Forum » Igre » ET pro mod in cedega
ET pro mod in cedega

Atos ::
Zanima me, če je kdo že naletel na ta problem. Namreč namestil sem cedega (se pravi winex 4) in potem pognal ET setup. Vse lepo in prav, dokler ne začnem igrati na strežniku ki uporablja ET mod, pri čemer me vrže ven iz igre preden sploh začne nalagati mapo. Vse dela normalno pri navadni igri.
Še koda ki jo izpiše:
mmtime pid=2111 tid=2111
wine: Unhandled exception, starting debugger...
WineDbg starting on pid 1
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/bin/wine' (0x00000000)
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4000c690
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x40018000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x40118000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x4012f000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x401f6000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x40200000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x40222000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x40355000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x40000000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x40d93000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x40dba000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x40e3a000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x40e90000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x40fb9000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x4102e000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x4103d000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41055000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x410ba000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41100000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x4117b000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x4119f000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x411b0000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x411f0000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41275000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x412b6000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41323000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x4139f000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/' (0x413b1000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/' (0x413ba000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x413d1000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41439000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/' (0x414f4000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/' (0x41502000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x415c9000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/tls/' (0x40359000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/lib/common/' (0x401f9000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/lib/common/' (0x41d45000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x41d6b000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x41d74000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41ec0000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41ed9000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41d63000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41ea8000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x47370000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x47378000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x4738d000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x47396000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x48ba0000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x48c16000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x48d70000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x4ca34000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x4c7ec000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x51365000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe' (0x00400000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'NTDLL.DLL' (0x40055000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'KERNEL32.DLL' (0x40ded000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'ADVAPI32.DLL' (0x40da5000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'GDI32.DLL' (0x40fd8000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'USER32.DLL' (0x40ec7000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'WINMM.DLL' (0x40e48000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'WS2_32.DLL' (0x41045000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'WSOCK32.DLL' (0x41032000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'RPCRT4.DLL' (0x410dd000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'OLE32.DLL' (0x41074000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'SHLWAPI.DLL' (0x411cd000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'COMCTL32.DLL' (0x411fe000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'SHELL32.DLL' (0x41126000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'X11DRV.DLL' (0x41340000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'MSACM32.DLL' (0x41ede000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'WINEOSS.DRV' (0x41ec3000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'MSACM.DRV' (0x41d66000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'MIDIMAP.DRV' (0x41eaa000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'DDRAW.DLL' (0x48c2c000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'OPENGL32.DLL' (0x48bd9000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'D3DGL.DLL' (0x48d81000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'DSOUND.DLL' (0x4ca41000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL '' (0x78000000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\WOLFENSTEIN - ENEMY TERRITORY\PB\PBCL.DLL' (0x10000000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\WOLFENSTEIN - ENEMY TERRITORY\PB\PBAG.DLL' (0x514d0000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\WOLFENSTEIN - ENEMY TERRITORY\PB\PBSV.DLL' (0x51600000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\WOLFENSTEIN - ENEMY TERRITORY\ETPRO\UI_MP_X86.DLL' (0x4f510000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\WOLFENSTEIN - ENEMY TERRITORY\ETPRO\CGAME_MP_X86.DLL' (0x30000000)
