Forum » Strojna oprema » Omejitev pretoka v LAN-u
Omejitev pretoka v LAN-u

imott3791 ::
Imam doma kabelski int., router (za 10K sit) in več uporabnikov vezanih na ta ruter. Kakšen router, hub, switch ali kaj podobnega bi blo treba nabavit da bi se dalo omejit pretok podatkov uporabnikom? Koliko denarja bi taka zadeva stala? Model?
Najboljša ženska je Miki Miška, ko se je naveličaš ugasneš risanko.

2nemesis ::
Rabiš router ki ima podporo za QoS, ki so precej dražji od navadnih pocenskih routerjev.
Druga možnost pa je da si na mašino postaviš linux in nastaviš QoS in jo imaš namesto routerja.
Druga možnost pa je da si na mašino postaviš linux in nastaviš QoS in jo imaš namesto routerja.

Jux ::
lahka pa enostavno na vsak komp naložiš NetLimiter, ki na samem računalniku omeji hitrost prenosa.

imott3791 ::
Kolk pa stanejo taki ruterji s podporo QoS?
Najboljša ženska je Miki Miška, ko se je naveličaš ugasneš risanko.

ali3n ::
Če imaš Win sistem - tole dela ko puška!
Centralized management
Traffic shaping is carried out on a network server. There is no need to install any software on client machines to limit bandwidth. All processing and configuration is done at a central location which has the added benefit of keeping it secure from malicious clients
Individual and group filtering
Limit bandwidth of a single client to match their specific requirements. You can also limit entire groups of clients with a single filter.
Precise rate control
Data rates can be set between zero and one gigabyte per second. The resolution is one byte per second making it possible to limit bandwidth with ultimate precision.
Detailed statistics
View the usage of each filter with a real-time graph. Fine tune your bandwidth management strategies using the instant feedback of the statistics window.
Protocol and port filtering
Control data depending on the protocol and ports being used. This allows you to individually limit IP, TCP, UDP, HTTP, FTP, Peer-to-Peer and various other types of traffic.
Management user interface
All filters are available from the Manager Window. Add, Edit and Remove filters quickly and easily with the intuitive user interface.
Centralized management
Traffic shaping is carried out on a network server. There is no need to install any software on client machines to limit bandwidth. All processing and configuration is done at a central location which has the added benefit of keeping it secure from malicious clients
Individual and group filtering
Limit bandwidth of a single client to match their specific requirements. You can also limit entire groups of clients with a single filter.
Precise rate control
Data rates can be set between zero and one gigabyte per second. The resolution is one byte per second making it possible to limit bandwidth with ultimate precision.
Detailed statistics
View the usage of each filter with a real-time graph. Fine tune your bandwidth management strategies using the instant feedback of the statistics window.
Protocol and port filtering
Control data depending on the protocol and ports being used. This allows you to individually limit IP, TCP, UDP, HTTP, FTP, Peer-to-Peer and various other types of traffic.
Management user interface
All filters are available from the Manager Window. Add, Edit and Remove filters quickly and easily with the intuitive user interface.
- "Rozi vidm." "S psom!"
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."

imott3791 ::
Kako pa naštimaš win2000 profesional kot server? A lohka kje to preberem v SLo in da ni biblebook.
Najboljša ženska je Miki Miška, ko se je naveličaš ugasneš risanko.

imott3791 ::
Sem naštimal v win2000 sharing in mam zdej 2 ethernet kartice in pretok do huba delain ostali imajo dostop normalen do neta. Potem sem pa probal s tvojim priporočenim programom in ko ga zinštaliram in ponovno poženem comp vse zablokira oz se mi noče prijavt. Kaj zdej? Kje zajebal? To se mi je že dvakrat zgodil. Kako naprej?
thx za odgovor
thx za odgovor
Najboljša ženska je Miki Miška, ko se je naveličaš ugasneš risanko.
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