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Anti SPAM filter

Anti SPAM filter

pivmik ::

Naj mi prosim kdo pove za dober antispam filter za IMAP email račun (ne za POP3).
Pa naj dela ne glede kakšen email klient imam jaz.
In prosim ne mi predlagat drugih email klientov, kot recimo Opera M2 ali ThunderBird.

Imam ročno nabranih ~ 4000 spam emailov, rad bi da se lahko ta program nauči iz teh mojih spam email-ov(Bayes varianta).
Program na bo za Windows in naj bi se zaganjal iz mojega računalnika(kjer pobiram in berem pošto).

Itak vem da iz tega ne bo nič ampak se vseeno zahvaljujem bilokomu ki je to sploh prebral. :)
LP, Gregor GRE^
  • spremenil: pivmik ()

Gandalfar ::


lej .. gres na google in napises: win32 bayesian

in si poisces ane. Pa se kaksno imap besedico lahk das zraven

Zgodovina sprememb…

pivmik ::

Ta spambajes sem že probal. Ne vidim podpore za IMAP.

A misliš da nisem iskal. Tudi našel sem dosti, samo nič ni uporabno.
Sem vedu da se bo našel en pametnjakovič, ki mi bo rekel, vpiši v Google to in to.

Ok zdej sem našel to:
If you retrieve mail via IMAP, you currently need to install a recent version of Python and the SpamBayes source, then setup the IMAP filter) for your mail server.
V bistvu sem to že enkrat bral in sem tudi neki probal klamfat z kompajlanjem samo pol ni blo nič od tega.
A mi lahko kdo kej pove kako spravit SpamBayes da mi bo filtriral IMAP?

Prokleti linuxaši zakaj ne morejo naredit ene stvari user firendly!!!
LP, Gregor GRE^

pivmik ::

Sem snel izvorno kodo SpamBayes-a, imam datoteko:
Kaj zdej žnjo?
Imam tudi Phyton 2.x
Kako skompajlat? kaj skompajlat?
A zdej bom mogu prebrat še celo Phytonovo dokumentacijo???
LP, Gregor GRE^

pivmik ::

Zakaj, o zakaj niso mogli že v original Win32 SpamBayes dat podporo za IMAP?
A ker bi program rabil 20 KiB več spomina?

To je v README.txt zraven source kode:
IMAP Filter

To configure SpamBayes, run "sb_imapfilter.py -b", which should open a web
page to
, click on the "Configuration" link at the
top right, and fill in the relevant details. Everything should be OK with
the defaults, except for the server information at the top.

You now need to let SpamBayes know which IMAP folders it should work with.
Use the "configure folders to filter" and "configure folders to train"
links on the web page
to do this. The 'filter'
folders are those that will have mail that you want to identify as either
ham (good) or spam (bad) - this will probably be your Inbox. The 'train'
folders are those that contain examples of ham and spam, to assist SpamBayes
with its classification. (Folders can be used for both training and

You then need to set the IMAP filter up to run periodically. At the moment,
you'll need to do this from a command (or DOS) prompt. You should run the
command "python sb_imapfilter.py -c -t -l 5". The '-c' means that the script
should classify new mail, the '-t' means that the script should train any
mail that you have told it to, and the '-l 5' means that the script should
execute every five minutes (you can change this as required).

WTF to pomeni?
A so to navodila za Linux?
LP, Gregor GRE^

Gandalfar ::

cesa tocno ne razumes? S pythonom moras pognat te stvari. Saj ti pise.

pivmik ::

in pol kaj?
Vedno s Phytonom poganjat filter?

Odprl sem "sb_imapfilter.py" in ga zagnal (F5).
itak da ne dela, čudno bi bilo če bi kej delalo:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\spambayes-1.0rc2\scripts\sb_imapfilter.py", line 119, in ?
from spambayes.Options import options, get_pathname_option
ImportError: No module named spambayes.Options

Ne razumem kaj moram narediti da lahko imap filter DEJANSKO uporabljam.
LP, Gregor GRE^

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