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x3001b2ba).
In 32-bit mode.
Register dump:
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:2007 GS:0007
EIP:3001b2ba ESP:40d71ad4 EBP:300f31a4 EFLAGS:00010296( R- 00 I S -A-P1 )
EAX:00000001 EBX:00000000 ECX:fff0f00f EDX:0000000f
ESI:0000000c EDI:300f3194
Stack dump:
0x40d71ad4 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0xad8074): 0171339c 300f3174 48bd9000 300708d4
0x40d71ae4 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0xad8084): 00000000 0000000c f0f00f0f 3001f09c
0x40d71af4 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0xad8094): 48c0e1f8 3000fa7c 0047c134 3001f14c
0x40d71b04 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0xad80a4): 00000000 00000000 00000000 40d720c8
0x40d71b14 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0xad80b4): 00000003 00402489 42f00000 41200000
0x40d71b24 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0xad80c4): 41c80000 41c80000 00000000 30070985
0x40d71b34 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0xad80d4):
0400: sel=2007 base=40116920 limit=00000000 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x3001b2ba (CGAME_MP_X86.DLL.EntryPoint+0x1a2ba in C:\PROGRAM FILES\WOLFENSTEIN - ENEMY TERRITORY\ETPRO\CGAME_MP_X86.DLL) (ebp=300f31a4)
0x3001b2ba (CGAME_MP_X86.DLL.EntryPoint+0x1a2ba in C:\PROGRAM FILES\WOLFENSTEIN - ENEMY TERRITORY\ETPRO\CGAME_MP_X86.DLL): xorb 0x0(%ebx),%dl
Address Module Name
0x00400000-0173e000 (PE) C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe
0x40055000-40057000 (PE) NTDLL.DLL
0x40da5000-40da7000 (PE) ADVAPI32.DLL
0x40ded000-40def000 (PE) KERNEL32.DLL
0x40e48000-40e4a000 (PE) WINMM.DLL
0x40ec7000-40ec9000 (PE) USER32.DLL
0x40fd8000-40fda000 (PE) GDI32.DLL
0x41032000-41034000 (PE) WSOCK32.DLL
0x41045000-41047000 (PE) WS2_32.DLL
0x41074000-41076000 (PE) OLE32.DLL
0x410dd000-410df000 (PE) RPCRT4.DLL
0x41126000-41128000 (PE) SHELL32.DLL
0x411cd000-411cf000 (PE) SHLWAPI.DLL
0x411fe000-41200000 (PE) COMCTL32.DLL
0x41340000-41342000 (PE) X11DRV.DLL
0x41d66000-41d68000 (PE) MSACM.DRV
0x41eaa000-41eac000 (PE) MIDIMAP.DRV
0x41ec3000-41ec5000 (PE) WINEOSS.DRV
0x41ede000-41ee0000 (PE) MSACM32.DLL
0x48bd9000-48bdb000 (PE) OPENGL32.DLL
0x48c2c000-48c2e000 (PE) DDRAW.DLL
0x48d81000-48d83000 (PE) D3DGL.DLL
0x4ca41000-4ca43000 (PE) DSOUND.DLL
0x78000000-78046000 (PE)
process tid prio
00000001 (D) C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe
00000007 0
00000005 0
00000004 0
00000003 0
00000002 0 ==
WineDbg terminated on pid 1
/usr/bin/cedega: line 326: 2096 Terminated $SHELL -c "$RUNWINE $WINVER -debugmsg $DEBUGMSG -use-dos-cwd $WORKDIR $EJECT $DT -- $COMMAND_LINE"
Še koda ki jo izpiše:
mmtime pid=2111 tid=2111
wine: Unhandled exception, starting debugger...
WineDbg starting on pid 1
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/bin/wine' (0x00000000)
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4000c690
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x40018000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x40118000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x4012f000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x401f6000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x40200000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x40222000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x40355000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x40000000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x40d93000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x40dba000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x40e3a000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x40e90000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x40fb9000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x4102e000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x4103d000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41055000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x410ba000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41100000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x4117b000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x4119f000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x411b0000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x411f0000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41275000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x412b6000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41323000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x4139f000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/' (0x413b1000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/' (0x413ba000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x413d1000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41439000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/' (0x414f4000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/' (0x41502000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x415c9000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/tls/' (0x40359000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/lib/common/' (0x401f9000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/lib/common/' (0x41d45000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x41d6b000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/' (0x41d74000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41ec0000