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težave z noron ghostom

težave z noron ghostom

iro ::

Probleme imam z kloniranim diskom ko pač prvi disk odklopim ,dam drugega na master mi pri zagonu javi da nemore bootat z diska v čem je problem

Daedalus ::

Probaj takole - novi disk priklopi kot master, starega (kerga image češ dat na novega ) kot slave, pol pa z ghost disketo kloniraj in bi moglo delat.
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.

asskicker ::

Problem je verjetno v tem, da particija s polkni ni aktivna. Zbutaj z diskete kakšen Partition Magic in particijo s polkni na novem disku aktivitraj (set active). Potem bo zbutal tudi z novega diska. Pozdrav!8-)
Heaven is on the next door!

iro ::

sem naredu kot si rekel dal novi disk na master in active pa mi napiše da ni nekaj vredu t ARC??
to sam našel v pomoči za kaj se gre?
Displays a mapping of drive letters to physical device names. This information is useful when you run the fixboot and fixmbr commands. The map command is only available when you are using the Recovery Console.

Map [arc]



Instructs the map command to display Advanced RISC Computing (ARC) device names instead of device names. An example of an ARC device name is:


The equivalent device name is:



The following example maps the physical device names to the drive letters using ARC device names:

map arc


If you do not use the arc parameter, the map command displays device names.
The map command also displays the type of file system and the size of each disk in megabytes (MB).

ToniT ::

Preberi to temo. Mogoče bo kaj pomagalo.

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