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kaj je boljse dvd-r/dvd+r in pri tem dvd-rw/+rw

kaj je boljse dvd-r/dvd+r in pri tem dvd-rw/+rw

mahi ::

no saj je it naslova razvidno kaj me zanima? kateri format je boljsi, katere prednosti ima?

pa se to, na katere formate se kaj splaca pect (recimo divx filme, muziko, DVD filme)??

lp, hvala

WildTHink ::

Povzetek strani:
DVD stands for Digital Versatile/Video Disc, DVDR stands for DVD Recordable and DVDRW for DVD ReWriteable. If you're familiar with regular audio/music CDs or regular DVD-Video discs, then you will know what a recordable DVDR/W looks like. A recordable DVDR/W stores up to 2 hours of very good quality DVD-Video, including several audio tracks in formats like stereo, Dolby Digital or DTS and also advanced menu systems, subtitles and still pictures that can be played by many standalone DVD Players and most computer DVD-ROMs. If you choose to lower the video quality it is possible to store several hours video on a recordable DVDR/W using low bitrates and low resolution with video quality more like VHS, SVHS, SVCD, CVD or VCD. It is also possible to have up to 4.38* GB ordinary data or mix DVD-Video and data on a recordable DVD that can be played by most computer DVD-ROMs.
There are three competing DVD Recording standards, DVD-R/W and DVD+R/W have pretty similiar features and are compatible with many standalone DVD Players and most DVD-ROMs while DVD-RAM has less DVD Player and DVD-ROM compatibility but better recording features.

DVD-R/W was the first DVD recording format released that was compatible with standalone DVD Players.
DVD-R is a non-rewriteable format and it is compatible with about 92% of all DVD Players and most DVD-ROMs.
DVD-RW is a rewriteable format and it is compatible with about 76% of all DVD Players and most DVD-ROMs.
DVD-R/W supports single side 4.7 GB* DVDs(called DVD-5) and double side 9.4 GB* DVDs(called DVD-10).
These formats are supported by DVDForum.

DVD+R/W has some "better" features than DVD-R/W such as lossless linking and both CAV and CLV writing.
DVD+R is a non-rewritable format and it is compatible with about 87% of all DVD Players and most DVD-ROMs.
DVD+RW is a rewritable format and is compatible with about 76% of all DVD Players and most DVD-ROMs.
DVD+R/W supports single side 4.7 GB* DVDs(called DVD-5) and double side 9.4 GB* DVDs(called DVD-10).
These formats are supported by the DVD+RW Alliance.

DVD-5 is a single sided single layer DVD that stores up to about 4.7 GB = 4 700 000 000 bytes and that is 4.38 computer GigaBytes where 1 kilobyte is 1024 bytes(4 700 000 000B/1024 = about 4 589 843KB/1024 = about 4485MB/1024 = about 4.38GB) . Video DVD, DVD-R/W and DVD+R/W supports this format. Often referred to as "single sided, single layer".

DVD-10 is a double sided single layer DVD which can fit up to 9.4 GB or 8.7 computer GB. Video DVD, DVD-R/W and DVD+R/W supports this format.

Jest osebno nism opazu razlike med DVD+/-R razn pri DVD+-RW je razlika v ceni.

Tuki je še par linkov na strani prvi in drugi.
So... are you red or blue?

mojpc ::

baje dvd+r lahko ko je prvi film zapecen lahko nadaljujes
glede dvd -r pa baje ko posnames en movie je pol konc z nadaljevanjem !
ce to ne drzi potem sm dobil napacne info!
lp Dule

mte ::

mojpc ne bo držalo. seveda je pa to odvisno od programa s katerim pečeš oz. z nastavitvami.

mahi ::

ma pri dvd-+rw pa je neka taka fora.

mojpc ::

ja pol bo to to pri dvd+rw lahk peces postopoma pr dvd-rw pa ne!!!
mahi hvala 8-)
lp Dule

krneki ::

DVD-RW podpira multisession.

Vredno ogleda ...

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DVD-R mediji

Oddelek: Pomoč in nasveti
131371 (1109) fulgur

NEC LabelFlash

Oddelek: Novice / Optične enote / mediji
496436 (3858) r0b3rt

Problem pri branje DVD-RW!!! Help..

Oddelek: Strojna oprema
122047 (1896) Quikee

Prvi DVD zapisovalnik, ki je cenejši od 100$

Oddelek: Novice / Optične enote / mediji
122704 (2704) freejack

dvd filmi

Oddelek: Zvok in slika
61427 (1349) Tr0n

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