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Gentoo related satira...

Gentoo related satira...

Brane2 ::

Ste že vidli TOLE ?

Heh. Je kanček resnice v tem... :D
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

Poldi112 ::

To me, an extra 0.1% performance increase, even if I am only imagining it to be faster, is certainly worth one day a week recompiling all of the latest packages from source code.

"I essentially started using Gentoo because my ....ing KDE clock would never show the right time in Red Hat."

Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Nerdor ::

Gentoo Civic 16V VTEC with HKS turbo-booster ( especially made for kernel 2.6), 18" Console alloy font rims, KDE seats (optional GENOME), Emerge console terminal for latest upgrates...
Ta model je mal preveč igral NFS Underground in gledal filme FF, 2F2F. Še mal pa bomo boot dragal izvajal (kateremu se hitreje mašina hitreje bootne), se šli kompile source racing in itd...

My machina: 17" Tahoma font rims, AMD Duron Egine touned at 750 rpm, disk WD 160GB, Microsoft seat.. Boot time 19 sec (from press button to Desktop). Can U beat that :)

Sicer pa ideja ni slaba. Manjka nam tiste "duše", ki je imajo racerji. Rabimo punce, ki bodo poplesavalo ob naših (drag) serverjih in poslušal rap komade. Peace, log out! :D

BigWhale ::

Live and let live... Ce bi se vsak tega drzal bi bili srecni... :)

Vredno ogleda ...

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