Forum » Omrežja in internet » ipv6 for g33k`s
ipv6 for g33k`s

HaKe ::
Hmmm, zanimivo zdej sm neki stimu in mam diling d sm nek bilz...
Zdej mi napise sam to (v IRCu): Error: Closing Link: SoVieT[unknown@2001:618:400:0:0:1:c14d:4667] (Unauthorized connection), ce je komu kej na misel prslo...

Zdej mi napise sam to (v IRCu): Error: Closing Link: SoVieT[unknown@2001:618:400:0:0:1:c14d:4667] (Unauthorized connection), ce je komu kej na misel prslo...


HaKe ::
Hehe, registreru sm se, sej zdej sm se se 1x.
Upam d bom kmla e-mail dubu za I:line...
No hvala vseeno!!!

Upam d bom kmla e-mail dubu za I:line...

No hvala vseeno!!!

Sydk ::
HaKe: kje pa mas narjen tunel ? pa dej probi pingat server linza : ping6 2001:6e0:208:0:204:76ff:fe23:2024 , če dobis kak odziv, jaz ga zaboga ne

HaKe ::
Jst sm zdele pingu in sem dubu uziv.
Tunelcek sm naredu na temu linku:
Pejt tu se registreri cez nkei dni bos dubu mail ut njih...
rgac si pa kle preber u ipv6 kak nastavt:
Sam tm v AsyBoV dej namest porta 5555 raj port 3434.
Ce pa pol ne bo delal pa ne vem, jst zdej sam se cakm d dubi mail ut linza, pol bom pa vidu ce bo delal.
Ce mi bo ratal bom probu celo mojo obnovo napisat kak sem prsu du usemha (ce mi bo ratal!!!)
Tunelcek sm naredu na temu linku:
Pejt tu se registreri cez nkei dni bos dubu mail ut njih...
rgac si pa kle preber u ipv6 kak nastavt:
Sam tm v AsyBoV dej namest porta 5555 raj port 3434.
Ce pa pol ne bo delal pa ne vem, jst zdej sam se cakm d dubi mail ut linza, pol bom pa vidu ce bo delal.

Ce mi bo ratal bom probu celo mojo obnovo napisat kak sem prsu du usemha (ce mi bo ratal!!!)


HaKe ::
A ja zdej ne vem ce sm dubu ut linza odziv k sm ga pingu (nimam pojma kak oziv mislis d more bit
), napisal mi ja pa tole:
Ping statistics for
Packets: sent=4, recived=0, lost=4 (100% lost)
Evo tak...

Ping statistics for
Packets: sent=4, recived=0, lost=4 (100% lost)
Evo tak...

D3lux3 ::
No uglawnem jest sem si ustvaru tunel na x26 al neki tazga poslav za i line in glih kar preljel da imam odobrjeno. Sam zdej se je pojavil problem :
Med cakanjem na i line mi je potekel tunel in use skupaj je na drug ipv6 naslov kajti potekli tunel sem ze zbrisal, vas sprasujem ce vete kasne so moznosti da mi ni treba zaporsit se enrkat za i line oz. ce ze moram lahko na isti mejl ?
Med cakanjem na i line mi je potekel tunel in use skupaj je na drug ipv6 naslov kajti potekli tunel sem ze zbrisal, vas sprasujem ce vete kasne so moznosti da mi ni treba zaporsit se enrkat za i line oz. ce ze moram lahko na isti mejl ?

BigWhale ::
Tole me je ze nekaj casa praskal... .... ampak tapravi geeki ne nucajo dve strani postov na slo-techu, da ipv6 ustimajo...

Bug ::
Sydk: meni je pisalo time requested out dokler nisem izklopil firewalla od tedaj dalje pa deluje normalno... vendar bi rad vseeno imel firewall enablan..tako, da bom poiskal to moznost..
Ko zazenem skripto mi napise sledece:
Installing IPv6
Setting up Routing Table and IPv6 Tunnel
Testing Tunnel
Tracing route to [2001:200:0:8002:203:47ff:fea5:3085]
from 2001:c20:ffff:2b::5cf over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 435 ms 413 ms 413 ms 2001:c20:ffff:2b::5ce
2 413 ms 426 ms 422 ms 2001:c20:ffff:2a::1
3 423 ms 424 ms 412 ms 2001:c20:ffff:2::2
4 487 ms 490 ms 492 ms 3ffe:3600::1:36
5 752 ms 749 ms 755 ms 2001:230:e:fff3::2
6 716 ms * 710 ms [2001:278:0:2082
7 710 ms 713 ms 714 ms [2001:278:0:2081
8 706 ms 704 ms 708 ms [2001:200:0:1800::9c4
9 711 ms 707 ms 706 ms [2001:200:0:1802
10 706 ms 706 ms 707 ms [2001:200:0:1c04::1000:
Sydk: meni je pisalo time requested out dokler nisem izklopil firewalla od tedaj dalje pa deluje normalno... vendar bi rad vseeno imel firewall enablan..tako, da bom poiskal to moznost..
Ko zazenem skripto mi napise sledece:
Installing IPv6
Setting up Routing Table and IPv6 Tunnel
Testing Tunnel
Tracing route to [2001:200:0:8002:203:47ff:fea5:3085]
from 2001:c20:ffff:2b::5cf over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 435 ms 413 ms 413 ms 2001:c20:ffff:2b::5ce
2 413 ms 426 ms 422 ms 2001:c20:ffff:2a::1
3 423 ms 424 ms 412 ms 2001:c20:ffff:2::2
4 487 ms 490 ms 492 ms 3ffe:3600::1:36
5 752 ms 749 ms 755 ms 2001:230:e:fff3::2
6 716 ms * 710 ms [2001:278:0:2082
7 710 ms 713 ms 714 ms [2001:278:0:2081
8 706 ms 704 ms 708 ms [2001:200:0:1800::9c4
9 711 ms 707 ms 706 ms [2001:200:0:1802
10 706 ms 706 ms 707 ms [2001:200:0:1c04::1000:

