Novice » Omrežja / internet » V vzhodni Ukrajini internetni promet že teče prek Rusije
D3m ::
Opijske vojne so znane. Ruska invazija Mančurije očitno ne.
Suuuuure. :)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Pac-Man ::
Opijske vojne so znane. Ruska invazija Mančurije očitno ne.
Suuuuure. :)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
D3m ::
Deals with Russia in the fields of agriculture, energy, medicine, including those related to the fight against coronavirus, transit air travel, as well as affecting the work of non-governmental organizations, are removed from sanctions
US Treasury
US Treasury
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
shmandi ::
Deals with Russia in the fields of agriculture, energy, medicine, including those related to the fight against coronavirus, transit air travel, as well as affecting the work of non-governmental organizations, are removed from sanctions
US Treasury
A to si si kar sam izmslil? Kolikor mi je znano, to nikoli ni bilo del US sankcij...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: shmandi ()
scythe ::
So se že USA in Ukrajina dogovorila za ATACMS? Okrog pišejo, da prihajajo rakete dolgega dosega v Ukrajino.
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
Zmajc ::
Ne vem zakaj bi sploh morali te zadeve govoriti komurkoli javno. Ko bo deževalo po njih 200-300 km vstran bojo že opazili.
Sc0ut ::
Mozno da bo kot vedno do zdaj. Ko se govori, jih ze imajo.
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850
Pac-Man ::
Rogozin je odstavljen z vrha Roscosmosa, tale špekulira, da bo imenovan za guvernerja okupiranih teritorijev.
Če se to uresniči, jim bo vladal tip, ki je par let nazaj ob protestu proti Kadirovu zigal sredi Moskve, @2:20:
Če se to uresniči, jim bo vladal tip, ki je par let nazaj ob protestu proti Kadirovu zigal sredi Moskve, @2:20:
Rogozin at the Nazi march: "I don't want to live on Kadyrov street! Moscow is a Russian city!"
Caution, a lot of zig, especially at the end!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
D3m ::
Deals with Russia in the fields of agriculture, energy, medicine, including those related to the fight against coronavirus, transit air travel, as well as affecting the work of non-governmental organizations, are removed from sanctions
US Treasury
A to si si kar sam izmslil? Kolikor mi je znano, to nikoli ni bilo del US sankcij...
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Pac-Man ::
Lavrov je postal žalosten klovn, video.
"Russian language is banned in Ukraine" according to Russian foreign minister Sergej Lavrov 😄🤣
Sources: Ukrainian TV 24, "Servant of the People", BBC, Dmitrij Gordon
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
fur80 ::
Kaj toti D3m in Poldi še nista potegnila Neostika do konca? Sedaj bi ga počasi že moralo zmanjkati!!!
Pac-Man ::
junij 2021:
Russian authorities have arrested a prominent opposition activist after he was hauled off a flight, and raided the homes of several others.
Andrei Pivovarov, the head of the Open Russia movement, was pulled off a Warsaw-bound plane at St Petersburg’s airport just before takeoff late on Monday.
Pivovarov’s team said police questioned him, searched his apartment and opened a criminal case against him on Tuesday for allegedly violating Russia’s legislation on “undesirable organisations”.
Andrey Pivovarov gets four years in prison for working with an "undesirable organization." The former Open Russia executive director has been in jail since June 2021.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
kow ::
Rogozin was born in Moscow to the family of a Soviet military scientist. He graduated from Moscow State University in 1986 with a degree in journalism, and in 1988 he graduated from the University of Marxism-Leninism under the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU with a degree in economics.
His thesis on "Philosophy and Theory of Wars" earned him a Doctor of Philosophy while a Doctor of Technical Sciences was awarded him in the specialty "weapons theory, military-technical policy, weapons systems". Both were earned while he was professionally engaged in politics.
Lmao. Temu tipu so dali voditi Roscosmos. Neverjetno.
His thesis on "Philosophy and Theory of Wars" earned him a Doctor of Philosophy while a Doctor of Technical Sciences was awarded him in the specialty "weapons theory, military-technical policy, weapons systems". Both were earned while he was professionally engaged in politics.
Lmao. Temu tipu so dali voditi Roscosmos. Neverjetno.
TezkoDihanje ::
Iran je bojda zavrnil izdobavo UAVjev Rusiji. ![:O](
Iran says it refused to supply drones to Russia
Iran says it refused to supply drones to Russia
Pac-Man ::
Lmao. Temu tipu so dali voditi Roscosmos. Neverjetno.
Če še nisi pogledal, CC=podnapisi
Space riches of Rogozin
Vladimir Putin is awake and demanding transparency. So he says directly: everything was stolen at the Vostochny cosmodrome, and yet I demanded a hundred times to work transparently.
