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Geforce 3 v agp 1.0 ?

Geforce 3 v agp 1.0 ?

Sc0ut ::

Namen imam kupiti rabljen Leadtek Winfast geforce 3 200ti in ga zacasno dat na asus p2b-f matično, kjer imam sedaj voodoo3 3000. Torej agp 1.0. Bo geforce deloval?


Dr_M ::

ce sta agp slot in graficna fizicno zdruzljiva, potem bo.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Sc0ut ::

saj to jaz tud vem ja, samo sem nekje tak bežno vidi, da leadtek naj ne bi bil kompatibilen za naj, ker agp 1.0 in 2.0 uporabljate drugačne napetosti in leadtek tega nemre sam nastavit.

Dr_M ::

kaj pa vem...na enih platah z BX chipsetom delajo novejse graficne...ni druzga kot probat :)
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

jest10 ::

Meni lepo deluje R9000pro na AGP1.0

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