Gwanaroth ::
Pa zakaj delate tunele na btexact ? Ko pa 1. vam da samo 1 IP, 2. IMHO zelo nestabilen in 3. v casu ko sem jst testiral btexact, so meli 90% casa tezave z routingom.
Tako da priporocam XS26.
Ce uporabljas XS26 kot tunnel provider, ti dodeli celotno zono /48 in imas ogromno IPjev na voljo, tako da si lahko na vsakega nastimas svoj reverz.. seveda pa rabis vnos v DNS server, ki podpira AAAA type vnose, ter seveda iz moras potem pointat na taisti DNS streznik kjer te vnose vnasas.
Tako da priporocam XS26.
KAj bi lahko kdo razložo kak si potem ko že maš ipv6 naret spremeniš host?
Ce uporabljas XS26 kot tunnel provider, ti dodeli celotno zono /48 in imas ogromno IPjev na voljo, tako da si lahko na vsakega nastimas svoj reverz.. seveda pa rabis vnos v DNS server, ki podpira AAAA type vnose, ter seveda iz moras potem pointat na taisti DNS streznik kjer te vnose vnasas.
Lights often keep secret hypnosis..
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Gwanaroth ()

Bug ::
Lahko prosim das en primer?
Ce uporabljas XS26 kot tunnel provider, ti dodeli celotno zono /48 in imas ogromno IPjev na voljo, tako da si lahko na vsakega nastimas svoj reverz.. seveda pa rabis vnos v DNS server, ki podpira AAAA type vnose, ter seveda iz moras potem pointat na taisti DNS streznik kjer te vnose vnasas.
Lahko prosim das en primer?


Jeebs ::
Kaj moram na Linzovi registracijski strani vpisat pod IPv6-Range? Hvala!
Press any key to continue... RESET. Didn't you say ANY key?!?!?!

Jeebs ::
Se opravičujem, nism opazu, da imam na tisti strani navodila.
Am... Kako se skonfigurira tisto tspc.conf datoteko?

Am... Kako se skonfigurira tisto tspc.conf datoteko?

Press any key to continue... RESET. Didn't you say ANY key?!?!?!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Jeebs ()

Jeebs ::
Po nasvetu Gwanaroth-a (model 1000x ti hvala car si, pa dolžn sm ti gajbo pira!) sm pustu tisto zadevščino prej in šel na novo nastavit prek ponudnika. Ampak stvar mi še vedno ne deluje kot bi morala.
Po nasvetu Gwanarotha sem pingal, pa imam 100% packet loss. Ima kdo kako idejo? Je možno, da Internet Security 2004 PRO kako blokira promet? Poizkusil sem z ugasnjenim, pa je stvar ista. Kaka ideja? Lahko tud postam najin log če je treba.
P.S.: Sem na Symantec poslal vprašanje, če IS2004PRO blokira IPv6 promet. Čakam na odgovor.

