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Pograbi najbližjo knjigo...

Gandalfar ::
.. jo odpri na strani 23, najdi 5 stavek in ga prepiši sem ..
On, sestavni del Wilburja Mercerja, se je ozrl na vzpon pred seboj.

flipflop ::
Nove,posebne in sodobno rezke postajajo le nekatere grozljive strani človeškega obstoja.

ŽirC ::
Slika Tigra (pzkpw 6.) v poletni kamuflazi za afrisko bojisce, dobro je viden zimmeritni oklep in del poskodovanega.
Lp, ZirC
Lp, ZirC

Binji ::
"Kaj bi rad tako pozno?"
Ni lih najbolj zanimiv stavek sam je pa 5.
Ni lih najbolj zanimiv stavek sam je pa 5.

Kdor ne navija ni Slovenc, hej, hej, hej!

Microsoft ::
A domain provides scalability so that you can create very large networks.
by Miha

by Miha

karafeka ::
academy akademija; Academy of Art (Music, etc.) umetniška (glasbena itd.) akademija; Naval (Military) A~ pomorska (vojaška) akademija; A~ of Sciences (and Arts) akademija znanosti (in umetnosti)

Poldi112 ::
Rincewind had been generally reckoned by his tutors to be a natural wizard in the same way that fish are natural mountaineers.

Dr_M ::
Njegove vrnitve domov so spremljali ocitki in kletvice.

The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Vesoljc ::
They have photographed the planets in close-up and relayed the pictures back to Earth.
oh well...
oh well...
Abnormal behavior of abnormal brain makes me normal...

Brane2 ::
Kaj bi rad tako pozno?"
Ni lih najbolj zanimiv stavek sam je pa 5.
Ravno nasprotno.
Slisat je kot prelomni stavek cele knjige...
Kaj bi rad tako pozno?"
Ni lih najbolj zanimiv stavek sam je pa 5.
Ravno nasprotno.
Slisat je kot prelomni stavek cele knjige...

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Brane2 ()

kuglvinkl ::
A čez nekaj časa so bila moja usta že popolnoma ožgana zavoljo grenkobe soli.
Your focus determines your reallity

whatson ::
Minister imenuje člane strokovnih komisij z njihovim soglasjem izmed uglednih strokovnjakov s področja dela posamezne komisije.
Čas včlanitve v Slo-Tech - 6. nov 2000 ob 20:39

lopov ::
Palčki pirati so mi dajali obilo hrane, predvsem alge in puste ribe.
Hmmm ... Ravno sem jo dobil nazaj, bo treba se 1x prebrat :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: lopov ()

OmegaBlue ::
Obe zgodbeni liniji se dramaturško prepletata, a obema je skupno skrajno mračna, apokaliptična atmosfera, ki je posledica tako zgodovinske noči, v kateri so se znašli uporniki in prek njih širši narodni kolektiv, kot eksistencialne brezizhodnosti, v katero je pahnjena Tina s svojim nerojenim otrokom.

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

tratto ::
- Material: gas, liquid, solid, dust, etc ... also raw material, test sample, workpiece etc ... end product, component etc ...

Frenki_Beleven ::
Vpisovanju knjigovodskega stanja kratkoročno prejetih kreditov, pa tudi delu dolgoročnih kreditov, ki zapadejo v plačilo v letu 2003, je namenjena vrstica z oznako za AOP 039.

LuiIII ::
It isn't even as if the Tower would be that mush safer, not so long as there is one Red sister here.