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41ed9000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41d63000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x41ea8000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x47370000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x47378000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x4738d000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x47396000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x48ba0000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x48c16000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x48d70000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/' (0x4ca34000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x4c7ec000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/' (0x51365000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe' (0x00400000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'NTDLL.DLL' (0x40055000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'KERNEL32.DLL' (0x40ded000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'ADVAPI32.DLL' (0x40da5000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'GDI32.DLL' (0x40fd8000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'USER32.DLL' (0x40ec7000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'WINMM.DLL' (0x40e48000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'WS2_32.DLL' (0x41045000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'WSOCK32.DLL' (0x41032000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'RPCRT4.DLL' (0x410dd000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'OLE32.DLL' (0x41074000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'SHLWAPI.DLL' (0x411cd000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'COMCTL32.DLL' (0x411fe000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'SHELL32.DLL' (0x41126000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'X11DRV.DLL' (0x41340000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'MSACM32.DLL' (0x41ede000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'WINEOSS.DRV' (0x41ec3000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'MSACM.DRV' (0x41d66000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'MIDIMAP.DRV' (0x41eaa000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'DDRAW.DLL' (0x48c2c000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'OPENGL32.DLL' (0x48bd9000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'D3DGL.DLL' (0x48d81000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'DSOUND.DLL' (0x4ca41000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL '' (0x78000000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\WOLFENSTEIN - ENEMY TERRITORY\PB\PBCL.DLL' (0x10000000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\WOLFENSTEIN - ENEMY TERRITORY\PB\PBAG.DLL' (0x514d0000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\WOLFENSTEIN - ENEMY TERRITORY\PB\PBSV.DLL' (0x51600000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\WOLFENSTEIN - ENEMY TERRITORY\ETPRO\UI_MP_X86.DLL' (0x4f510000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\WOLFENSTEIN - ENEMY TERRITORY\ETPRO\CGAME_MP_X86.DLL' (0x30000000)
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x3001b2ba).
In 32-bit mode.
Register dump:
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:2007 GS:0007
EIP:3001b2ba ESP:40d71ad4 EBP:300f31a4 EFLAGS:00010296( R- 00 I S -A-P1 )
EAX:00000001 EBX:00000000 ECX:fff0f00f EDX:0000000f
ESI:0000000c EDI:300f3194
Stack dump:
0x40d71ad4 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0xad8074): 0171339c 300f3174 48bd9000 300708d4
0x40d71ae4 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0xad8084): 00000000 0000000c f0f00f0f 3001f09c
0x40d71af4 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0xad8094): 48c0e1f8 3000fa7c 0047c134 3001f14c
0x40d71b04 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0xad80a4): 00000000 00000000 00000000 40d720c8
0x40d71b14 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0xad80b4): 00000003 00402489 42f00000 41200000
0x40d71b24 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0xad80c4): 41c80000 41c80000 00000000 30070985
0x40d71b34 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0xad80d4):
0400: sel=2007 base=40116920 limit=00000000 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x3001b2ba (CGAME_MP_X86.DLL.EntryPoint+0x1a2ba in C:\PROGRAM FILES\WOLFENSTEIN - ENEMY TERRITORY\ETPRO\CGAME_MP_X86.DLL) (ebp=300f31a4)
0x3001b2ba (CGAME_MP_X86.DLL.EntryPoint+0x1a2ba in C:\PROGRAM FILES\WOLFENSTEIN - ENEMY TERRITORY\ETPRO\CGAME_MP_X86.DLL): xorb 0x0(%ebx),%dl
Address Module Name
0x00400000-0173e000 (PE) C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe
0x40055000-40057000 (PE) NTDLL.DLL
0x40da5000-40da7000 (PE) ADVAPI32.DLL
0x40ded000-40def000 (PE) KERNEL32.DLL
0x40e48000-40e4a000 (PE) WINMM.DLL
0x40ec7000-40ec9000 (PE) USER32.DLL
0x40fd8000-40fda000 (PE) GDI32.DLL
0x41032000-41034000 (PE) WSOCK32.DLL
0x41045000-41047000 (PE) WS2_32.DLL
0x41074000-41076000 (PE) OLE32.DLL
0x410dd000-410df000 (PE) RPCRT4.DLL
0x41126000-41128000 (PE) SHELL32.DLL
0x411cd000-411cf000 (PE) SHLWAPI.DLL
0x411fe000-41200000 (PE) COMCTL32.DLL
0x41340000-41342000 (PE) X11DRV.DLL
0x41d66000-41d68000 (PE) MSACM.DRV
0x41eaa000-41eac000 (PE) MIDIMAP.DRV
0x41ec3000-41ec5000 (PE) WINEOSS.DRV
0x41ede000-41ee0000 (PE) MSACM32.DLL
0x48bd9000-48bdb000 (PE) OPENGL32.DLL
0x48c2c000-48c2e000 (PE) DDRAW.DLL
0x48d81000-48d83000 (PE) D3DGL.DLL
0x4ca41000-4ca43000 (PE) DSOUND.DLL
0x78000000-78046000 (PE)
process tid prio
00000001 (D) C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe
00000007 0
00000005 0
00000004 0
00000003 0
00000002 0 ==
WineDbg terminated on pid 1
/usr/bin/cedega: line 326: 2096 Terminated $SHELL -c "$RUNWINE $WINVER -debugmsg $DEBUGMSG -use-dos-cwd $WORKDIR $EJECT $DT -- $COMMAND_LINE"

