Forum » Operacijski sistemi » WIN XP tweaks
WIN XP tweaks
boštjan ::
Dajmo napisat nekaj tweakov za XP,s katerimi malce pospešimo bootanje ali druge aplikacije. evo jaz sem danes malo po priljubljeni šaro in naletel na naslednji tweak,ki kar fajn pospeši zagon XP:
Windows Prefetcher
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters]
Under this key there is a setting called EnablePrefetcher, the default setting of which is 3. Increasing this number to 5 gives the prefetcher system more system resources to prefetch application data for faster load times. Depending on the number of boot processes you run on your computer, you may get benefits from settings up to 9. However, I do not have any substantive research data on settings above 5 so I cannot verify the benefits of a higher setting. This setting also may effect the loading times of your most frequently launched applications. This setting will not take effect until after you reboot your system.
Windows Prefetcher
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters]
Under this key there is a setting called EnablePrefetcher, the default setting of which is 3. Increasing this number to 5 gives the prefetcher system more system resources to prefetch application data for faster load times. Depending on the number of boot processes you run on your computer, you may get benefits from settings up to 9. However, I do not have any substantive research data on settings above 5 so I cannot verify the benefits of a higher setting. This setting also may effect the loading times of your most frequently launched applications. This setting will not take effect until after you reboot your system.
- spremenil: boštjan ()
boštjan ::
naštimano mam na 5 in pozna se zelo dosti,skoraj da ne vidim več ekrana kjer črtice letijo.
Hux ::
Jaz ne upazim dobene razlike. Mogoce pa zato ker je ze prej delalo precej hitro nad naravnimi sposobnostmi nemodificiranega winXPja?
Uporablam pa eno verzijo ki atuoaticno vgrade ze par koristnih programov in tweakov on namestitvi sistema
Uporablam pa eno verzijo ki atuoaticno vgrade ze par koristnih programov in tweakov on namestitvi sistema
Slowenc ::
In kje je to v win2k? Če se sploh da kej ukrent glede tega? Se mi blazno dolg bootajo winsi.
Skiny gate.
boštjan ::
probaj če je enaka pot.samo pri meni pride do nestabilnosti če nastavim tole na 5,tako da sem raje na 3 dal nazaj.
iration ::
Tudi jaz bi imel kakšno pravico rad v življenju. Npr. pravico do tega, da delam
12 ur na dan in sem za to nagrajen s strani delujočega ekonomskega prostora, ne
pa kaznovan s strani Salmoneličevih gremlinov. - NavadniNimda
12 ur na dan in sem za to nagrajen s strani delujočega ekonomskega prostora, ne
pa kaznovan s strani Salmoneličevih gremlinov. - NavadniNimda
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: iration ()
boštjan ::
vgašanje monitorja ob laufanju 3dmark2003 in 2001SE,metanje ven iz igerc.res da sem mel grafo navito na 284/284,a ko sem dal ta prefetcher nazaj na 3 je spet vse delalo OK.Tak da raje malo dlje počakam da se Xp bootajo,kot pa da me iz igerc ven meče.
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