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Matična plošča ne zazna novega trdega diska
fuatpanza ::
Imam sledeč problem. Stari disk mi je crkno in sem kupil novega toda zdaj mi matična ne zazna diska in nič ne morem. Malo sem brskal po internetu in ugotovil sledeče: Imam matično ploščo VIA Apollo Pro+ chipset baby AT mother board in prej sem imel disk IBM deskstar 20 giga (ata/ide), sedaj pa sem kupil WD caviar 40 giga (eide/ata2). Je mogoče problem to, da mi plošča ne podpira eide diska in moram iskati ide disk?
Hvala lepa
Hvala lepa
harvey ::
Verjetno gre za tale trik, če vsi kabli in jumperji stimajo:
The 65,536 Cylinder (31.5 GiB / 33.8 GB) Barrier
This barrier is relatively recent, and along with a couple of others began showing up during the spring and summer of 1999. Although this barrier is often referred to as the 32 GB barrier similar to the one immediately above, that description is a bit of a misnomer.
This particular barrier is caused by some versions of the Award BIOS not being able to handle drives having more than 65,535 cylinders. Most hard disk parameters use 16 heads and 63 sectors, which works out to a capacity of approximately 33.8 GB or 31.5 GiB. It is our understanding that on or about June of 1999, this problem had been corrected by Award.
Rešitev: nadgradnja BIOSa. Lahko reči, a zna biti za kakšno eksotično ploščo prej tricky. Odveč je primomniti, da je potrebno dobiti točno verzijo, ki iustreza matično plošči. in ne nekaj podobnega!
The 65,536 Cylinder (31.5 GiB / 33.8 GB) Barrier
This barrier is relatively recent, and along with a couple of others began showing up during the spring and summer of 1999. Although this barrier is often referred to as the 32 GB barrier similar to the one immediately above, that description is a bit of a misnomer.
This particular barrier is caused by some versions of the Award BIOS not being able to handle drives having more than 65,535 cylinders. Most hard disk parameters use 16 heads and 63 sectors, which works out to a capacity of approximately 33.8 GB or 31.5 GiB. It is our understanding that on or about June of 1999, this problem had been corrected by Award.
Rešitev: nadgradnja BIOSa. Lahko reči, a zna biti za kakšno eksotično ploščo prej tricky. Odveč je primomniti, da je potrebno dobiti točno verzijo, ki iustreza matično plošči. in ne nekaj podobnega!
Spajky ::
zgleda, da boš moral najti in flashat Bios najnovejši ....
"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...
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