Atos ::
vem, da mam nativ igro. Samo verzija 2.56 uporablja pb 1.110, če pa uporabljam tega me na SiOL-u ven meče. Zato sem vzel dol ET iz siolove strani (tam kjer majo napisane strežnike) - s totim bi moralo delati, samo se pa zdaj ne morem povezati.
Če slučajno veš za verzijo manj od 2.56, ki uporablja pb 1.092 potem mi prosim povej.
Če slučajno veš za verzijo manj od 2.56, ki uporablja pb 1.092 potem mi prosim povej.

kihc ::
Sej punkbuster se tud da updatat, samo kako to storiš v linuxu ti bo moral povedat nekdo, ki ga ima.

Atos ::
Fora je v tem, da rabim verzijo pb, ki je 1.092, najnovejša pa je 1.110. Sem že probal updatat, samo mi pa vrze vem errorje:
Htm-to-Binary conversion failed. Probal sem že tudi ročno updatat, pa tudi ne pokže nebenih rezultatov.
Htm-to-Binary conversion failed. Probal sem že tudi ročno updatat, pa tudi ne pokže nebenih rezultatov.

CCfly ::
* games-fps/enemy-territory
Latest version available: 2.56-r2
Latest version installed: 2.56-r2
Size of downloaded files: 264,343 kB
Description: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - standalone multi-player game based on Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Tole verzijo imam gor, pa ni nobenih problemov na SiOL-u, kolikor sem bil na njihovem strežniku.
Latest version available: 2.56-r2
Latest version installed: 2.56-r2
Size of downloaded files: 264,343 kB
Description: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - standalone multi-player game based on Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Tole verzijo imam gor, pa ni nobenih problemov na SiOL-u, kolikor sem bil na njihovem strežniku.

SleepLess ::
imam podobno ce ne enako kot CClfy verzijo, nikoli se nikjer nobenih tezav, res pa je da ne igram dosti ker imam ISDN :). Ce te prav razumem ti emuliras celotno igro, ker je v linux verziji punkbuster prevec "updatan" ?

Atos ::
jp. Na SiOL-ovem strežniku me po nakaj minutah vrže ven in napiše tole:
....This PB Server Requiees (A1336
c1.092) - Error loading pbcl
Ali pa tole:
Bom š sprobal tudi druge serverje. Ne vem kak to da jih še nisem
....This PB Server Requiees (A1336
c1.092) - Error loading pbcl
Ali pa tole:
Bom š sprobal tudi druge serverje. Ne vem kak to da jih še nisem

Atos ::
sem napisal dve sporočili SiOL-u glede zastarelega serverja in glej ga - danes zjutraj se povežem in vidim napis ET mod 3.1.0
Zdaj ne pa več ne meče dol
sem napisal dve sporočili SiOL-u glede zastarelega serverja in glej ga - danes zjutraj se povežem in vidim napis ET mod 3.1.0
Zdaj ne pa več ne meče dol

in nato
Za update tut dela na linuxu BP povsod :P
in nato
Za update tut dela na linuxu BP povsod :P
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | [Code:Blocks, c++] Program ne najde knjižniceOddelek: Programiranje | 1399 (1178) | gtu |
» | Windows XP Black screenOddelek: Pomoč in nasveti | 3634 (3374) | Twix |
» | Google Earth odslej tudi za Linux (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Novice / Ostala programska oprema | 8475 (6653) | der_Alte |
» | Lag pri filmčkih v špilihOddelek: Igre | 2421 (2283) | Matev |
» | xserver-xree86Oddelek: Operacijski sistemi | 1495 (1407) | Skrat |