Forum » Zvok in slika » kateri kodeki za super video cd
kateri kodeki za super video cd
boštjan ::
Torej imam video datoteko v bin formatu.Z winiso jo extraktiram in je pol v MPG file formatu.nikakor pa je ne morem gledat,mam ffdshov ,bsplayer,radlight in media player in je ne morem si ogledat.poskusil sem tudi z WinMPG Video Converterom,da bi jo v .avi convertiro ,a ne gre,javi napako->floating point division by zero. Če pa dam,da convertira v divx,pa javi isto napako.
Mi lahko kdo pomaga,please
Mi lahko kdo pomaga,please
Lio ::
probi odpret z PowerDVD, al pa nalož gor kazza lite codec pack. More delat, razn če jje fajl zanč.
boštjan ::
ne gre nič,zanimivo je da če ta bin fajl spečem na cd,ga powerDVD brezproblema prepozna in špila ok.
Dr_M ::
svcd je obicen mpeg2 tako kot dvd (samo zvok je samo stereo in vecja kompresija)...
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Dr_M ::
sicer men dela svcd tut tko kot navadn file...ampak ponavad ne dela iskanje naprej/nazaj... zame je edina opcija za s/vcd da jih zapecem na cd-rw in potem pogledam. vse ostalo je izguba casa.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Dr_M ::
ja sranje, ane
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
`ripper` ::
da te potolazim... namonterje si en CD-rom emulator v smislu nero image drive, daemon tools... in potem .bin namountas kot navidezni CD. WinDVD bo sam zaznal da mas na tem navideznem CDju v navideznem CDromu (usa poanta emulatorja ;)) SVCD film (ker on ne ve da je navidezen, ampak misli da je se en CRrom v kisti) in ga bo zaspilalo samo od sebe...
verjetn se bos spotaknu ob postopek, sam s tem se ognes snemanju RWja ;)
verjetn se bos spotaknu ob postopek, sam s tem se ognes snemanju RWja ;)
bibl bubl babl ble
tukej sicer napišeš, kaj maš v ohišju, sam mene je mal sram... :)
tukej sicer napišeš, kaj maš v ohišju, sam mene je mal sram... :)
Malner ::
Uporab Tmpgenc pa file razdel na video in audio, pol pa s ksnim programom skonvertiri pa zdruz.
Dr_M ::
boštjan: btw a nisi reku da kupujes dvd pekac??
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
boštjan ::
boštjan: btw a nisi reku da kupujes dvd pekac??
kupo in jutri dobim,zakaj? Ker mene glih zanima kako te vse bin fajle spravit na dvd medije in da bo pol berljivo.
SasoS ::
Že obdelano...spremeniš headerje in patchaš da kažejo resolucijo po DVD standardu (352 ali 720). Tak mpeg sicer ne bo špilal lepo ampak ga bo pa vsak authoring program sprejel. Narediš DVD, menije, na koncu tik pred peko spatchaš nazaj resolucijo na 480. S tako plato sem šel po štacunah in nisem najdu playerja ki je ne bi igral pravilno!
CaqKa ::
in kako se spremenijo headerji? ker prog to naredi? to bi jaz tudi rabo za moj dvd avtoring program :)
boštjan ::
naj povem,da mene ne zanima,če bo s fil dalo gledat n dvd playeru,ampak ga hočem gledat iz diska,ker zdaj ga lahko le iz CD-ja in to samo v power DVD
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