Well, what. Let's talk about transparency, and if Putin already remembered corruption during the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome, then we will start from the very top. Dmitry Rogozin manages Roskosmos, which manages Vostochny. Rogozin was appointed personally by Putin.
The Anti-Corruption Foundation expresses its gratitude to the robot Fedor for his help in preparing this investigation.
Rogozin offered to shoot his own son (and himself)
Head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin proposes to shoot corrupt officials. But after all, Dmitry Olegovich himself is a well-known thief who brought the space sphere in our country to complete ruin. Will Rogozin shoot himself? Or his own son, who somehow got hold of luxury real estate in Moscow? Maria Pevchikh talks about this in our new investigation.
We destroy Putin's thief in 30 seconds
No one knows how it happened that one of the most important posts in the country - the post of head of Roscosmos - is held by Dmitry Rogozin. This is one of the most ridiculous people in the leadership of our country. And he is also a corrupt official. We discovered that his son somehow got a luxury apartment in Moscow. As a bribe or for very big money, which he cannot have. Rogozin is now going to all the media and trying to justify himself for this bribe. Maria Pevchikh tells why all his excuses are lies.
Vse je grift.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
D3m ::
Kaj toti D3m in Poldi še nista potegnila Neostika do konca? Sedaj bi ga počasi že moralo zmanjkati!!!
Raje povabi na pivo, štajerc. :D
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
endelin ::
Zelenskyy's Office confirms US plans to train Ukrainian fighter pilots on F-15, F-16 fighter jets
Kmalu bo ukrajinska prevlada v zraku.
RookY ::
Zelenskyy's Office confirms US plans to train Ukrainian fighter pilots on F-15, F-16 fighter jets
Kmalu bo ukrajinska prevlada v zraku.
Tudi če natrenirajo pilote in jim dajo recimo 50 ali pa 100 F16 je to še daaaaaleč od kakšne prevlade v zraku.
Za prevlado v zraku je treba prej počistiti teren vse(večino) protiletalske obrambe, tudi globoko v Rusijo, kar pa bi lahko naredili samo Američani, ampak bi se Putinu utrgalo v tem primeru.
Juhu juhu spet bom bruhu
TezkoDihanje ::
No ja, trenutni ukrajinski lovci imajo elektroniko še iz sovjetskih časov. F15/16 je čisto druga liga. Zaznavanje radarjev SAM sistemov rata enostavno + udari na odkrite cilje s strani HIMARSov. Se zna hitro zgodit, da Rusi ne bi niti vklapljali radarjev.
Kaj to počnejo tile Rusi, ni več nobenemu jasno.
Russian Jets Miss Snake Island As Air Forces 'Failing' in Battle: UK MoD
Airstrikes carried out by two Russian Su-27 fighter jets failed to hit Ukraine's Snake Island in the Black Sea last week, the British Ministry of Defense said Friday, suggesting that this indicates Moscow's air forces are "failing" in battle.
Kaj to počnejo tile Rusi, ni več nobenemu jasno.
Russian Jets Miss Snake Island As Air Forces 'Failing' in Battle: UK MoD
Airstrikes carried out by two Russian Su-27 fighter jets failed to hit Ukraine's Snake Island in the Black Sea last week, the British Ministry of Defense said Friday, suggesting that this indicates Moscow's air forces are "failing" in battle.
Comandante ::
Zelenskyy's Office confirms US plans to train Ukrainian fighter pilots on F-15, F-16 fighter jets
Kmalu bo ukrajinska prevlada v zraku.
Tudi če natrenirajo pilote in jim dajo recimo 50 ali pa 100 F16 je to še daaaaaleč od kakšne prevlade v zraku.
Za prevlado v zraku je treba prej počistiti teren vse(večino) protiletalske obrambe, tudi globoko v Rusijo, kar pa bi lahko naredili samo Američani, ampak bi se Putinu utrgalo v tem primeru.
F-16 je zelo uporabno vecnamensko letalo, super za SEAD. Kar je protiletalske v Ukrajini bodo popucali z GMLRS raketami, kar je do 40km od meje v Rusiji s klasicno artilerijo (z GMLRS ne smejo streljat v Rusijo).
Protiletalska, ki je 40km od meje brez direktne povezave do AWACSa ni vredna kaj dosti, ker lahko skocis za hrib, in rakete letijo v prazno. AWACSa na uporabno razdaljo ne bodo upali poslati, ker jih imajo hudo malostevilcno floto. Wiki pravi, da so jih naredili 40, ker je to Rusija jih leti verjetno max 5.
Pac-Man ::
Toliko o uničenem ukrajinskem letalstvu
48 na hitro nisem našel, samo tole 49 z leta 2016 v Mikolajevu.
