putting in spyware, would care to read some recent reviews of Cydoor, you would have noticed that Cydoor is labled as Adware and that Cydoor has changed very much since it was labeled as Spyware.

What this Cydoor is going to do is, display the ads inside the program, just like the ads on the SuprNova.org have been right now. But nobody complained that they will not use the SuprNova.org, because it had ads on it. Well guys, those ads were Cydoor ads too. I would have not allowed this kind of ads being in the program, if I was not sure if they are safe!

There will NOT be any spyware or very annoying adware bundled with the software. You will have an option to also install sponsor toolbar inside would also include features for helping you use eXeem (searching through eXeem, your UP and DOWN speed, and similar funtions).

Also DO NOT think that I or anybody else sold SuprNova and its fanbase to this company. This company approched me few months ago and we together worked on the program. They developed the program based on experience from SuprNova.org Team and they included the funtions in the program that made SuprNova.org famous, easy and reliable.

Please, before you decide you want to talk bad about eXeem, remember, that we are trying to better P2P world, and you are not forced to use this program. There are plenty of P2P programs in the world right now and I am sure you will use the one that suits your needs best and if somebody sees this program as useful, then they are very welcome to.

hruske ::

To še zmer nč ne pomen. BT protokol bojo pokvarl in bo isto. :D
Kalkulator nove omrežnine 2024 - https://omreznina.karlas.si/Kalkulator

B-D_ ::

What this Cydoor is going to do is, display the ads inside the program, just like the ads on the SuprNova.org have been right now. But nobody complained that they will not use the SuprNova.org, because it had ads on it.

Tale pa še ni slišal za Adblock... ;)

Loki ::

saj imamo hosts.

Kriko ::


Kriko ::

Kaj mislite o tem da Slonček z eXeem-om nima praktično nič..razen "marketinški" trik oziroma oglaševanje:

After the demise of Suprnova, hype has risen over Exeem, the supposed heir apparent to the popular BitTorrent index. Today on Novastream, Sloncek announced it officially, but to me his announcement raised more questions than it did answers. Since the official exeem.com website still isn't up, I've got a few notes below. Thanks to several users on irc.suprnova.org, and Sloncek himself for answering my questions.
First, Exeem really isn't an extension of Suprnova as the hype might have you believe: the connection between the two seems more marketing than anything else. Sloncek has been hired to promote their product as the heir apparent to his popular website, but his involvement really seems to be almost entirely PR. It'll work obviously: my headline on this story mentions Suprnova, and so will hundreds of websites around the world in the coming days. "Yet another p2p app" would not create anywhere near the waves that "Successor to Suprnova Announced" will. I hope that people judge exeem by its own merits and not by its (clever) marketing.
Second, Exeem is pretty much what was rumored earlier: a blending of the tracker, the BitTorrent client, and decentralized indexing. It's Windows only. It's in beta now, and will be out at some indeterminate date in the future. It also has a rating and commenting system which appears to be somewhat rudimentary. It's unclear to me if the rating system will be as useless as other attempts, and I think this is the critical thing: Suprnova succeeded because the content available on it was verified and trustworthy. Suprnova was as much the work of a few dozen editors as it was a list of torrent URLs. So far no other p2p system has achieved that level of accuracy. Exeem supports magnet sites which is a start, but not exactly p2p either. And did I mention that it's adware?
Third, there's a mystery company. Someone is paying Sloncek. He won't say who, but there's a history in the p2p world of secretive development. Since Exeem is to be adware, someday it will have a billing address, which means the legal issues faced by predecessors like Napster and Kazaa will be forthcoming, which is of course why we have a mystery company that Sloncek won't talk about in the first place. We definitely haven't heard the last of this.
Personally I was hoping for more: source code and cross platform compatibility never hurts. These are the things that made BitTorrent a huge success. I guess I was hoping for a new protocol instead of just another Kazaa. I guess I was hoping for a monumental leap, and instead Exeem to be a more incremental step. I'm sure we'll learn more in the coming weeks.

Tr0n ::

Izsla je pre public beta 0.17 eXeem progija. Deluje ze kr precej solidno. Verjetno bo kmalu public beta.

