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Kill Bill (Ubila bom Billa)

Kill Bill (Ubila bom Billa)


Gagatronix ::

Meni je vsec tisti hakeljc z narocanjem piva. :))

Vazelin ::

Ma jaz se samo sprašujem od kje tarantinu te domislice ko je vsaka sekunda filma premišljena in izkoriščena:D ne bi 2x rekel da res rabi ene 3 leta kjer dela par ur dnevno samo na tekočem filmu:D

Aqua: daj poglej sceno basterds beer na youtube in porocaj;) desetica
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Vazelin ()

Gagatronix ::

Jah, clovek je filmski genij, ce mene vprasas. :)

Vazelin ::

Kok je to vrhunsko
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

FTad ::

Ta je tud huda verzija:

Gagatronix ::

Hehe, to je ze 15 let nazaj delalo runde, ja. Samo v slabsi kvaliteti. :))

Vazelin ::

Osebno ena boljših scen v Kill Bill. Hud tekst, dober acting.

Take a hit. Be somebody baby 0:45 :))
The hat. That fucking hat 3:02:D
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Vazelin ()

oo7 ::

Men je pa ta scena najboljša :)

Vazelin ::

haha ker dialog

Larry Gomez:
The hat. That f***ing hat. How many times did I tell you not to wear that f***ing hat?

Customers wear hats.8-)

Larry Gomez:
I'm not the boss of the customers, but I'm the boss of you, and I'm telling you to keep that shit kicker hat at home.;(

I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Vazelin ()

oo7 ::

Kill Bill 3 ? :P

Tarantino Says 'Kill Bill Vol. 3' Is 'Definitely in the Cards' but Would Be Years Away
"I have an idea now that could be interesting," Tarantino tells Andy Cohen about a third installment of his beloved "Kill Bill" franchise.


FTad ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Kill Bill 3 ? :P

Tarantino Says 'Kill Bill Vol. 3' Is 'Definitely in the Cards' but Would Be Years Away
"I have an idea now that could be interesting," Tarantino tells Andy Cohen about a third installment of his beloved "Kill Bill" franchise.


Nisem si mislil, da bi bil Tarantino oseba, ki bi molzla fransizo. Kill Bill 2 je imel lepo zakljuceno zgodbo in lahko tako ostane.

hojnikb ::

Glede na meh, ki je bil Once upon.... bi mogu bit KB3 dost hud

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