» »

115 k

115 k

Huey P ::

Zanima me ali ve kdo kaj o tem analognem modemu, ki naj bi imel hitrost 115 k. Zanima me predvsem kolko stane, kdaj se ga bo dalo kupit...
Pa še to; Ker SiOL zaračuna dublo pri 128 k me zanima ali bo pri 115 k isto???

..::DOOM III: The Legacy::..

whatson ::

Huey: meni se 33.600 - 56k poveže, ti maš pa vupanje na 115? :D

Čas včlanitve v Slo-Tech - 6. nov 2000 ob 20:39

Huey P ::

Misliš povedati, da se ti 56k modem poveže z 33 k???

Ja man vupanje!
..::DOOM III: The Legacy::..


Podjetje MaxSpeed je izdalo nmodem, ki naj bi dosegel po analogni liniji 112kbps. Sicer smo pri analogni liniji omejeni na polovico te vrednosti (kakovost linije sux). Vendar pa moramo imeti za dosego te hitrosi dve linije, kar znese možnih 112kbps. Sam modem ima vgrajena dva 56 kbps modema, ki jih potem posebna programska oprama prebudi v življenje. Seveda moramo zato biti naročeni na dve analogni liniji, kar je pa še vedno ceneje kot pri isdn-ju. Samo nas potem impulzi pridejo 2x toliko.
Programska oprama tudi omogoča, da eno linijo sprostimo za pogovore, pri čemer pade prenos za polovico ampak linija pa se ne prekine.
Ali bo stvar zaživela bomo pa videli. Je pa alternativa isdn-ju, samo drugi priključek nas stane več.
Go with the flow.

A.L.T. ::

Igor, js mam 56k motorolo in mi se poveže največ z 19200! ;(( Imam vse naštimano k je treba, tak da je to telekom in siol kriv!:OHuey P, ki si ti vidu kj o tem modemi? Js še nism nč ču o 115k, edino ka V92 standard, druzga pa nč.... Ampak glede na linije ki so po sloveniji neverjamem da bi se ta modem lahko povezu z več kot 70.000bps.;(
Don't worry about life; you're not going to survive it anyway.

Huey P ::

Če je modem 56k ne pomeni, da se bo povetal z 56k, namreč "le" z 33.3k. Modem pošilja IN prejema podatke zato jih prejema (pri 56k modemu) z 33.3k in pošilja z 23k!
A.L.T. ;
Vsi 56k modemi ne delujejo kot na škatli piše. Najblojši so 3Com oz. USRobotics.
Glede tistega z 112k analognim modemom;
Jaz p sem mislil, da na eni liniji doseže 112k! Mislim, da se ne splača plačevati dveh linij (duplo)!
..::DOOM III: The Legacy::..


Huey: ta možnost pride prav tam, kjer ne moreš dobi isdnja al pa kaj drugega. Res je, da prideta dve liniji več. Naročnina mal več kot 2 jurja in pol še impulzi. Samo nekaj me tukaj zanima. Če bi imel recimo arnes in če bi hotel , da se povežeš z obema linijama gor. A bi to sploh šlo. Ker Bi bil istočasno na istem uporabniškem imenu dvakrat. A bi to pomenilo, da bi moral imeti drugo naročnino drugje.
Ali isto za siol. A bi moral imeti 2 naročniška paketa?
Kar stvar dodatno podraži zelo veliko.
Go with the flow.

gkovac ::

Whatson... upam da ti bo tole kej pomagalo... men je in sicer sem pridobil priblizno 10.000 BPS :)

A) Faster Modem Dialing
Waiting to long for your modem to dial? This tip lets you reduce the time it takes your modem to dial, and increase your overall modem connection speed.

Open Control Panel -> Modems, select your modem and click on Properties. Select the Connection tab, and click on 'Advanced'.

In the text box that is labeled 'Extra Settings' at the following text (without the quotation marks) 'S11=40'.

The number specified after S11= (in this case 40) is the time for each tone in milliseconds. Lower numbers equals faster dialing. If your having problems connecting try increasing the number until it works.

Note: This may not work as planned in some countries and with some modems.

B) Optimizing Dial-Up Modem Connection Speed

By optimizing the MaxMTU & MaxMSS settings along with the RWIN and TTL settings you can increase dialup modem connection reliability and performance by as much as 200%.

What is the MTU and MSS?