Tr0n ::

eXeem Lite


MPM ::

to je beta 0.18
še vedno rabiš key, tako da.. sej bo kmal public beta

mgliha ::

evo prišla je verzija za vse ven, tko da kr navalite


Tr0n ::

Direktna povezava.

eXeem0.20.exe [2.47 MB]

neoto ::

Uf, je tole počasno. Imajo sam en strežnik za cel svet al kaj?

msms ::

Tega exeema ne morem in nemorem snet, tako počasi gre. Zgleda da je naval.:D

neoto ::

Kakšna je fora za povezavo na omrežje? Port 6881 je preusmerjen na pravi rač., povezat se pa noče... ???? ;((

shock ::

sesuva se kot za šalo, tu in tam pa kakšenkrat zmrzne :D

Tr0n ::

eXeem0.20.exe [Mirror]

Zgleda je pri trenutni beta verziji problem, ker porabi kar precej casa za zbiranje informacij o seedih in peersih iz networka. Zato se download lahko zacne sele cez nekaj casa.

Vsak P2P network je pac samo tako dober, kot uporabniki v njem. Z dedicated seederji in kaksno stran za filtriranje releasov zna bit cool zadevscina. ;)

d0rK ::

Mah ... Jz mislm da se Slon drka s tem sam zarad tega k MASTNO sluz ....
Usaj s SuprNovo je ....Gutov dobi kksn delez od oglasov na programu.

Tr0n ::

Ja, sloncek je zaposlen pri tem podjetju, torej dobi po vsej verjetnosti tudi placo.

iration ::

In v čem je problem, če nekdo nekaj zasluži?
Tudi jaz bi imel kakšno pravico rad v življenju. Npr. pravico do tega, da delam
12 ur na dan in sem za to nagrajen s strani delujočega ekonomskega prostora, ne
pa kaznovan s strani Salmoneličevih gremlinov. - NavadniNimda

Tr0n ::

Jah, naceloma ni problema.

V tem primeru je pac tak, da so "pokradli" dve ideji in sicer ze napisano knjiznico libtorrent in sistem vozlisc od Kaze in sedaj na ta racun sluzijo.

To je sporno v tem primeru.

Saj zato pa upam, da bo cimprej eXeem Lite in Linux konzol verzija.

Tilen ::

Zakaj meni program ne dela? KO vpisem ka jv search mi nic ne najde. Any ideas ? :)

mchaber ::

probaj new files pa refresh. sem pa zadovoljen uporabnik exeem lite-a:)

Gandalfar ::

Tr0n: pa se pohabili so bittorrent protokol tko da nujno rabis exeem clienta, ce hoces uporabljat ta network. Namesto da bi razsirili specifikacijo in omogocili preprosto dodajanje te funkcionalnosti obstojecim odjemalcem.

Aja, sam pol bi tezko userje preprical da si njihov spyware instalarijo. Exeem toolbar .. WTF?!?

mgliha ::

a kdo ve kaj je ta toolbar, ker jst si ga nisem inštaliru, pa me vseen zanima kaj je

brez wareza - P

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Predator ()

_Hammer_ ::


eXeem Lite is a spyware free version of eXeem

Tilen ::

LOL, to pa je blo hitro :)

R33D3M33R ::

A ta Cydoor se kje skriva al kaj? :\
Z adaware sem pregledal celoten komp, najsvežejše definicije, pa exeem sem mel pognan pa ni blo nič.
Emmm ... :\

P.S: nimam lite verzije
Moja domača stran: http://andrej.mernik.eu
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:

neoto ::

imate vi tudi ta črna polja:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Predator ()

Tr0n ::

Tukaj not bodo adsi verjetno.

globoko grlo ::

a mi lahko en neki razloži
dolpotegnem exlite .19 verzijo, ko pa zadevo zalaufam mi pa piše da mam .18 verzijo in ne nejde nobenga noda in nič

a drgač vam dela normalno al kj trokirajo zadeve

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Glasbeni založniki kršijo pravice potrošnikov?

Oddelek: Novice / Apple iPhone/iPad/iPod
134380 (3387) matjash

eXeem odprl vrata množicam (strani: 1 2 3 )

Oddelek: Novice / Ostala programska oprema
13715113 (9864) mgliha

eXeem -- izpopolnjeni BitTorrent (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Novice / Ostala programska oprema
5011898 (8409) Darker

DDoS napad na BitTorrent strežnike

Oddelek: Novice / Varnost
104327 (4327) Tilen

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