Pri zahodnih lovcih pa Theiner pravi, da bo treba zraven poslat vsaj zračno obrambo, za polno zmogljivost pa celo tankerje & AWACSe
A photo of a (still) operational Ukrainian Su-25M1 "48 Blue" CAS jet armed with two 240mm S-24 unguided rockets.
Written on them: "For Vinnytsia" "For Mykolaiv" - referring to today's Russian bombings which led to many civilian casualties.
48 na hitro nisem našel, samo tole 49 z leta 2016 v Mikolajevu.
Pri zahodnih lovcih pa Theiner pravi, da bo treba zraven poslat vsaj zračno obrambo, za polno zmogljivost pa celo tankerje & AWACSe
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
pangro ::
Lahko sklepamo če bo Ukrajina še naprej dobivala superiorno orožje napram rusije da v bistvu rusi nimajo za burek, kaj pa lahko naredijo? Spremenit zadeve čez noč ne morejo ker prehod na moderen način bojevanja traja in bo za ruse prepozno.
Kaj pa se mu bo odtrgalo lahko samo začne nukice metat to je pa v bistvu samomor, ruski oligarhi pa zelo radi živijo.
Zelenskyy's Office confirms US plans to train Ukrainian fighter pilots on F-15, F-16 fighter jets
Kmalu bo ukrajinska prevlada v zraku.
Tudi če natrenirajo pilote in jim dajo recimo 50 ali pa 100 F16 je to še daaaaaleč od kakšne prevlade v zraku.
Za prevlado v zraku je treba prej počistiti teren vse(večino) protiletalske obrambe, tudi globoko v Rusijo, kar pa bi lahko naredili samo Američani, ampak bi se Putinu utrgalo v tem primeru.
Kaj pa se mu bo odtrgalo lahko samo začne nukice metat to je pa v bistvu samomor, ruski oligarhi pa zelo radi živijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: pangro ()
Comandante ::
Kaj pa se mu bo odtrgalo lahko samo začne nukice metat to je pa v bistvu samomor, ruski oligarhi pa zelo radi živijo.
Rusi radi grozijo z jedrskimi, ker je to edina projekcija moci, ki so jo zmozni. Zdaj ko se vidi, da je druga najboljsa vojska na svetu v bistvu tezki kurac in jih lahko realno povozijo Poljaki sami, lahko igrajo samo se na karto jedrske velesile.
Ni jih za jemati resno, v resnici ni scenarija, po katerem bi z uporabo jedrskega orozja Putin & the gang karkoli profitirali. Zato ga ne bodo uporabili. Tudi ce se je Putinu zmesalo zaradi napihnjene glave, so okoli njega ljudje, ki tega ne bodo dovolili, ker nocejo umreti.
Je pa intenziteta grozenj dober indikator uspeha njihove "operacije". Bolj ko jim gori oprema, bolj grozijo. Ko bo krimski most padel v vodo, bomo zagotovo spet "na robu jedrskega spopada". Whatever.
pangro ::
Kmalu jim drugega ne bo preostalo kot da se začnejo znašat nad civilnim prebivalstvom. Majo pa rusi srečo da se je zahod pičkaiziral in ne upajo na polno vžgat nazaj ampak neki mencajo. Če bi danes vladal duh Reagana ali prejšnjih predsednikov bi tole rusko zmedo hitro počedili.
Zmajc ::
Comandante ::
Kmalu jim drugega ne bo preostalo kot da se začnejo znašat nad civilnim prebivalstvom.
Tocno to delajo. Da Kaliber ponesreci zadane civilne tarce, ne pije vode. Kot ISIS so, samo da v tem primeru ne gre za cigane s puskami, ampak za barbarske horde z najnaprednejsim orozjem, ki ga je svet v 70tih in 80tih premogel.
Ukrajino lahko spremenijo v prah in pepel z par miljoni artilery shellsi ki jih imajo.
Ja, morda ko se naucijo varno skladisciti municijo. Trenutno jim letijo vsa skladisca v zrak. FIRMS nakazuje, da so 3 dni nazaj v glavnem ostali brez vecjega dela artilerijske municije.
Pac-Man ::
Kmalu jim drugega ne bo preostalo kot da se začnejo znašat nad civilnim prebivalstvom.
Smo že na tem. Zakaj sicer zašmelcat 5 Kalibrov v center mesta daleč od fronte ob 11ih dopoldne?
26. junij
The more putin loses due to HIMARS in Donbas, the more he will strike at civilian targets across Ukraine.
That is what the russians did in Syria. That's what russia's military always does.
Vinnytsia was just the start. It will get worse. The russian military has always massacred civilians when it could not win on the battlefield.
Just ask the Circassians, Chechens, Afghans, Syrians.
tole so pa nekateri ubiti/poškodovani v Vinici.
