Forum » Programska oprema » [VLC] Ali obstaja addon za "sploščatenje" min-max zvoka?
[VLC] Ali obstaja addon za "sploščatenje" min-max zvoka?
HotBurek ::
Dobro jutro.
Evo, sledeča zadeva.
Opazil sem, da zadnjih 10~20 let zvok v filmih zelo "skače". Se pravi, ko se dva pogovarjate, je zvok na nekem normalnem nivoju, ko pa se šicajo, pa zvok skoči na x3. In to me moti. In potem stalno devam bolj naglas, kadar se pogovarjajo, in bolj potiho, ko se šicajo. Kar je moteče.
Ali obstaja kak addon za VLC, ki bi output zvoka bolj sploščatil? Se pravi, da med zvokom pogovora in zvokom šicanja ne bi bilo tako velike razlike.
Evo, sledeča zadeva.
Opazil sem, da zadnjih 10~20 let zvok v filmih zelo "skače". Se pravi, ko se dva pogovarjate, je zvok na nekem normalnem nivoju, ko pa se šicajo, pa zvok skoči na x3. In to me moti. In potem stalno devam bolj naglas, kadar se pogovarjajo, in bolj potiho, ko se šicajo. Kar je moteče.
Ali obstaja kak addon za VLC, ki bi output zvoka bolj sploščatil? Se pravi, da med zvokom pogovora in zvokom šicanja ne bi bilo tako velike razlike.
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window
HotBurek ::
Evo, našel.
Are you constantly adjusting the volume in movies? Music, explosions, gunshots, etc. too loud? Conversations too quiet? If this is your problem, read on. I am combining information found in multiple threads for convenience.
Navigate to Tools>Preferences. Select Audio. Check the "Normalize volume to:" box and set the value to 1.6
Now switch to Advanced view by selecting "All" in the "Show Settings" box at the bottom left
Expand "Audio" and highlight "Filters". Check the "Volume Normalizer" box. You should see "normvol" added to the text box at the bottom
Expand "Filters" and highlight "Volume Normalizer". Set "Number of audio buffers" to 10 and "Maximal volume level" to 1.6
Hit the "Save" button at the bottom
Restart VLC, as settings are not applied until restart. As I did this in increments, you may have to apply one step, save, and restart VLC between for menu options to be present. I haven't tested applying all settings at once, but I believe you can do this all at once.
Double-check all settings are correct after VLC is restarted.
I hope this helps.
In to so pogruntal že leta 2011. Dbest.
Are you constantly adjusting the volume in movies? Music, explosions, gunshots, etc. too loud? Conversations too quiet? If this is your problem, read on. I am combining information found in multiple threads for convenience.
Navigate to Tools>Preferences. Select Audio. Check the "Normalize volume to:" box and set the value to 1.6
Now switch to Advanced view by selecting "All" in the "Show Settings" box at the bottom left
Expand "Audio" and highlight "Filters". Check the "Volume Normalizer" box. You should see "normvol" added to the text box at the bottom
Expand "Filters" and highlight "Volume Normalizer". Set "Number of audio buffers" to 10 and "Maximal volume level" to 1.6
Hit the "Save" button at the bottom
Restart VLC, as settings are not applied until restart. As I did this in increments, you may have to apply one step, save, and restart VLC between for menu options to be present. I haven't tested applying all settings at once, but I believe you can do this all at once.
Double-check all settings are correct after VLC is restarted.
I hope this helps.
In to so pogruntal že leta 2011. Dbest.
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window
DamijanD ::
Vir za ta problem je lahko tudi slab down mix iz 5+ kanalov v stereo (dialog je večinoma na center kanalu)
Kurzweil ::
Tole je precej useful ja... nekoč sem imel isti problem, pa mislim, da sem celo tudi pisal tukaj na ST... takrat sem inštaliral neko simple zadevo, ki je overall balansirala zvok v sistemu Windows... se ne spomnim več kako se je temu reklo, vem pa, da si lahko recimo nastavil, da recimo med 22:00 in 6:00 volume v nobenem primeru ne gre čez xx, da sploh v nobenem primeru ne gre čez xx, oz. ko si hotel ballanced zadevo, to je stvar porezalo pri neki glasnosti, kar pomeni, da je normalen volume postal, on pretiran pa je bil porezan...
Jaz sicer ne gledam skoraj nič akcijskih filmov, kjer je tega največ, vem pa da je zelo moteče... isto kot ti med reklamami udari 5x volume...
Je pa v modern times problem tudi to, ko je volume za razne FB in IG storyje za mobilne naprave navit do kraja... včasih ko daš pa na PCju nekaj predvajat z zvokom pa je katastrofa...
Jaz sicer ne gledam skoraj nič akcijskih filmov, kjer je tega največ, vem pa da je zelo moteče... isto kot ti med reklamami udari 5x volume...
Je pa v modern times problem tudi to, ko je volume za razne FB in IG storyje za mobilne naprave navit do kraja... včasih ko daš pa na PCju nekaj predvajat z zvokom pa je katastrofa...
Hitri ::
Če opisani postopek v VLC ne zadostuje oziroma za reševanje tovrstnih težav v drugih programih poizkusite s kompresorjem (efektom) - ideja je v tem, da od neke točke vhodne glasnosti (threshold) dalje izhodna glasnost narašča počasneje (to se določi z razmerjem, npr. 4:1), v končni fazi imaš pa potem znižano dinamiko.