Overclockers Australia - Pred nekaj časa smo poročali, da se v računalniških ohišjih znajdejo različne stvari, ki tja ne sodijo, od preveč prahu do mrtve miši, samo ko sem pa tole gledal, me je kar prilepilo na stol.
Na Overclockers Australia sem našel par slik, na katerih je v glavnih vlogah kača. Sicer se nisem pozanimal, kaj je red-bellied black snake, samo prijetno ne more biti. Na žalost je novica bolj skopa, saj nima nobene oprijemljive informacije, kako je kača prišla v napajalnik, ampak slika pove več kot 1000 besed, pravijo. Ad informandum tukaj.
Black Snake, common name for several species of snakes. The spotted black snake and the red-bellied black snake, both of eastern Australia, are referred to as black snakes although neither species is uniformly black; the spotted black snake may range in color from uniform black above to overall white. Both species are diurnal and feed on frogs, small reptiles, and mammals. The spotted black snake inhabits rocky hillsides, river floodplains, and coastal forest areas. The red-bellied black snake generally prefers more aquatic environments such as streams, swamps, and lagoons. Both are vipers, although only the spotted black snake is considered dangerous.
See Racer; Rat Snake.
Scientific classification: The spotted black snake and the red-bellied black snake belong to the family Elapidae. The spotted black snake is classified as Pseudechis guttatus and the red-bellied black snake as Pseudechis porphyriacus.
MicrosoftŽ EncartaŽ Reference Library 2003. Š 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Sicer sm vidu fotke ze uceri in najleps zgleda tista ki pokaze kako zgleda kaca V napajalcu! Ko ugotovis, da to sploh ni neka mala kacia ampak je kr velik kacon! Jest mam raje psa in macko zunaj, kot pa da najdem en dan oba stlacena v moj imega kisti!
"Pets are not suitable for computer use. Please refer to user manual before removing pets from your power supply!"
Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?