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MTU problem pri delovanju Klika

MTU problem pri delovanju Klika

BohVar ::

Teoretično bi težava bila v nastavitvah vrednosti MTU, ki je verjetno pri privzeti vrenosti 1500 za ethernet omrežja nastavljena previsoko8-O

kar pomeni:
Default MTU Size for Different Network Topology
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This article was previously published under Q140375
For a Microsoft Windows XP version of this article, see 314496 SUMMARY
MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit) specifies the maximum transmission unit size of an interface. Each interface used by TCP/IP may have a different MTU value specified. The MTU is usually determined through negotiation with the lower driver, using that lower driver value. However, that value may be overridden.
Each media type has a maximum frame size that cannot be exceeded. The link layer is responsible for discovering this MTU and reporting it to the protocols above. NDIS drivers may be queried for the local MTU by the protocol stack. Knowledge of the MTU for an interface is used by upper layer protocols such as TCP, which optimizes packet sizes for each medium automatically.

If a network interface card (NIC) driver such as an ATM driver uses LAN emulation mode, it may report that it has an MTU higher than what is expected for that media type. For instance, it may emulate Ethernet but report an MTU of 9180 bytes. Windows accepts and uses the MTU size reported by the adapter even when it exceeds the normal MTU for a given media type.

Below is a list of Default MTU size for different media.

Network MTU(Bytes)
16 Mbit/Sec Token Ring 17914
4 Mbits/Sec Token Ring 4464
FDDI 4352
Ethernet 1500
IEEE 802.3/802.2 1492
X.25 576

Ali ima še kdo kakšno idejo, oz. se srečuje z podobnimi problemi????

Bakunin ::

nauk zgodbe:


na dolgo:
ce nekdo blokira ICMP oz. ICMP sporocilo "Fragmentation Needed but the Don't Fragment Bit was set", potem je to problem NJIHOVEGA "pozarnega" zidu.
Blame their "security through obscurity" admins.

Morda niso prebrali domacega branja.

A host must reduce his estimated PMTU for the relevant path when he receives
the ICMP "Fragmentation Needed and the DF bit was set" error message. RFC
1191 does not outline a specific behavior that is expected from the sending
host, because different applications may have different requirements, and
different implementation architectures may favor different strategies.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Bakunin ()

BohVar ::

Če prov razumem je to problem na strani NLBja, odnosno njihovega požarnega zidu, se pravi, da so oni BLOKIRALI CELOTNI (ali pa le neprimeren del, za delovanje Klika) ICMP PROMETA NA POŽARNEM ZIDU???

BohVar ::

Ali pa je možno tudi, da so uporabniki zaradi MyDoom-a rigorozno omejili svoje firewalle do minimuma, in s tem blokirali svoj celoten oz. del ICMP prometa, ki je potreben za izmenjavo podatkov z (delovanje Klika) HTTPS stranmi Klika?? :O :O :O

Bakunin ::

ce ti dela https na ostale strani, na Klap pa ne, potem je problem.......KJE?

Problem je tudi, ker je helldesk na NLB se hujsi kot tisti na Sioffu.:D

switch banks

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Zakaj mi ne odpre samo ene določene strani?

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