P.S.: Sem na Symantec poslal vprašanje, če IS2004PRO blokira IPv6 promet. Čakam na odgovor.
Press any key to continue... RESET. Didn't you say ANY key?!?!?!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Jeebs ()

Jeebs ::
Oh ja, od Symanteca sem dobil popolnoma neuporaben odgovor, ampak bom danes, ko pridem domov poskusil še nekaj stvari. No ja, mogoče sem tudi narobe zastavil vprašanje.
Komentarji dobrodošli... Aja, pa drgač mi ni Mujo ime seveda.
Hello Mujo,
Thank you for contacting Symantec Online Technical Support.
In your message, you wrote:
> I can't access (ping) IPv6 sites (addresses). Does IS2004PRO block (control)
IPv6 traffic and how to configure it correctly if it does?
Mujo, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. This issue
can happen when the scripts, ActiveX controls, Java applets, referral
information, or advertisements is being blocked by Norton Internet Security
(NIS). I suggest that you create a Web rule in NIS and see if the issue still
1. Start NIS.
2. Click Ad Blocking, then click the yellow Configure button.
3. The Ad Blocking window appears.
4. Click Advanced. The Advanced Web Contents Options dialog box appears.
5. Click "Add Site."
6. Type the URL for the web site that contains that web page.
For example: may be the web site that contains the page
7. Click OK. This step adds an entry to list for that web site. Note that if the
web site was already listed, this action does not add another entry.
8. In the left frame, click the name of that Web site.
9. In the right frame, select Global Settings tab.
10. Make sure that the Permit radio button is selected in all the sections.
11. Click on the User Settings tab.
12. Uncheck all the CheckBoxes.
13. Select Permit radio button under the sections- Cookies, JavaApplets, ActiveX
Controls and Pop-up Ads.
14. Click on OK.
If you still continue to face difficulties, then please reply to this message
with the Event logs; we will be in a better position to troubleshoot this for
you. Please follow the steps provided below to clear and view the event log:
1. Clear log entries.
2. Recreate the situation.
3. View log files to identify the offending rule.
To clear the log file entries, follow the steps below:
1. Open Norton Internet Security.
2. Click Statistics.
3. Click View Logs. In the Log click on Internet Security to highlight it
4. Click Log tab at the top and select 'Clear all Categories'.
5. Click 'Yes' to the Dialog box.
Recreate the situation.
To view event log files:
1. Open Norton Internet Security.
2. Click Statistics.
3. Click View Logs. In the Log Viewer, select the log that you want to review.
4. Examine the log under all the parameters like Firewall, Connection and etc to
see which rule is blocking the connection.
5. When you are done, click another log or click OK to close the Log Viewer.
Note: Please export log files to a text file and then send the files to us as an
For information on how to export log files to a text, please refer to the
article provided below:
Title: 'How to export log files to a text file in Norton Internet Security or
Norton Personal Firewall'
Document ID: 2002091711361836
> Web URL:
Please let us know if we can provide any further assistance.
Ramesh Kumar
Symantec Authorized Technical Support

Hello Mujo,
Thank you for contacting Symantec Online Technical Support.
In your message, you wrote:
> I can't access (ping) IPv6 sites (addresses). Does IS2004PRO block (control)
IPv6 traffic and how to configure it correctly if it does?
Mujo, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. This issue
can happen when the scripts, ActiveX controls, Java applets, referral
information, or advertisements is being blocked by Norton Internet Security
(NIS). I suggest that you create a Web rule in NIS and see if the issue still
1. Start NIS.
2. Click Ad Blocking, then click the yellow Configure button.
3. The Ad Blocking window appears.
4. Click Advanced. The Advanced Web Contents Options dialog box appears.
5. Click "Add Site."
6. Type the URL for the web site that contains that web page.
For example: may be the web site that contains the page
7. Click OK. This step adds an entry to list for that web site. Note that if the
web site was already listed, this action does not add another entry.
8. In the left frame, click the name of that Web site.
9. In the right frame, select Global Settings tab.
10. Make sure that the Permit radio button is selected in all the sections.
11. Click on the User Settings tab.
12. Uncheck all the CheckBoxes.
13. Select Permit radio button under the sections- Cookies, JavaApplets, ActiveX
Controls and Pop-up Ads.
14. Click on OK.
If you still continue to face difficulties, then please reply to this message
with the Event logs; we will be in a better position to troubleshoot this for
you. Please follow the steps provided below to clear and view the event log:
1. Clear log entries.
2. Recreate the situation.
3. View log files to identify the offending rule.
To clear the log file entries, follow the steps below:
1. Open Norton Internet Security.
2. Click Statistics.
3. Click View Logs. In the Log click on Internet Security to highlight it
4. Click Log tab at the top and select 'Clear all Categories'.
5. Click 'Yes' to the Dialog box.
Recreate the situation.
To view event log files:
1. Open Norton Internet Security.
2. Click Statistics.
3. Click View Logs. In the Log Viewer, select the log that you want to review.
4. Examine the log under all the parameters like Firewall, Connection and etc to
see which rule is blocking the connection.
5. When you are done, click another log or click OK to close the Log Viewer.
Note: Please export log files to a text file and then send the files to us as an
For information on how to export log files to a text, please refer to the
article provided below:
Title: 'How to export log files to a text file in Norton Internet Security or
Norton Personal Firewall'
Document ID: 2002091711361836
> Web URL:
Please let us know if we can provide any further assistance.
Ramesh Kumar
Symantec Authorized Technical Support
Press any key to continue... RESET. Didn't you say ANY key?!?!?!