Čudno, da RT ni zmogel sestaviti česa podobnega za vsa bombardiranja Donbasa v zadnjih osmih letih.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
pangro ::
Comandante je izjavil:
Kmalu jim drugega ne bo preostalo kot da se začnejo znašat nad civilnim prebivalstvom.
Tocno to delajo. Da Kaliber ponesreci zadane civilne tarce, ne pije vode. Kot ISIS so, samo da v tem primeru ne gre za cigane s puskami, ampak za barbarske horde z najnaprednejsim orozjem, ki ga je svet v 70tih in 80tih premogel.
Ukrajino lahko spremenijo v prah in pepel z par miljoni artilery shellsi ki jih imajo.
Ja, morda ko se naucijo varno skladisciti municijo. Trenutno jim letijo vsa skladisca v zrak. FIRMS nakazuje, da so 3 dni nazaj v glavnem ostali brez vecjega dela artilerijske municije.
Pa viličarje in palete bi si lahko še uredili fak ane faking viličarjev pa palet nimajo najbolj da jim jih špar ene par posodi.
pangro ::
Zakaj bi rabil viličarje, če lahko porabiš par low maintanance seljakov.
A take seljake
pangro ::
mackilla ::
Pac-Man ::
Na MMC se je še ne tako daleč nazaj pisalo, da nič ne pride na fronto, saj ima ruska vojska zračno superiornost in vse uniči takoj ko pride čez mejo :D
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
pangro ::
TezkoDihanje ::
Russian Army 2010 era ammunition storage practices photo threadshot with a DC Elite stupidity, money & power politics on parade chaser.
Russian Army 2010 era ammunition storage practices photo threadshot with a DC Elite stupidity, money & power politics on parade chaser.
Pac-Man ::
Ko se ti da na mmc brat, klasični ruski navijači na delu.
Problem je, da gre za glavni medij v državi in če se jih pusti na miru bodo še koga drugega prepričali v svoj prav.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
TezkoDihanje ::
The above photo essay shows why the US Army 2016 handbook wrote the following (H/T)
The above photo essay shows why the US Army 2016 handbook wrote the following (H/T)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
pangro ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
The above photo essay shows why the US Army 2016 handbook wrote the following (H/T)
To se pravi že 2016 so vedel za tole rusko zmedo. Naj na mmc objavijo tele fotke da bo folk vsaj videl za kaj navija.
pangro ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Američani med WW2, 70 let nazaj so imeli boljš uštiman
Pa itak so že takrat imeli viličarje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: pangro ()
TezkoDihanje ::
Sevastopol, here we come!
Cmmdr of a separate division of submarines of Black Sea Fleet Russian Federation, Captain First Rank Varochkin Anatoly Gennadiyovych. Resides in Sevastopol on Yumasheva street, building 25, apartment 108. He personally gave the order to hit the center of Vinnytsia with Kalibr.
Cmmdr of a separate division of submarines of Black Sea Fleet Russian Federation, Captain First Rank Varochkin Anatoly Gennadiyovych. Resides in Sevastopol on Yumasheva street, building 25, apartment 108. He personally gave the order to hit the center of Vinnytsia with Kalibr.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
Pac-Man ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Russian Army 2010 era ammunition storage practices photo threadshot with a DC Elite stupidity, money & power politics on parade chaser.
tudi z niti
The USA has a decades old adversarial weapons testing system caused by a lot of Pentagon over promise & under performance to Congress.
So when a US Army Chief of Staff says GMLRS can reach 85 km & hit a target within 3-to-7 meters. It is based on low ball certified test performance under old rocket performance & adverse wind conditions.
The DC elites screaming "Ukraine is using GMLRS like an area affect weapon" to the world told anyone at all familiar with that history the Ukrainians were accepting less accuracy for longer range from adverse wind gusts after rocket motor burn out.
My gut says 3 different factions of morons on parade for money, power & budget reasons.
1. US DoD accountants who are aghast at a $100K GMLRS being used as an area effect MLRS.
2. Ukraine publicly undercutting the de-escalation faction by being effective with it's HIMARS when they're supposed to have Afghan/Iraqi class incompetence.
3. The DoD F-35 mafia seeing that GMLRS plus drones are simply better for battlefield interdiction role within GMLRS range. The DoD budget wars that are coming from that fact are going to be utterly nasty.
You can buy 640 GMLRS rockets for the purchase cost of one F-35 airframe.
The operations cost of an F-35 delivering 640 guided munitions vs a HIMARS launcher within 85-100 km of the front line doing the same is even more upside down.
You can buy the HIMARS launcher & train a launcher crew for the initial training cost of a F-35 fighter pilot.
Which is higher than an F-16 pilot.
Whenever you see weird decisions in DC that make no darned sense.
That is your cue to go looking for hidden money & power reasons, because money & power are the left & right hands of politics.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Če bi kdo geekal, v opisu so timestampi
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
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