MTU stands for Maximum Transmission Unit and in basic terms, it defines the maximum size of a packet that can be transferred in one frame over a network.

MSS or Maximum Segment Size defines how much actual data can put in that packet, and it is therefore a marginally smaller value than MTU to allow for packet addressing and other information.

Why do the default values need to be changed?

By default Windows hard codes the value of MTU to equal 1500 bytes. This value is adequate for normal LAN networking, but when your connecting to the Internet with a modem this value is too high. This can show itself in different ways, the most noticeable affect is less than peak performance.

By adjusting this value to more closely match the requirements of a modem Internet connection huge performance gains can be achieved.

Below are the instructions on how to modify these values for yourself. Please remember though, modifying the Windows registry is not for the faint hearted. Always remember to back it up first!

1. To change the settings you first have to find the details of your Dial-Up Adapter.

2. Find the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\Root\Net and within there will be one or more sub-keys such as 0000, 0001 ...

3. Open each key and find the one that contains the value of 'DeviceDesc' equal to 'Dial-Up Adapter'.

4. Within that key there will also be another sub-key named 'Bindings'. Open the 'Bindings' sub-key and you will find a string name like 'MSTCP\0000'. Take note of the four digit number after 'MSTCP' (in this case 0000) and use it in the next step.

5. Now go to the key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\Network\MSTCP' and expand the sub-key with the same four digit number as from the previous step.

6. In this key you will find a value called 'Driver' and it will be equal to something similar to 'NetTrans\0002'. Take note of this four digit number (in this case 0002) and use it in the next step.

7. Now open the key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\NetTrans] below there will be one or more sub-key's. Expand the key with the name equal to the four digit number from the previous step.

8. Within this key create a new string value named 'MaxMTU' and set it to '576', and also add a string value named 'MaxMSS' and set it to '536'.

9. Then exit the registry and restart your computer.

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."

Boky ::

Huey P 56k modem prejema z (odvisno od povezave ampak recimo da se povezes z 50666 kot se jaz ponavadi) cca 5.2KB/s KB posilja pa z cca 3.5 KB/s.
To sem tudi v praksi stestiral in ce je vse kot treba to v praksi tudi dosezes!

dexter ::


Jest mam centralo 100m zracne linije in se mi do 52k povezuje (klicem campus fri).Ene parkat je kazalo okoli 54k,zadnje cajte nic vec (???) Aja modem je pa cnet (rockwell cip softk56).
Pa se ena na USROb/3com; sosed ga ma pa se mu najvec konekta na 46k (99%) sprobano se pri meni ista stvar (isto campus fri).

Aja se en question?
Koliko vam je max. ratalo dl skozi modem ni vazno al ftp,www...katerikoli protokol/program.
Meni je ratalo dl 4mb v 7minutah na 52k povezavi. Je to dober,a?


Paramedic ::

dexter -> to si ziher neke vrste text dol vleku, ker se text med prenašanjem kompresira in hitreje zato prenaša. Piše 4MB, skompresiran pa ni tolko!
End transmission.

dexter ::


Jup,ripal web site,kompresiaj je prisla pri enih tud do 45%
(cca 12mb za 25min).Je bilo pa html doc pa pdf.

Ko bi vsaj vse tkole delal?


Spajky ::

Dexter, super! Ostalim pa:
Diamond s svojimi Suprami je ze zdavnaj mel to foro z dvemi
modemi = ShotGun Technology, in so prilagali nekaterim modemom
tudi pripadajoci program za ta trik (mora ga ISP podpirat!) 8-)

glavic ::

usr 36.6 flashan na 56.6
winME: povezava na 115.000
win2k: pa 50.666
v hitrosti uploada in downloada ni razlike ...
Musselli bizi

Boky ::

V winME ti ne pokaze pravo povezavo. 115.000 je povezava med modemom in racunalnikom in ne med dvema modemoma.

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

VW Passat ter originalen avtoradio BETA

Oddelek: Na cesti
64868 (4698) Jst

Iščem ključ v registru

Oddelek: Omrežja in internet
91148 (1041) veteran

router dela na nekih url jih samo polovično

Oddelek: Pomoč in nasveti
151587 (1403) Medo_m

ISDN disconnect problemi

Oddelek: Pomoč in nasveti
81351 (1177) Hux

RA2 preko dveh modemov?!

Oddelek: Igre
101332 (1227) bastadu

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