Jeebs ::
Jst bi bil bolj zadovoljen z Ja al pa Ne, ker mi še zdej ni jasno al NIS blokira IPv6 al ne.

Press any key to continue... RESET. Didn't you say ANY key?!?!?!

pingec ::
a pozna kdo se ksen tunnel proviun od gwanarotha mi ne dela
Normalnost je povprečje nenormalnih ljudi.

largie ::
xs26 dela brezhibno. če ti pa ne dela, zamenjaj point of presence (PoP) in seveda ustrezno spremeni konfiguracijo na tvojem računalniku.

mlamat ::
... polej ime ... Ramesh Kumar ... normalno da so se potrudili če majo celo čredo IT-profijev na neki farmi v Indiji.

sequAn ::
Eno vprašanje: Še velja to, da za uporabo .ee serverjev na xs26 ne potrebuješ registracije? ty
Eno vprašanje: Še velja to, da za uporabo .ee serverjev na xs26 ne potrebuješ registracije? ty

SaXsIm ::
neki offtopic:
Nekdo je prej pripomnil, da so računalniki zato, da se učimo in forumi zato da si pomagamo. To je vse res, vendar, na internetu je že toliko raznih vodičev, mnogo jih je tudi v slovenščini, vendar nekateri ne morejo še na iti pogledat za vire... Eni smo glede tega bli bol k ne samouki. Google in manuali v angleščini in to je blo to. Tu pa tam še kakšno vprašanje na kanalih kot so #lugos, #ipv6 pa je bilo to to. Ne pa sedaj, ko ima vsak lamer ipv6, je frajer, mnogi spamajo preko ipv6, zaradi abusanja preko ipv6 se mnogokrat zgodi da je ddosan cel ipv6 provider (ker nima whois baze z ipjem uporabnika...). Nasploh pa, veliko ljudi ki ima ipv6, sploh nima pojma o obstoječem protokolu ipv4. In pol k kliknejo gumb start bnc u assboju (ki je podn...) pa ne dela, zato ker se jim ne da prebrati o tem kako se ga konfigurira, jokajo na forumih...
Za začetek bo dost če si preberete index stran
Da ne bo kdo pisal tako kot v temi ipv6 irc serverji klik, da je ipv6 potreben če hočeš met server pa bncje... Al pa zato da ne bo noben njegovga ipja vedu. server bi pa laufu na win98...
Če pa že hočete uporabljati ipv6, najbolje da uporabite xs26 tunnel broker xs26 Imajo nekako najnižje pinge... In pa seveda sixxs ipv6, ki ima celo slovenski POP pri Amisu. So no.1 pri tbjih, samo treba je navesti mnogo resničnih podatkov, pa še poseben sistem bonificiranja imajo.
btw: A ve kdo kaj o tem, če amis nudi/ima namen nuditi native ipv6?
Nekdo je prej pripomnil, da so računalniki zato, da se učimo in forumi zato da si pomagamo. To je vse res, vendar, na internetu je že toliko raznih vodičev, mnogo jih je tudi v slovenščini, vendar nekateri ne morejo še na iti pogledat za vire... Eni smo glede tega bli bol k ne samouki. Google in manuali v angleščini in to je blo to. Tu pa tam še kakšno vprašanje na kanalih kot so #lugos, #ipv6 pa je bilo to to. Ne pa sedaj, ko ima vsak lamer ipv6, je frajer, mnogi spamajo preko ipv6, zaradi abusanja preko ipv6 se mnogokrat zgodi da je ddosan cel ipv6 provider (ker nima whois baze z ipjem uporabnika...). Nasploh pa, veliko ljudi ki ima ipv6, sploh nima pojma o obstoječem protokolu ipv4. In pol k kliknejo gumb start bnc u assboju (ki je podn...) pa ne dela, zato ker se jim ne da prebrati o tem kako se ga konfigurira, jokajo na forumih...

Da ne bo kdo pisal tako kot v temi ipv6 irc serverji klik, da je ipv6 potreben če hočeš met server pa bncje... Al pa zato da ne bo noben njegovga ipja vedu. server bi pa laufu na win98...

Če pa že hočete uporabljati ipv6, najbolje da uporabite xs26 tunnel broker xs26 Imajo nekako najnižje pinge... In pa seveda sixxs ipv6, ki ima celo slovenski POP pri Amisu. So no.1 pri tbjih, samo treba je navesti mnogo resničnih podatkov, pa še poseben sistem bonificiranja imajo.
btw: A ve kdo kaj o tem, če amis nudi/ima namen nuditi native ipv6?

Kami ::
@sequAn: Da, samo preberi si pravila (moraš čakat 14 dni po tem, ko si naredil tunel na xs26 da boš imel 'polni' i-line - ne restricted).
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