Tero ::
Zelo priporočjivo je, da varnostni trikotnik postavimo vedno, ko vozilo ponoči ustavim na vozišču.
Jah delam vozniški izpit
Jah delam vozniški izpit

Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Tero ()

rozica ::
Če hočete besedo zamenjati z drugo, v polje Zamenjaj z napišite novo besedo.
(Hitri vodnik po Open
(Hitri vodnik po Open

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenila: rozica ()

Jst ::
I recalled to mind the names of the public leaders of Marxism, and then I realized that most of them belonged to the Chosen Race - the Social Democratic representatives in the Imperial Cabinet as well as the secretaries of the Trades Unions and the street agitators - everywhere the same sinister picture presented itself.
Angleški prevod sprintan na laserski tiskalnik, vezan pri lokalni fotokopirnici ...
Angleški prevod sprintan na laserski tiskalnik, vezan pri lokalni fotokopirnici ...
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

Malner ::
Other aplications include sendmail, a system for sending and receiving electronic mail using SMTP protocol; NNTP-based electronic news systems such C-News and INN; telnet, rlogin, and rsh, which allow you to login and execute commands on other machines on the network; and finger, which allow you to get information on other Internet users.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Malner ()

trillian ::
kako dokazes, da sta dva koncno razsezna vektorska prostora izomorfna?
(nja, cas izpitov.)
(nja, cas izpitov.)
"The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance"

Jackal ::
Pri premiku spektra za k0 spektralnih komponent, se signal množi s kompleksnim harmoničnim signalom Wn^(-k0*n) = e^(j*k0*omega0*n)

Walking the way is something completely different than imagining the way.

Gizm0 ::
Če je število majhno, potem majhne spremembe v podatkih le malo spremenijo rešitev, če pa je veliko, utegnejo majhne spremembe podatkov povzročiti velike spremembe v rešitvi sistema.

Daedalus ::
Izvršna oblast praviloma izvaja sprejete javne politike, lahko pa to dejavnost prenese na zasebne igralce.
Analiza politik
Analiza politik

Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.
he is responsible for everything he does.

RealSlimShady ::
Omogociti je bilo treba vecjo uporabo racunalniske tehnologije pri odlocanju v upravnih stvareh.
megaboring uvodna pojasnila ZUP
megaboring uvodna pojasnila ZUP

Sergio ::
'A powerful combination, but a bear to mantain'
Struts In Action, McClanahan et al
Struts In Action, McClanahan et al
Tako grem jaz, tako gre vsak, kdor čuti cilj v daljavi:
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.

kopernik ::
The enclosing instance stores the sole reference to its finalizer guardian in a private instance field so the finalizer guardian becomes eligible for finalization immediately prior to the enclosing instance.
Effective Java

Tjulenj ::
Tudi tam so bile z majhnimi, jasnimi črkami zapisane iste parole in na drugi strani kovanca je bila glava Velikega brata.

Marjan ::
Gandalf, poved, ne stavek, kajne?!
Dr Alfred Robitsek calls my attention to the fact that Oriental dream-books, of which ours are pitiful plagiarisms, commonly undertake the interpretation of dream-elements in accordance with the assonance and similarity of words.
Dr Alfred Robitsek calls my attention to the fact that Oriental dream-books, of which ours are pitiful plagiarisms, commonly undertake the interpretation of dream-elements in accordance with the assonance and similarity of words.

mile ::
One number indicates the flat position, or the y coordinate that flat characters reach; the other number is the overshoot position, or the y coordinate that curved characters reach.

Alexius Heristalski ::
Kar naprej sem se spraševal, odkod to gromozansko dogajanje v ozadju?
fantje, ni blo slabo, samo dajte še v herbicidščini

Brilko ::
Napotke za odtis datuma na posnetek poiščite na strani 54.
Ka 54 stran morem tud preisat?

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Brilko ()

fictionel ::
' I'm warning you now, boy - any funny business, anything at all - and you'll be in that cupboard from now until Christmas! '

perci ::
Paziti je treba na predpise, ki urejajo negospodarske dejavnosti; ti lahko dovolijo ali prepovedo uporabo katere od gospodarskih druzb za organizacije, ki opravljajo negospodarsko dejavnost.

Sumo ::
Items can be dragged and dropped to be equipped on the Paper Doll, or dragged and dropped to other characters' portraits to give the item to the other character.
Baldur's Gate manual
Baldur's Gate manual

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